Was Sonic Heroes the last good 3D Sonic game?

Was Sonic Heroes the last good 3D Sonic game?
>no hub worlds
>no boost2win
>teamwork gimmick that doesn't suck
>shitty secondary characters are locked behind their respective storylines, no need to see them other than for one or two bossfights
>was on the PS2
>still looks good after 14 years

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Fuck yes. It was basically a Genesis Sonic in 3D. I never understood the hate for Heroes

More enemy variety and it would have been pretty great.

>>teamwork gimmick that doesn't suck
>>still looks good after 14 years
It didn't even look good back when it released.

No, sonic generations was the last good one. I aint saying that heroes are by any means bad tho

It’s definitely buggy as fuck and the homing system sucks but not a bad game, before they switched the voice actor to GRIFFITH

Being on PS2 is definitely not a positive for this one.

>great levels and bosses
>special stages make a comeback
>pretty much all gameplay from start to finish

It was missing the chao garden but other than that it's great.

How about less enemy variety and no mandatory combat in a Sonic game.

>was on the PS2

Seriously? That's a positive? Also ran the worst compared to the GameCube and Xbox versions.

>replaying the same levels 4 times with the same jank mechanics to get the real ending.

Awful game.

I don't know man. When I was a kid and this was the only thing I was going to play for months on end that was pretty great. Did all A Ranks too.

All I remember from this is that the special stages were buggy as fuck and you could easily beat the last boss by flying in a corner and spamming your attack.

>Sonic Heroes
>Buggy mess, constantly would fall through the floor if you moved to fast
>If you moved on loops, you were guaranteed to die
>Forget rails, touching any button is certain death
>Playing the same game 4 times
>The writers forgot that Tails and Knuckles could also go super

It's just an abhorrently unpolished game. Adventure 1 and 2 were great. Heroes started the decline, what with Shadow and 06. I fully blame Sega's fuckups on Heroes, Unironically.

No, it wasn't the worst. But it started the trend of every subsequent Sonic game being worse, starting with itself being worse than Sonic Adventure 2.

Dude Adventure 2 is worse than 1.

Why are hub worlds a bad thing?

If a Mario game doesn't have hub worlds people get pissed but apparently Sonic is the exact opposite

>Adventure 1 and 2 were great.
You lost me there.

>It's just an abhorrently unpolished game. Adventure 1 and 2 were great
the irony

it's literally not. in fact, as far as "buggy unpolished" messes go, Sonic Adventure 1 scores worse than Sonic Heroes.
the nerd you replied to is still retarded, though.

It wasn't though.

Granted it might have had a weirder standard of level design, like being unable to sense Master Emerald Shards out of order, or the mechs, but the game in total was a lot more polished.
Adventure 1 and 2 are the epitome of 3D Sonic gameplay. Prove me wrong.

No, it wasn't.

>Sonic Heroes

Loving every laugh

It's the game that got me off the Sanic bandwagon. Didn't play a Sanic game till Generations.

>Liked Heroes
>Calls it "Classic sonic in 3D"
>Plays the classic games
>Eats shit and sucks, and doesn't like them
This guy's opinion, whether or not I ultimately agree with him, is worthless.

It's not a Sonic game. Speed formation is completely useless if it's not at Level 3

>PS2 port was significantly inferior to the XBOX and Gamecube ports
>Levels for teams other than Team Rose can be +10 minutes long even in the early stages of the game
>You have to beat the game 4 times to get the last story segment
>Useless rocket accel
>Enemies with health bars that break the pace of the game
>Team vs. Team boss fights were an absolute joke
>Slippery controls

I agree that the game looks great and has a functional, unique gameplay mechanic, but it is FAR from the best Sonic game. I'd put Unleashed over this.

Sorry your beloved games aren't as good as you think they are.

you didn't even read the image you posted. kill yourself.

I like the hub worlds.
And the PS2 was the worst version.

That's not my point. He calls Heroes "Classic in 3D" but doesn't like Classic Games.

He's a mong.

>Because we're Sonic Heroes

I don't get this line. Why are they Sonic Heroes? Sounds pretty selfish inserting your name when it was a team based effort.

Everyone in this thread is a dumb fucking nigger. But yes, Heroes is great, arguably one of the greatest video games of all time when you go into it and play it how it should be played and with a proper mindset. The Rocket Accel is a great move btw. People bitching about it are too ugly and retarded to use it properly so they whine about it like the little dicksucking, cum guzzling losers that they are.

If it wasn't so goddamn slippery, it would have been the best 3d Sonic game.

It really is.

Sonic stages in SA1 and Speed stages in SA2 take up such a small fraction of the game that I can only replay them for 30 minutes before I get bored. But with Heroes, I can just replay Team Sonic and go through the entire game minus the Metal Sonic final boss since the other teams are just disguised difficulty settings.

It's the only game I can go back to and play start to finish while just having one core gameplay mechanic and not being interrupted by other bullshit I don't wanna play. Just like the Classic games.


Sonic Advance 1 and 2 were actually more slippery.
I'm not saying that makes Heroes any better. I'm just making sure you're aware of the reality of your criticism.

Kill yourself you piece of shit faggot. The way you drew over the other characters is the same way I cum all over your fat, crack whore mother's face you brain dead low IQ autistic fucking faggot.

I unironically like Shadow the Hedgehog more than this piece of crap. The gimmick was awkward and forced you to switch automatically at times, and enemies taking more than one hit was dumb (made sense in Shadow somewhat since there were guns).

Just watch this, Adventurebabby.




Every 3D sonic game has been shit. Completely uninspired compared to the classics

For all its shortcomings Shadow is legitimately a better game than Heroes. It has no gimmicks that are absolutely FORCED upon you whether you like it or not for the entire game.

>but guns
It's a third person shooter of course it has guns. Enemies are less of a chore to kill when you can shoot at them and don't have to homing attack into them in order to whittle away at their health bar. Unlike Heroes, which has four scenarios but with the same levels, Shadow has quite an impressive amount of replayability with 27 levles.

I haven't played the game in like a decade but wasn't the rocket accel just a spindash that you had to wait for the group to get together before using?

>>If you moved on loops, you were guaranteed to die
>>Forget rails, touching any button is certain death

>Adventure 2 was great


Basically. The fact that it's even being bitched about is inhumanely fucking stupid. It's a neat move.


>It has no gimmicks that are absolutely FORCED upon you
But it has one big one. One huge one. One so large that I'm baffled how you could have forget it: THE FUCKING AWFUL MISSION STRUCTURE.


Unleashed, Colours, and Generations are all better than Heroes, so no.

I think they are both nearly the same amount of quality with Shadow being slightly better.

Do you mean the "kill X enemies" thing? You don't even NEED to do that to finish the game IIRC since neutral just involves getting to the goal.

Meanwhile in Heroes I'm going fast as Sonic and then whoa I passed a FLY thing I HAVE to play as Tails for this section now I HAVE to play as Knuckles for this section, stopping the speed and ruining the pacing of the game

>Shadow has quite an impressive amount of replayability with 27 levles

Unfortunately it is not good enough to play even once.

>It has no gimmicks that are absolutely forced upon you
>Morality system that forces you to do collect-a-thon shit or find special items.

Also, what gimmicks did Shadow have that Heroes didn't besides the team formation? Chaotix's annoying collect-a-thon missions were carried over to Shadow and were made 10 times worse.

>Morality system that forces you to do collect-a-thon shit or find special items.
Most neutral missions just require you to get to the goal so no, that's an option you have as well.

No, you HAVE to do that if you want to finish the game. Only doing neutral will get you a non-canon ending out of 10 that you need to complete in order to beat the game.


I didn't have a problem completing half of the missions because the levels are linear enough that it doesn't require to actively search for enemies/collectibles to reach the goal.

Also your partners give you hints on where you need to go.

But you can't just stick to the neutral pathway if you want to get to the Last Story. You need all 10 endings. So like it or not, you're going to have to do some godawful missions at some point.

And if you don't like them and just want to stick to replaying the neutral path forever, then it's a fucking 30 minute game. Oh look at that, same problem as SA1 and SA2 and not Heroes.

>moving the goalposts to the true ending

There are some really fun hero missions, I like the one where you have to chase down that Black Arms ship and shoot it down.

It is worth while to download a completed save file of Shadow and only play the good missions, which again comprise half of the game.

Most neutral missions require you to get to the goal, but since that only makes about a third of the game's total mission count, and the fact that if you want to branch off to different pathways you have to do collect-a-thon shit for the hero or dark side.

>Most neutral missions just require you to get to the goal so no, that's an option you have as well.
I wasn't talking about neutral missions by themselves, I was talking about the game as a whole. If you want to beat it (and no, getting a non-canon ending does not count as beating it), you have to do the collect-a-thon shit for the hero and dark pathways to get the all 10 non-canon endings so you can unlock the canon last story that just tells you that you wasted your fucking time.

Progression sucks, but there is a great amount of worthwhile content in Shadow the Hedgehog.

Only one that's actually me, you fucking cur.

>and no, getting a non-canon ending does not count as beating it
But it does.

>Also your partners give you hints on where you need to go
They give you hints on where to go to progress through the level, but they don't give you hints on where to look for the shit that you need to find/destroy.

They occasionally do

I highly doubt that they actually give you directions to a certain item. Prove it.

Jesus fucking christ, reading this thread really makes me wonder what the fuck is the average Sup Forums user's fucking IQ is. 45? 50? Or is even that being too generous.

If beating 6 out of the 22 levels needed to actually get the true ending counts as beating the game, then I don't know what to tell you. That's like saying you beat SA2, but only did the Dark side story.


Mhm. Ow the Edge is kind of a guilty pleasure for me, but Heroes was the last 3D Sonic that could be called good, or at least decent