If XV was such a failure, then why is SE supporting it so much with so much content in previous months and perhaps far into the future?
Was Sup Forums....dare I say.../wrong/ once again????
If XV was such a failure, then why is SE supporting it so much with so much content in previous months and perhaps far into the future?
Was Sup Forums....dare I say.../wrong/ once again????
Because it's FF and sells well. The better question is why people still act like Sup Forums calling something a failure is anyhting special. Especialyl XV fags should jus stop alredy, it makes them look stupid
>you can swap characters during combat now
Sup Forums is always wrong. Remember to do ALWAYS the opposite of what Sup Forums says.
Of course Sup Forums was wrong. When aren't they?
>Game sold 6m+ thus far
>Will only sell more because of all the added content being added
You fags want your TORtanic so bad but you aren't getting it. Can't wait to see how MonHun World sells.
SE treats every FF installment like a new IP
when will you retards realize thise
>supporting with "cut" content that should have been in the game from the beginning
>no plans to work on the actual cut content and add all the things that were promised, but missing
>drones will still defend it
Enjoy your 0.08 SE Shekel deposit
Character switching is pretty fun but damn is it imbalanced, they really gotta tweak Prompto's damage output
SEETHING. I don't even like XV. I can't play for more than 30 minutes at a time, but I enjoy every time Sup Forums claims something is a failure and it turns out to be 1000% false.
Sup Forums is full of brazilians
Lawbreakers is literally dead yet they release content for that. Same logic here.
What part of "Sup Forums doesn't enjoy Vidya do you not understand?" Go back to /vg/ and stay there. This place is for shitposting only.
Noone says that it sold like shit, it still doesn't change the fact that it was basicly a full priced early access game with multiple season passes that won't be "complete" until late 2018 or early 2019
Call me crazy, but MAYBE, just MAYBE, they're trying to get as much money out of this as possible, and treating it as an early access game
Gotta make more profit.
6.6 million sales isn't a lot when you need fucking 5 million to break even. IT should be a sign to Square that their games cost too much and they still have to pay people for 1-2 years to work on this shit even longer
>Sup Forums doesn't like gaem
>shitposting only
Nah that's a cop-out. An option select, if you will, for when Sup Forums gets BTFO. There are tons of people here who enjoy video games that will
clamor for other game's failure unironically. Just look at the state of MonHun threads.
What the fuck was Square thinking. FF sells well, but this shit could've easily ended really badly. No wonder they pushed marketing to the max
>Game sold well enough to warrant further development
They could have easily cut future DLC after the first 1 or 2 episodes if they felt the game didn't sell well enough to make SE give the OK to add more content in the future.
As a pure game? Is a total failure.
The game is a mess, both tecnically and in story and gameplay. Also is piss easy and take no effort at all inevery aspect it has
As sales? It's not a failure
Because it's FF, people will buy it even if SE fucked up really hard 3 main FF in a row, people will still bui their crap
Name me a game Sup Forums doesn't call a failure. Sup Forums calls Skyrim a failure and the game is flawed it's a cash cow for Bethesda
Skyrim is a failure to who? Sup Forums? Their opinion is literally irrelevant. This is why the idea of AAA publishers shilling on this board is utterly ridiculous. Maybe it was true a few years ago, but no longer. Skyrim is enjoyed by gorrilions.
Misread your post. Thought you called the game a failure as well. I will agree the game is flawed, but what game isn't?
Sup Forums would unironically hype up a game like Dauntless close to MHW's release just because they want to be right again.
>Their opinion is literally irrelevant
And yet people make threads like this
it's for the (You)s, user.
Why is it always xvfags that make threads like this and why do they always type like retards.
Is there a problem with my typing?
games are always "complete" after 1.5 years. So pretty much when Ardyn comes
Damn bruh
I absolve you of your samefaggotry crimes for confessing.
That's fair I guess