GTA V Doomsday Heist

So the Doomsday Heist is out
>flying car
>submarine car
>new tanks
>bomber plane

Free Mode is about to be unplayable unless you buy shark cards.

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how much do you make at the end of the heist?

Fuck R*

Their ban policy a shit. When that shit goes on sale again after xmas, imma buy it again just so i can tell them to go fuck themselves in gaem..

what'd you get banned for

you're totally gonna show them lol

Not removing scripthook trainer from game folder... Prob the most bullshit reason ever..

1k hours running missions to legit acquire properties..."no fuck you,,you mod single player."

theres 3 mini heists and so far i've only done the first one and it was like 700k on hard
could be more for the next ones

thats not too bad, you can make a good amount of cash then. more than all the other heists atleast right?

Looks kinda stupid desu. Can you not do the same shit in saint’s row without the pointless microtransactions?

When GTAV first came out it played itself up to be at least somewhat realistic and serious in tone. Then they realized everyone found that boring and so they backpedaled just to add in a bunch of over the top garbage that other games have already done significantly better.

IMO rockstar should stop being pretentious twats pretending they have some deep and meaningful story to tell and just embrace the retarded aspects of GTA that made them popular in the first place (tanks, jetpacks, chainsaws, etc.)

Instead we get a half assed online with assets that clash horribly and pay to win bullshit. You can get a fucking bounty automatically for stealing any generic car on the street. You literally get a long term punishment for acting out the game’s namesake. Whoever designed this shitfest should be shot.

wish i got into GTAO on release
everytime i got in there its just random people doing random things and just shooting each other up with hydras and what not and im just so lost what to do

Like Payday 2.


>about to be

the homing launcher caused that a long-ass time ago

It was basically unplayable the first year it was up. Badly programmed with no way to make good money plus the exact same problems you described.

If you want to make progress now, you basically need a dedicated group of like 3-4 people to play heists with. That’s really the only decent way of getting money. Then you can buy shit like hydras from the phone on the different vehicle websites. You buy as many vehicles/weapons as you want and slowly level up to unlock more, then you go into free mode and use them on other people. That’s basically all there is to the game.

You can still play heists with randoms, in theory, but good fucking luck if you expect to make any progress.

Why is GTA trying to be Saints Row?

you have to spend up to from 1.2kk to 3kk to buy the new house just get access to the new heists.
divide the earnings to four people and... you gotta run it like 5 times to make back the investment

modders are in every lobby, it's all about enticing the nice ones into dropped mills on you.

>long term punishment

the game is trash for a variety of reasons but that's just flat out wrong

people still play this shit?

saints row tries to be gta
gta tries to be saints row

we came full circle bois

people are willing to pay extra for the 'privilege'

>i am a dedicated dev with a vision that will not be compromised
>I will give you three hundred thousand dollars to compromise your vision
>forget everything i said moments ago daddy

Payday 2 isnt p2w.. plenty of shitty dlc but it doesn't make the game all that easier. The only really bad power creep was the auto crossbow in h3h3 dlc but that's been nerfed into the ground. Loot boxes are now free.

>Gonna buy it again
That's where you fucked up, user. Buying this shit only helps R*, just leave a negative review (if you haven't) and let that cash cow just die already.

Did people forget the crazy shit you get up to in San Andreas despite starting out as a regular gang banger? In fact, wasn't everyone asking for these sort of crazy shit to come back after GTAIV's serious plot?
Just waiting for scripthook and trainers to be updated so I can have these things in SP. Fuck the online.

Is this a youtube thumbnail? What the fuck are those arrows pointing at?

Okay... but where's the single player DLC?


Yeah but CJ didnt fly in a delorean or stop a nuke from launching.

And the jetpack was just one thing in SA.

Few times I've gotten on and some hacker spawned millions on top of me. I doubt you need shark cards lmao

>giving people something they only have to pay for once


jetpack also had a shit ton of in-game buildup surrounding it and how wacky it is, so it's not like the game just throws it at you out of nowhere

The only way you can get rid of a bounty short of letting someone else kill you is waiting an hour in the free play, not including missions, and not including heists. That’s a massively disproportionate amount of time relative to how long you keep whatever random car you stole (usually around 5 minutes or less). Most times you get a bounty, you’re just picking up some junker to get yourself out of the wilderness and close to a road so you can call your mechanic, then you’re stuck with a target on your back for a fucking hour because you didn’t want to run for five minutes straight through desert or trees.

Considering there’s basically nothing to do in free mode, you’re probably going to be carrying it around for several hours or even days if you mostly play missions or heists.

the fact that retards ate up this microtransaction shit means that we will never get a high quality game in the series ever again

Yeah, he just raided the equivalent of Area 51 alone to steal said jetpack in order to raid a guarded military train carrying alien goo. Why is the jetpack and all its craziness alright but the Delorean in a DLC for the sequel 13 years later is pushing it too far?

>oh no this pointless fucking thing that directs players to kill you lasts pretty much until someone kills you

it has no negative effects beyond the death, and if you're in free mode death is around every fucking corner in the form of a homing launcher, jet, or what have you

it's a dumb mechanic and it adds virtually nothing but annoyance to the game but you're way, WAY overblowing it's actual effect on anyone

not to mention you actually get REWARDED for surviving a bounty until it times out

wheres rockstar based again? israel?

Pacific Standard is 1.25 million on hard

because one was talked up for an hour in-game and the other was just thrown in with zero regard for canon in order to make money hand over fist

if you can't see the difference, nobody here is going to be able to change that

I mean, that shit is pretty powerful you could fuck up a whole server with that.

>Free Mode is about to be unplayable unless you buy shark cards.
It's already been like this.
>le flying rocket motorcycle of make everybody in the lobby leave in 10 minutes

modders have slowed down on that, they only drop 2-4k bags for a couple minutes and then theyre done.

most you get nowadays is 600k

is there a mountain interior?

nothing wrong with the motorcycle.

that bat mobile being faster than teh voltic is bullshit.

niggas in bat mobiles got me.

not even the hunter is that bad

>implying any of that matters when any shitter can drop a few in-game G's on a homing launcher and blow up anything in sight they can't afford

nvm then this shits gay are the heists atleast fun?

do you have three friends willing to play them with you?

if not, that's going to be a huge fucking no


oh i get it you have autismal rage when you cant roll around and your k/d ratio goes down. They have modes for that.

>>oh no this pointless fucking thing that directs players to kill you lasts pretty much until someone kills you
Maybe all of yours last for five minutes but not everyone else is shit at video games. Besides, the point of stealing some random car is to save time and get you whereever you want to go faster. If I have to get blown up by somebody for driving a car in a car driving game I might as well fucking walk everywhere I want to go.

>not to mention you actually get REWARDED for surviving a bounty until it times out
Bounties only go to 10K. There are missions that pay between 15-20K that take literally five minutes.

You’re an idiot.

lol more like gtgay then

Why can't they just make a new city? Add some microtransaction bullshit that forces you to pay for a ticket there or something. That would be better than the garbage they keep churning out

>not everyone else is shit at video games
>If I have to get blown up

I'm not replying to someone that can't keep their shit straight for a complete sentence.

So how is it 'being Saints Row'? I agree that Rockstar are Jews and all, exploiting their userbase and all that shit which is why I haven't bothered with the online for years now. What I don't understand is how the crazy shit in this DLC somehow 'being Saints Row' when crazy ass shit has been a thing in GTA for more than a decade now.
>talked up for an hour in-game
Can you remind me of this? IIRC, you get a phone call from the hippie to come to the airport. If you're too fat, he'll tell you to fuck off and slim down some. If you're the right weight, he just tells you some shit about raiding the base to get something you both need for the real mission afterwards. You go in there, discover it's a jetpack, be surprised, grab it and fly the fuck out of there. 1 cutscene for a single mission, I don't remember any build up there either.

You have to get killed by somebody to get rid of your bounty, we’ve already established that. You’re shit because you get shot in less than five minutes. Me getting blown up doesn’t imply it was in less than five minutes. There’s no contradiction if you know how to read.

>can't keep their shit straight for a complete sentence
Different sentences altogether. Again, learn to read. Moron.

>Did people forget the crazy shit you get up to in San Andreas despite starting out as a regular gang banger?

Well in SA that shit was often far and in between the more grounded shit. So shit aint really a good comparison to bring up cause of it.

How is that any different than in GTAV? More importantly, how is it different enough from previous GTAs and similar enough to Saint's Row games to make it 'being Saint's Row'?

Still waiting on that single player DLC

>Do the set up missions for the first new heists
>get into the finale
>get one guy
>you can actually finish it with one other dude
>split $650k 50/50
I like it.

Rockstar is done with single-player
GTA6 will just have you make a character right off the bat, there'll be a 'story' campaign you can do offline or co-op online that's just heist missions with a little more story, and that's it.

wasn't fucked up too bad on relese, though hospital bills cost more than you would earn on missions and people were just shooting each other up.
People were grinding that 1 quick mission too, forgot it's name but it was real quick for like 9k

Like it will ever happen anytime soon. They are making way too much off of GTAV and soon to make an ass load off of RDR2, they don't need 6 yet.

GTA was already Saints Row when San Andreas came out, which served as the main influence on Saints Row. Makes me wonder if the existence of Saints Row made R* backpedal on their over-the-top approach and produce the super-serious GTA IV to distance themselves from the copycats and further legitimize their series.

I doubt it. GTAIV was no doubt in development long before Saint's Row even came out and established itself as being over-the-top. In fact, the first SR wasn't even that OTT. It had a pretty straight forward gangbanger's plot.

>those fucking youtube arrows

Why that became a thing

Call your mechanic retard.

To grab attention and make people go
>what am i supposed to be seeing?
>maybe if i click the video i'll get it :)
Clickbait actually works.

>it's all about enticing the nice ones into dropped mills on you.

Until you get banned for having dirty money, had it happen twice now. Appealed out of it both times but it's pretty frustrating.

>You can still play heists with randoms, in theory, but good fucking luck if you expect to make any progress.

This desu. I can't even count the amount of times i would get in a heist and I'd just have fucking pants on head retarded teammates

Youtube has an entire guide on making thumbnails to attract attention and clicks. The arrows imply some sort of process or plan being carried out that intrigues a viewer into seeing what is going on.

but why

>to attract attention and clicks

to lure in 10 year olds that don't have adblock to make money

> Unplayable unless you buy shark Cards

Only if you haven't been playing since launch. I have literally everything and 800 mil just chilling and I never once bought a card. I guess it helps that I play with the same group of guys all the time.

What kind of question is that? For munnay