Let’s bring more diversity and inclusivity to mobile gaming

>Let’s bring more diversity and inclusivity to mobile gaming

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You can blame google on the mobile market being the abhorrent ad-ridden freemium shit it is, they actively promote gacha shit.

and I should care about mobile gaming at all because?

>mobile gaming
Ok go ahead

What country will that shitty advertisement show up?
My Jewgle don't have one.

Remember games are a form of media, and the media is a form of propaganda, therefore games are propaganda. Create an “Us vs Them” mentality, leave no room for grey areas in the political spectrum.

>diversity and inclusivity

Just a reminder that everytime you see these words, what they mean is "People with White Skin though they are just 10% of the total human population are scum and we should dilute them from all forms of influence, despite the fact that if there were no white people to begin with, everyone would be brown with brown eyes and brown hair and the word diversity wouldn't even make sense"


Agreed, more Japanese games please.

That cesspool known as mobile gaming can have it's diversity.

Who the fuck even notices stuff like that? It's like an ad like all the others you've grown to ignore subconsciously.

Diversity is code for "DEATH TO ALL WHITES".

You know, I've never seen anyone push for "more white rappers"

Or "more white basketball players"

what's the deal

Chinks/Nips/Slants/Gooks HAVE to know that after White people they're next on the hit list, right?

It’s not alright to be white.

They'll beat the SJCucks with their full scale Gundams

I mean, I doubt mobile gaming can be worse than it already is so you might as well.

Why dont you CHANGE THE GAME (tm) Sup Forums?

Sup Forums will never accept that gaming underwent an image change in early 2000s and now has to present itself as an acceptable mainstream hobby to appeal to an evergrowing demographic.

gaming doesn't have to do anything, it's already the most popular medium

they know, don't worry

(((they))) fear the samurai, the only people ever been victim of a nuclear attack and they bounced back 10 fold after it. Jews don't know how to angle in on Asia, they're almost out jewing them at this point.

Jews had a fine and dandy time being the smart, ethnocentric peoples with old culture and intelligence for money and scheming, until they realised the Chinese are literally all of these things on steroids. They cannot win this game against the insectoid humans, so they need to kill white people first to even attempt to dent them.

What in the fuck?

Asians don't give a flying fuck about the goofy whites trying to genocide themselves.

i don't think i would like that


That entire photo is what killed the IRL social dating scene. You can't trust what you can put your dick in anymore, so you have to rely on Tinder and cross checking.

Japs didn't "bounce back", Japan became an ameriburger vassal state and completely lost its essence, it's now a caricature of what it used to be.

The Chinese came up for a word for SJWs, it literally means "white left." Their government will murder anyone who gets too retarded.

Lack of white rappers and basketball players mean there is more diversity.

>Our study found that 65% of women play mobile games, making-up half of all mobile gamers. In fact, female mobile gamers play more frequently than men with 43% of of them playing more than five days a week compared to just 38% of men.

so. women play more games frequently and make up half of the mobile gaming population. So why is there a campaign again?

It's funny, because the only thing "Diverse" is white people on this earth. everyone else is tan or black.

All men must be eradicated

You don't know fucking shit, or you literally only spent time in tokyo or something

Japan is one of the one places that has actually maintained their culture exactly as it was, tokyo like any world city is a conglomerate of foreign influence and doesn't represent the actual country at all

Japan did just fine for being fucking nuked twice and could be much more western shitted than it is

For the record, clash royale is pretty diverse in terms of community. Has everything except for women, because they cant into strategy. So i guess thats what theyre talking about.

That's gay

Fuck white men. So just the usual narrative.


So women are to blame for the newest cancer in the industry.

Thread should've ended here

Women are to blame for everything bad about video game in general

Man fuck this

>mobile, mobile, mobile
call me when they're not playing social clicker bullshit and trying to muscle in on the "hip gaming crowd".
nerd "culture" was a fucking mistake. proof that not enough children are being bullied in school


Regardless of your political beliefs, one thing the "far-right" is correct about is that DIVERSITY almost always means "get rid of the whites here and fill it with less qualified black and brown people".

I accidentally crushed a cat few months ago.

Tap your hood next time.

I almost hit one at 110 yesterday, fucker is lucky I have the reaction time of a god

just call it Sup Forums bruh.

this, fuck normalfags, they can drown in gacha


It's summer here.



I would think the engine rumbling to life would be enough to scare it off, but then I remember living in a college off-campus apartment, and chucklefucks will immediately hop in the car, start the ignition, and reverse on off without checking behind themselves.

My cat lost her tail and a good chunk of skin because she was sleeping right by the engine's fan.

>falling for marketing bullshit
meanwhile Google is full of white male and indian

Alrighty, I'll give the hood a couple good smacks.

Why can't we bring more diversity and inclusivity to the role of garbage man or something for once.

Wait what, the fan doesn't even come on unless it's at operating temperature. Did your cat legit just sit there for 5 minutes?

Barely even vidya

Women are irrelevant


Fuck off. We're talking about cats hiding in cars.


Dunno lol, it was an old car and it was my dad who turned it on.

>65% of the people PLAYING games are women
>why aren't 65% of the people MAKING games women?

I see this shit all the time outside of Sup Forums, fuck off.


>having an outdoor cat
At least it's not as bad as declawing

top kek my friend

>10 fold
My katana is folded at least a thousand times, mind you.

here's a (you)

As if you even give a shit about video games, this thread is more vidya than anything you've ever posted.


dis :D :D :D

>not having a garden and letting your cats walk in and out freely
You are forcing your cats to be depressed shut-ins, they love sleeping under the sun and frolicking on the grass.



Seems to match up.

>lower the bar of what's considered a game
>so women can say that they're gamers

That just means Sup Forums is leaking

I think my cat would be a bit more depressed about getting his tail and a good chunk of skin ripped off by an engine fan or getting killed by a fisher or a fox.


This is true, I live in a nice neighborhood and my cat got fucking mauled to death by a coyote in the daytime. My new cat is an indoor cat and she's hyper as fuck

You sound like those helicopter moms that lock their children in the basement to keep them "protected".


Are we one step from having "gaming" smartphones ?

I always thought this was a meme, but the other day I saw a little cat run towards my car and disappeared.
Opened up the hood, and the little fucker was there staring right back at me. I spent 20 minutes trying to get him out


So literally like everything else then? From sports to job requirements to hobbies.

Cats aren't humans. You might have a point if the first post I replied to wasn't literally about a cat's tail getting ripped off by an engine fan because he's an outdoor cat.

For real I never saw anybody even mention Sup Forums until neogaf went down and now there's always somebody having the same identical shitfit and posting the same images in any vaguely political thread on here.


>mobile gaming
>no buttons

>literally another person in the same thread said its white genocide and others said they are trying to replace whites

>Barn Cat dies of worms
>House Cat lives 10 years longer, becomes famous due to memes

oh my god, you mean google is left wing? this must be DA JOOS

user... theyre already here. I think razer recently released 1

Thats really based

Its 40+ degrees C, i would know if there was a cat in the car, because it would be cooked.

2-3 years ago, yea I guess. Now? No, you are disingenuous and one of them to think so. It even infected here. Go ahead and tell me very passionately how wrong I am though.

More revisionism, people have been bitching about Sup Forums since the 2016 us campaign

Does this mean we have to let women play games now? Grrr, I'm angry!