You can pick 1 game to play. The other 2 are stuck in development hell forever
You can pick 1 game to play. The other 2 are stuck in development hell forever
Fighter Z
Mhw > Dissidia > Dbz
Monhun. FighterZ looks like trash. Only fighting game to look forward to is EX Layer imo.
>anime posting degenerate has shit taste.
Monhun easy
Comfy hunting with your bros > tryhard fighting
Monster hunter is shit. Dissidia has bad combat. Fighter Z looks great.
play DBZ, the rest are shit
>MH is THE shit
fighting games give me cancer
damn I just realized how good January is going to be
Ni No Kuni 2, thanks
MHW, no doubt.
Good time to enjoy vidya.
DBFZ is a kusoge too casual for FGC and too "2d sidescroller" for DBZtards and comes with a 35$ season pass.
MHWorld is a better game with more content, free DLC, and a community that won't die in a month.
Dissidia is fucking gay so who cares.
Right most.
You can only pick two. Which ones do you pick?
Anyone that says something other than DBFighterZ should kill themselves
This all the way.
All 3 are lazy cashgrabs that will be quickly forgotten a month after their release.
just give me bannerlords and i dont give a shit about any of these garbage games
MHW just for amount of content. Can live without the other two, especially Dissidia (why the fuck is that even on here? It's almost as shit as Ehrgeiz)
Fighter Z. Monster Hunter is nice, but DBZF is a game i've been waiting for a very long time.
FighterZ, but I also really want MHW. 2018 is starting strong.
Fight z I pick. Monster Hunter is garbage don't care about other game
Fighter Z.
Don't care about the other two.
never liked monster hunter, don't know how retards enjoy that clunky combat
fighting games are for spics
dissidia game that plays and looks nothing like dissidia
i choose non
Monster hunter obviously
DBZ. I hate Dragon Ball but I just want Droid to be happy.
Mon hun barely any interest in fighterz besides playing it with friends but i can do the same with mon hun and enjoy it solo