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Nobody even uses PS+

It's not free if you have to pay for something

Stop talking, you don't even own PlayStation 4

it's not free - it's a monthly reccuring paid subscription

I own a ps4 and dont use ps+
Bloodborne p5 and miku dont require online

>mfw when I just fucking bought bloodbourne for 20 USD

Casuals who will download the game will ruin the community. Fuck that

>give out the only game on ps4 for free
>when everyone already has it

I just got a ps4 and still have a ps+ free trial. Could I have gotten it for free with this?

cool but I'll rather own my games, and play without the need of ps+. Still that's pretty cool of them

Bloodborne + Old Hunters expansion is just around 25 bucks.

You have to pay for pc parts in order to use them.


Cool but literally who doesn't already own the game of the generation already?

Fucking source?

>>when everyone already has it

You have to pay for a ps4 in order to play it?
2/10 made me reply

>ps+ has one good free game per year
>meanwhile xbox gold has at least one worthwhile game each month

This. I play singles.

>Barely any players in Japan
Fucking scrubs.

>Warhammer shovelware and a Telltale game


>>ps4 gets one good exclusive game per month
>>meanwhile xbox has not one worthwhile game in over 4+ years


Bing Bing Wahoo!

No it isn't

>>ps4 gets one good exclusive game per month
Come on son, apart of Until Dawn, DarkSiders 2, MGS V TPP and InFamous Second Son I can't think of any free game that wasn't some indie garbage.

How long is this deal up? I literally just bought a used PS4 but wont be able to use it for a few days.


I don't pay a subscription to keep using them or they'll get taken away.

I don't. Never had the desire to finish a souls game. Which is weird cause MH doesn't bore me, and i got pretty far in demon's souls

You dumb?

>buy game
>support it because it's good
>buy ps+
>support gay faggotry

>implying it's even that far off

i'm talking about new exclusive games. not ones from 10 years ago.



>Fake Lovecraft (((Derleth))) shit
>Game of the generation

It kills me knowing that BB won't be in 60fps for a very long time.

>Souls games
>Not inherently casual
You're pretty fucking delusional if you think otherwise

How do you know? vgchartz is shit, they just pull numbers out of their rectums.

more like never


No, a casual entry level game would be something like Skyrim and Breath of the Wild.

Source? Why would they give away the biggest reason to buy a PS4?

>He took the comment 100% seriously, especially "fucking scrubs"
Are you?

There will probably be an emulator hack, or a port to the next PlayStation.

>Demon's Souls already fully playable on PC
>PS4 architecture is even more similar to PC than PS3
10 years tops and PC bros can slay beasts in Yharnam

Because the community isn’t already a shitfest of epic memes and comparing every game to it

You still need a PS4 to play it my dude

>people actually pay for PS+

Yes, or you could create a new PSN account to get another 14 free days.

Those are outdated numbers, it does not even include the GOTY edition re-release.

It is well past 4M at this point.

>casuals flooding the community
Time for a good hoont.

Okay, but does it come with Old hunters through?

Yeah, if only the game didn't have so much lag.

>post DaS souls game
>not filled with casuals
YOU'RE a casual, user

You're not one of those fags who splits hairs and calls the souls series "punishing, but not difficult", are you?

Darksiders 2 was this months free game, which is pretty decent at least.

It might be the most generic and soulless game I have ever seen

Don't forget this masterpiece

remember when PS+ gave you like 5 free games instead of just 1 or 2

Time to bust out the twink for some forest invasions.

PS3 architecture is pretty different from normal PC architecture. The cell is just well documented. It's a misconception to think that similar hardware is will be emulated more easily, when in many cases it's the contrary because the documentation is non existent and the x86 instruction set is huge, that's the reason the original Xbox never got emulated even though it's practically a PC.

Already played Dark souls, don't really feel like paying for another remaster

You can stop pretending nintenbro, it was released on the Wii U as well.

I'm not about to heap praise on Darksiders 2, but the MC at least is more original than most games.

Who's ready for some bullying lads?

b-but goyim you still get 2 free ps3 games and 2 free ps vita games
that's at least 6 games a month!

Hoping subj will be proper 4k sometimes

What's a vita?

vita is love, vita is life

>Posting on Sup Forums like usual
>Some guy breaks down my door
>He yells at me, saying that I forgot to auto-renew my subscription for my PC parts
>I get tied to a chair while he laughs maniacally, opening my PC's case and taking out parts while it's still on
>When he's done all that's left is the case.
>But he takes that too and then he tells me that he kicked my dog for no reason

well shit.

Ironic given it was unloved and dead on arrival


>pay for psn+
>wow I got this for free!
>stop paying, lose access to the game

>Pay for internet
>Pirate movies and games


>implying that Bloodborne wasn't the game that flooded the whole series with casuls.

Piracy's illegal

Any source on this?

Or is this thread utter bullshit?

That was dark souls 1 when it got ported to PC
Prove me wrong.

>still salty that Bandai Namco is based as fuck

>He doesn't pirate everything he possibly can and then cancel his internet service shortly thereafter.

we did it bloodbros, BB is now the best selling souls game!

Sequel when!?

The thread definitely smells of it.

BBfags need to make up reasons to discuss this game at this point

>giving away BB on PSN
>trying to grow the playerbase in prep of BB2 announcement

But muh Tenchu

Where the fuck is it? I just got a PS4 and don't have it yet.

It doesn't appear free in the shop and I don't see any banners for it or anything. Please explain.

I just got a physical copy as a Christmas gift for my little bro (along with a few other games). I know he has PS+ so I'm hoping he doesn't notice before he gets his copy from me.

Post proof OP

The proof came from OP's arse.

What ps4 owner doesn't own Bloodborne at this point

It doesn't include the DLC, which is arguably the best part of the game.

>b-but PC
Why is envy so obvious on this board?

like 95% of them dont

Dirty slant-eyed yellow Jews. This is a console exclusive, so they know they'll lose like nothing since the game was released years ago and most people who own the console who would play it, already own it.

AKA PSTV, the $30 game console.

Because the community isn't a cesspool already?

sold more than wii u and has more games than 3DS
>b-b-but my feelings say that's not true!

BB was already the best selling souls if you count the sales only on a single console.