This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game...

This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game, but because everything is implied and the exposition is so little, you don't notice the story is a huge fucking mess. I've dug deep into this shit, and it's so fucking convoluted that it's impossible to map out what things are, what they do and why. You think it's a coincidence that nobody understands this shit? You think it's because "it's Lovecraftian so it's supposed to make no sense" or it's "open to interpretation" whatever the fuck? No, it's because it's such a bloated fucking mess that it's impossible to extract a straightforward logical answer about what anything is, even though it offers you ten different ideas at once. Fuck this game. Only Demon's Souls got it right.

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This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game, but because everything is implied and the exposition is so little, you don't notice the story is a huge fucking mess. I've dug deep into this shit, and it's so fucking convoluted that it's impossible to map out what things are, what they do and why. You think it's a coincidence that nobody understands this shit? You think it's because "it's Lovecraftian so it's supposed to make no sense" or it's "open to interpretation" whatever the fuck? No, it's because it's such a bloated fucking mess that it's impossible to extract a straightforward logical answer about what anything is, even though it offers you ten different ideas at once. Fuck this game. Only Demon's Souls got it right.

>He didn't understand the story

Nobody understands the story as well as I do, and I don't understand it very well.

>This game is about as over-written
stopped reading.

>Nobody understands the story as well as I do
Do tell nigger


Demon's Souls lore is boring, it's too straightforward and there's pretty much only one big plotline. I was never lost about its story, and the game wasn't obscure about it. Dark Souls had better lore, but Blooborne still wins for the most interesting one, even if it's convoluted.

It's over-written whether or not you noticed it. It's irrelevant whether or not it imposes itself on you.

>ancient society descended from gods
>falls to ruin
>new city built over the ruins
>college explores underground
>find blood from the gods in the ruins underground
>take blood back to college
>group splits off from the college to form healing church
>other group uses shit like phantasms to contact the gods
>blood causes the beast plague
>you start the game at this point
>tasked with cleaning up the mess
>discover that there's a greater evil at work
>traverse dimensions to kill gods to put an end to the hunt for good

It's not that complicated