This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game...

This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game, but because everything is implied and the exposition is so little, you don't notice the story is a huge fucking mess. I've dug deep into this shit, and it's so fucking convoluted that it's impossible to map out what things are, what they do and why. You think it's a coincidence that nobody understands this shit? You think it's because "it's Lovecraftian so it's supposed to make no sense" or it's "open to interpretation" whatever the fuck? No, it's because it's such a bloated fucking mess that it's impossible to extract a straightforward logical answer about what anything is, even though it offers you ten different ideas at once. Fuck this game. Only Demon's Souls got it right.

Other urls found in this thread:

This game is about as over-written any Metal Gear Solid game, but because everything is implied and the exposition is so little, you don't notice the story is a huge fucking mess. I've dug deep into this shit, and it's so fucking convoluted that it's impossible to map out what things are, what they do and why. You think it's a coincidence that nobody understands this shit? You think it's because "it's Lovecraftian so it's supposed to make no sense" or it's "open to interpretation" whatever the fuck? No, it's because it's such a bloated fucking mess that it's impossible to extract a straightforward logical answer about what anything is, even though it offers you ten different ideas at once. Fuck this game. Only Demon's Souls got it right.

>He didn't understand the story

Nobody understands the story as well as I do, and I don't understand it very well.

>This game is about as over-written
stopped reading.

>Nobody understands the story as well as I do
Do tell nigger


Demon's Souls lore is boring, it's too straightforward and there's pretty much only one big plotline. I was never lost about its story, and the game wasn't obscure about it. Dark Souls had better lore, but Blooborne still wins for the most interesting one, even if it's convoluted.

It's over-written whether or not you noticed it. It's irrelevant whether or not it imposes itself on you.

>ancient society descended from gods
>falls to ruin
>new city built over the ruins
>college explores underground
>find blood from the gods in the ruins underground
>take blood back to college
>group splits off from the college to form healing church
>other group uses shit like phantasms to contact the gods
>blood causes the beast plague
>you start the game at this point
>tasked with cleaning up the mess
>discover that there's a greater evil at work
>traverse dimensions to kill gods to put an end to the hunt for good

It's not that complicated

What does that even mean without using buzzwords?

Sorry dude. I got your 5 right here

>It's irrelevant whether or not it imposes itself on you.
actually it's very relevant.

It means it's overly elaborate to the point of losing focus and coherency. There are too many individual ideas occupying the same conceptual space, so you can't put them in a logical order.

What are you even talking about? The only thing that I can think of that somewhat resembles that is how there's different lines of thought to explain some ocurrences, or conflicting item descriptions. It sounds like you take everything at face value, you are supposed to doubt everything you read, taking into account who is saying it, or who wrote it.

>user can't follow more than one plot thread


Found the brainlet

>falls to ruin
>new city built over the ruins
>find blood from the gods in the ruins underground
What does "from the gods" mean?
>other group uses shit like phantasms to contact the gods
Which other group is this?
>blood causes the beast plague
There were beasts before the founding of the Healing Church.
>tasked with cleaning up the mess
You're not tasked with cleaning up the mess, you're seeking Paleblood to transcend the hunt. Those things are not the same.
>discover that there's a greater evil at work
What evil? How do you know it's evil?
>traverse dimensions to kill gods to put an end to the hunt for good
Which gods do we kill, how does killing them put an end to the why, and why?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bloodbornes story. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of cosmic horror most of the tentacle monsters will go over a players viewer’s head. There’s also Miyazaki’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his direction- his personal philosophy draws heavily from the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they’re not just deep- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who don't understand Bloodbornes story truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the deepness in the NPC's exncouraging catchphrase “May the Good Blood Guide You,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hidetaka Miyazakis’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Bloodborne tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>Yarnham is named under Phtumerian Queen Yarnham after she gets pregnant with the first Ancient One
>Blood church uses the god's blood to heal people and found a cult on them while trying to communicate with the gods (Great Ones, Lovecraft much?)
>Blood causes the beast plague when over-used, hunters use them to power themselves up and hunt beasts
>You start with the blood getting injected in you, your goal is to find Paleblood and survive the night
>Messengers save you from beasthood and allow you not to turn into a beast like the rest of Yarnham
>You traverse Yarnham's past and discover that Great Ones have the power to make different realities (dreams and nightmares) that don't collapse once the host dies
>The hunter kills all Kin and Great Ones and either gets killed and wakes up in the real world, kills Gehrman and becomes the new instructor of the Hunters in the dream Paleblood makes or becomes a Kin

You literally haven't explained in any detail what you actually mean. Pro tip, in literally any argument, you have to back it up with logical points and examples before you expect people to engage with you. What you're doing right now is the equivalent of

>x is bad
>because it's shit

Okay, let's take an example. What does "the sea" mean in the context of Bloodborne? What role does "the sea" have in the story?
I'm not talking about plot, but nobody understands the plot very well anyway.

Why is it that Bloodborne, Bayonetta 2, and Breath of the Wild still cause immense amounts of asshurt months and years after they've ceased to be relevant?

I wasn't replying to a post that asked why it's bad, I was replying to a post to ask what I mean when I say that it's over-written.

>What does "from the gods" mean?
The Great Ones bleed. They have blood.

The sea seems to mean the fucking ocean you retard. It appears that just like in Lovecraft's mythos, the sea is held as some sort of mysterious and frightening place where ancient godlike beings can sometimes live and emerge from, if Kos is anything to go by.

Some people like them
Some people cannot stand that

I see. That's also wrong then. We're not using Great One blood, that's why the Healing Church had to cultivate worthy blood in the Blood Saints, as is described in Adeline's Blood Vial.

This is lowest tier bait. Youve drained out.

>You think it's because "it's Lovecraftian so it's supposed to make no sense" or it's "open to interpretation" whatever the fuck? No, it's because it's such a bloated fucking mess that it's impossible to extract a straightforward logical answer about what anything is, even though it offers you ten different ideas at once
Gee, almost as if it's Lovecraftian so it's supposed to make no sense. Not being able to understand everything is like the keystone of his entire writing style.

Some say Kosm


Get more insight, dumb eyeless faggot.

Newfags beware. This is bait.

Why indeed. Same for RDR.

Jesus this fucks with my head

The blood was originally from the gods.

it was then given to healing church members, and their blood was spread throughout yarnham

Do you hear our prayers?

>What does "from the gods" mean?
kos or kosm
>There were beasts before the founding of the Healing Church
healing church distributed old blood which was cursed. so the populace starts to go into beastly idiocy
>Which gods do we kill, how does killing them put an end to the why, and why?
MP and mergo. MP is the one thats continuing the ritual thats making everyone turn into beasts

Give this a read if you really can't figure anything out for yourself.

The fuck does this even mean? This thread is stupid. You are stupid. I’m going to go start an arcane build

So the sea means the ocean. Why then is the cosmos and the nightmare described as though they're bodies of water? For instance, the HMLGS talks about "the abyssal cosmos", Micolash describes the nightmare as "churning and swirling", Yharnam's consciousness "stirs" in the nightmare, etc.

It's also said in the water related runes, such as 'Deep Sea' that: "great volumes of water serve as a bulwark guarding sleep, and an augur of the eldritch Truth." We also have to account for this. In other water related runes, the Great Ones' voices are said to ripple like a watery reflection.

If you listen to both Mergo's Wet Nurse and the Moon Presence, when they embrace something you can hear the sound of bubbling water, so that's related to the ocean too.

Additionally the 'Loch Shield' ('Lake Shield') talks about how it was given particularly to people exploring the Isz chalice. Why would that be? Well inside Isz you found plenty of things that relate to water, such as the Celestials who literally have water in their heads, and Isz is said to be adjacent to the cosmos.

In the Hunter's Dream you can hear dripping water too.

In the Research Hall, the patients have imbibed water, and now they can hear the howl of the sea, but it also comes with a sticky sound for some. What does this mean and what exactly is it connected to? Is it connected to the ocean, the cosmos, the nightmare, the Celestials, the Great Ones?

>We're not using Great One blood
but you do, play the fucking dungeons

Damn. I love MGS. Some of the best games ever. I should check out this Bloodborne game some time.


No, the blood was not from Kos. Hunters came to kill Kos. What were they hunting before anyone turned into a beast by using blood in your mind?

It's nonsense.

How do the chalice dungeons indicate the source of the blood is the Great Ones?

The quote about the bulwark of water is specifically referring to rom, assume the connection between the research hall and the fishing hamlet/Kos explain their connection to water, the rest of it is speculation, ‘swirling’ and ‘churning’ are just there to evoke imagery, but also in the DLC you see that the fishing hamlet (and the ocean) are actually above you, maybe not in a geographically literal sense but certainly in these altered planes of existence. think it makes enough sense

have you seen tiny being of light and do you know what lures them.

Demons Souls falls pretty flat in lore. I mean what were most of those bosses besides just monsters? And why Astrea became a demon and abandoned god?

Blood doesn't come directly from the gods, it comes from the Pthumerians who were the first to contact the Great ones

That entire section on ashen blood sounds off, I got the impression that ashen blood was caused by blood ministration which they tried to solve with MORE blood ministration which then infested the whole place with beast

>hurr look how smart i am
shouldn't OP be watching rick and morty or something?

>And why Astrea became a demon and abandoned god
dumb poster

hunters didint kill or was not supposed to kill her. she died propably cause she was pregnant.

It's never explained.

>The quote about the bulwark of water is specifically referring to rom,

No it isn't, it's talkign about it in general. "Bulwark guarding sleep and an augur of the eldritch Truth" doesn't relate to Rom at all.

>assume the connection between the research hall and the fishing hamlet/Kos explain their connection to water
How? What is explained?

>‘swirling’ and ‘churning’ are just there to evoke imagery
Okay. except that's in conjunction with explicit references to the abyssal cosmos.

>but also in the DLC you see that the fishing hamlet (and the ocean) are actually above you, maybe not in a geographically literal sense but certainly in these altered planes of existence. think it makes enough sense
This doesn't explain anything about the story, it's just an observation that goes no where.

According to official information given to the guide writing team, the hunters did kill Kos.

ebrietas oozes blood you just need a tiny drop to boost bloodvial.


>According to official information given to the guide writing team, the hunters did kill Kos

bullshit it says corpse washed to shore. nobody knows why.

Yes, the hunters killed her at sea, which is why there are ruined boats everywhere.

From what I understand, the blood the healing church used was sourced from Queen Yharnam because she was impregnated by a great one and transcended humanity like the other Pthumerians.

>>falls to ruin
>>new city built over the ruins
Right actually, the Pthumerians were the first society contacted by the Old Ones and by the time the game takes place a victorian city has sprung up on the land where they once lived, with the Tomb of the Gods that they build underneath it.

>What does "from the gods" mean?
It means blood from beings that came from outside of planet Earth.

>>other group uses shit like phantasms to contact the gods
>Which other group is this?
The School of Mensis.

>There were beasts before the founding of the Healing Church.
Yeah because the Old One's blood brings out beasthood in men, since the time of the Pthumerians when they first arrived in that area.

>Which gods do we kill
Rom, Amygdala, Mergo's Wet Nurse, Ebriatas, and the Moon Presence.

>how does killing them put an end to the why, and why?
We probably didn't actually kill them, since some of them are still around in the Tomb of the Gods after we fight them. Y'know, That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.

I was under the impression the fishermen killed her at sea, and her corpse happened to wash up to their village.

Makes no sense. Byrgenwerth students are not getting to the depths of the chalice dungeons and taking blood from Queen Yharnam, and her blood was corrupted anyway.

Wait, which platforms were those released on?


Dumping the full explanation from an user. 1/23


The students definitely delved into the tomb and found alien blood there, I don't think it was ever specified how deep in they had to go to find it.



No, Pthumerians built Yharnam after they were pushed to the surface for whatever reason (likely civil war). It wasn't a ruined underground city that humans later built over by coincidence, and they just happened to share the same statues and architecture, and they just happened to name the city after the Pthumerian queen.

>It means blood from beings that came from outside of planet Earth.
So you're saying some students found some gods and they took their blood? Did they just ask for it, or did they throw their books at it until it died?

>The School of Mensis.
Mensis only use the phantasms associated with the Choir as weapons.

>That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
This doesn't explain anything, it's just a weird quote that's tenuously related.

how did a bunch of random fishermen kill a great one? you need to eat three umbilical cords before you can even attempt to figh MP

They were not random fishermen, they were hunters.

Hey is that seashell that falls out of the sky and has a woman's corpse sticking out of it supposed to be Kos? She freaked me the fuck out because I had Valtr I think summoned at the time and he started taking swings at her as if she was going to get up, like he registered her as an enemy, anyone else ever seen that?


ints not important who or what killed her or why would anybody have even insight to see her, cause for curse was because Geherman and maria carved her child out of her belly and byrgenverth tempered with it and discovevered cord for first time.

Most of this is nonsense. It's just filling in the blanks with things like "it's a curse." It doesn't meaningfully engage with the text.

i thought the hunters came after they killed her. also its to my understanding that Rom was the closest one that got to enlightenment, and we all know how that went. so technically the hunter is the only one thats actually had the power to slay an old one

No, it's one of the villagers mutated by Kos. You can find a fuckton of them in the fishing hamlet.

Is this that marriage fanfiction again?

Great Ones aren't immortal gods. They can be killed. Moon Presence requiring you to munch on baby cords is a special case.

Is it? I can stop posting it.

Haha, what? I've never heard about that!


>i thought the hunters came after they killed her
>also its to my understanding that Rom was the closest one that got to enlightenment
>so technically the hunter is the only one thats actually had the power to slay an old one

It's just
>Player character went to creepy city in search for a medical treatment, ended being forcefully recruited into murdering an alien baby
That's it. Stop falling into Sup Forums's obnoxious habit of turning a drop of water into an ocean.


So I know the good ending of Demons Souls puts the Old One to sleep until it wakes repeating until the bad ending filling the world with fog making the grey world of Dragons that Dark Souls then pics up with. But where does Bloodborne fit in?

You don't even kill Mergo. You stop Mergo from crying by killing Mergo's Wet Nurse. Even in your insanely simplistic reading you get the details wrong.

Nah man, Pthumerians came centuries before Yharnam was built from what I understood, they';re described as a precursor to the human race aren't they?

I'm saying they found aliens either dead or slumbering down in that tomb and took some of their blood.

I can't remember enough about Mensis to really argue that point.

>>That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
>This doesn't explain anything, it's just a weird quote that's tenuously related.

The point of this quote is to let the reader know that human beings can't possibly begin to understand or relate to the kind of beings from outside Earth that are often in Lovecraft's stories. Understanding that quote is essential to appreciating his alien stories, his point was that a being from outside our planet might be so different from anything we can imagine that it might as well just be called a god. Our concept of "death" just does not apply to Cthulhu, that's all it means and that's how I interpreted the chalice bosses reappearing.

By killing his caretaker the baby died; that's why it stop crying and you got the umbilical cord.

OP literally has no fucking idea what the plot of this game is and everyone itt is just spoonfeeding this fucking retard.


Huh. I guess I should fight Maria already.

>Nah man, Pthumerians came centuries before Yharnam was built from what I understood, they';re described as a precursor to the human race aren't they?
No, but even if they were that wouldn't be at odds with what I said.

>I'm saying they found aliens either dead or slumbering down in that tomb and took some of their blood.
There isn't any evidence for this, all the game says is that scholars found a holy medium (blood) deep within the tomb.

>The point of this quote is to let the reader know that human beings can't possibly begin to understand or relate to the kind of beings from outside Earth that are often in Lovecraft's stories. Understanding that quote is essential to appreciating his alien stories, his point was that a being from outside our planet might be so different from anything we can imagine that it might as well just be called a god. Our concept of "death" just does not apply to Cthulhu, that's all it means and that's how I interpreted the chalice bosses reappearing.
Bloodborne isn't Lovecraft.

Mergo doesn't die, Mergo goes to sleep. You can hear Mergo going to sleep if you listen for the gentle breathing. Also, Mergo's cord is accounted for--it's the Abandoned Workshop cord, as conformed by the artworks book. There's another issue with the cord you get from the Mergo's Wet Nurse encounter being Mergo's: that cord was used to contact Mergo in the first place. You can't use a cord in order to contact something that has the cord you just used to contact it.

greatones dont even appear outside of dreams but kos was special, and she got killed, but she is not really dead, shes really pissed and that nightmare just dont end when you let her babby back to sea, and yes its that shadow thing, Orphan of kos boss is something else, its nightmare fusion between geherman and poor child he aborted, now he borns again and again to that moment when curse started. There is part of gehermans burial blade stuck in orphans placenta. that shard also falled from the sky.

take your pills, honey bunch. i worry about you

Dark Souls is the prequel for the entire series.
Demon's Souls is the timeline following the dark lord ending, the old one being the chosen undead turned into a demon. Due to the chosen undead allowing the fire to extinguish, there are miracles and magic but no "pure" pyromancy or hexes.
Dark Souls 2 is the timeline following the Dark Souls 1 ending where you rekindle the fire. Thanks to having all the lord souls and the flame, hexes were developed.
Dark Souls 3 is the timeline following an ending where the chosen undead was killed by the hollowe Gwyn. When the next chosen undead managed to kill him and rekindle the fire, it was too late and the first flame was already beyond saving.
Bloodborne is the timeline where Solaire, not the chosen undead, rekindles the flame. His incandescent sun fused with the first flame ends the cycle, creating a new world.

So I get most of bloodbornes story except for WHY MP wants us to kill old ones and babies.

We don't kill Mergo, and you don't get most of the story.

>2017 of our Lord
>people still connecting the world and story of 3 different worlds
