

Wait is it out?

Amazing game

I absolutely loved it. Specter Knight's campaign was cool as fuck.

Do you live in a cave user ? jfc

It's great desu. Beat the Knights in Spectre Of Torment yesterday.

Will be waiting for King of Cards after beating SoT

I played through the base game and thought it was pretty meh. I want to like it a lot because I own it. I think the art style is good for the most part. The music is good but dying and hearing the same shit looped gets old. The gameplay feels shallow. The 'hidden' areas are obvious. The mob design is kind of bad. It could benefit from Super Mario World's running mechanics and something like Super Metroid's level design.. especially since you use a shovel. It would have been cool to be able to dig down and explore really fleshed out levels. It's too shallow for the current era. Maybe I'll play through the other knight's campaigns tho.
Someone should make some 16 bit indie garbage. Akin to Vectorman maybe. Have some off areas where you can play bullshit games like not-monopoly and such. Needs more shit since we have the data space these days.

Very nice game. If you are into retro games, you SHOULD PLAY IT.
Game has balanced dificulty.

Creators wanted to not just make a NES remake, they wanted to just show how games will look like if people still make games for NES. Graphic looks beautiful and they look like they are on peak of NES posibilities, the same goes for music.

Gameplay is simple, megaman like sidescroller.


Beautiful game, lots of fun and the DLC characters are actually worth it, surely helped they do have their own plots and at least one exclusive boss. Cool bosses, nice stages, superb ost from Based Virt.

I think he means the dlc

The King of Cards DLC isn't out yet, if that's what you're wondering.

DLC done right: the game. They're free for anyone who bought the game in its first year, but they're worth the price even if you hadn't. Each character plays dramatically different, there are cool remixed songs here and there, different gimmicks and level layouts in Specter of Torment etc.

I picked this up for the switch
game is very easy, so I'm taking my time through it

>That Shovel Knight boss fight and cute romance plot in Plague of Shadows
>All those completely new level layouts/music tracks plus the tragic story in Specter of Torment
Can't wait to see what Yacht Club pull out for King Knight's campaign.

I can't wait for that either and I can already feel that their next game will be pure genius.

So I assume you're breaking all the checkpoints, right?

>So I assume you're breaking all the checkpoints, right?
Not sure what you mean?

Is it safe to assume that the next we'll see of King of Cards, as well as the time we'll finally get its release date. Will be in Nintendo's January direct. Right?

You can break checkpoints for extra gold but in turn lose that checkpoint. You can make the game harder on yourself.
NG+ is also basically hard mode. You take double damage, there's no full heals in the levels and there's barely any checkpoints.

You notice those glass orbs you go past? You can break them for extra gold but that also means the checkpoint is destroyed so if you're breezing through the game like you said I'd recommend doing that.

it alright

Exactly what it says, are you retarded?

Probably, it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up being a one month timed exclusive on Switch either, like Specter of Torment.