What are the chances we will see a remaster/remake/reboot of the Prince of Persia franchise over the next two years...

What are the chances we will see a remaster/remake/reboot of the Prince of Persia franchise over the next two years? Next year Sands of Time will be 15 years old. 2019 will mark the 30th anniversary of the franchise. And Ubisoft has expressed interest in reviving dormant franchises before.

What are your thoughts on this matter, Sup Forums?

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Wow, apparently no one on Sup Forums cares about this franchise anymore. Guess this board really is flooded with underages after all.

As much as I want the Prince to make a comeback, it won't happen soon unless people stop buying the shovelware that is Asscreed.

It's not that no one on Sup Forums cares about PoP. We don't care about remasters/remakes/reboots any more. There are games that need it, there are classics that are perfectly fine without and there are shit titles. Stop whining about your shit thread and think about why no one cares about remaking games any more.

those games dont need one though

Sands of Time is literally perfect, any remake or remaster would just fuck with it and deliver an inferior product because this is modern Ubisoft

First, that fanart looks horrible.
Second, Ubisoft doesn't care animore about this IP because Ass Creed is bringing all the big bucks having a similar gameplay style. As much as i want more Prince of Persia, it's not gonna happen anytime soon.

>tfw the prince used to be white with blonde hair
Fucking consoles

As long as asscreed exists, I don't see then doing it.
For whatever reason Ubi decided assassin's Creed was the successor because parkour.
Also, would you really want a reboot on the age of "sandbox" and lootboxes?

How about the ending dlc for PoP 2008 PC version

Ubisoft already has Asscreed, which is just casual PoP at its core. I hope they never make remakes or sequels, they'll just ruin the trilogy. Actually, technically they already did with that god awful piece of shit Forgotten Sands was.

Fuck off Sup Forumsbeard.

some games just don't need reviving at all. A prince of Persia game would be too hard for causals and youtubers to play. Also it's not a movie meme so it will be boring to the modern gamers and artsy mature hipsters. Ubisoft would kill off the linearity, add meaningless rpg elements and poorly design levels too open world. All the females would have lifeless characterization and be redesigned ugly to cater to sjws. They would focus way too much on story telling and celebrity voice acting than designing platforming segments, well challenging puzzles and enemies/bosses.

So no I don't want modern ubisoft to touch prince of Persia at all. They already ruined beyond good and evil and rayman.

Sands of Time doesn't need a remaster or a remake, it's still perfectly fine. As for a reboot, Mechner was the reason Sands of Time worked at all. Look at the dogshit they produced without him. WW, TTT, that 2008 reboot. All trash.

>movie meme

What did you mean by this? Otherwise I agree with your points.


He means that its not "cinematic" or "immersive". And it doesnt have to be. SoT is a very good game and it shouldnt be remastered.

I'm sorry but modern Prince of Persia was basically built for casuals. Each one has a rewind mechanic with generous sand tanks except for 2008 where death is actually impossible.

But the rewind mechanic was limited and you had to use it wisely. If they ever remastered it tho, I hope ubishit would at least add a difficulty mode were the whole mechanic is disabled and enemies have more attack patterns.

no, they'd have easy mode, where you have infinite rewind, normal mode, where rewind is more generous than the originals but still limited, and hard mode, which is the same as normal mode only you deal less damage and take more

>liking Warrior Within

The combat was an improvement, but everything else was just horrible, even placing aside the edgy memes. The characters' faces are so unbearable, and the camera loves to zoom on them constantly. Fucking why?!

What are some games with a fairytale-like atmosphere?


King's Bounty

Welp looks like the thread is dead

This is accurate.


Kingdoms of Amalur



Given Ubisoft's current track record of complete garbage. I don't want them to even touch Prince of Persia ever again.

Preaty accurate.


I fucking hope not
Ubisoft is trash and I rather just have the series died.

The Wii version of Forgotten Sands was ok.

I still wanna know the thought process behin Forgotten Sands' marketing.

>"Hey guys. What if, uhm, we make FOUR separate stories depending on the version you're playing?"
>"Oh, but only the one of PS3/Xbox 360/PC is the canon one"

Modern Ubisoft is shit and they will most likely butcher its remaster, also POP was never really THAT popular, not anywhere near Assassin's Creed


If it ever does come back, it will be some shared open world bullshit. Look at ubisoft's current catalog, no way in the fuck they are going to do anything different.

Thanks for mentioning PoP, I have been thinking about that too for some time in the past weeks. What is stopping them from releasing the games digitally as classics?

>tfw you couldn't save Kaileena in Two Thrones after everything you went through in WW

Fuck Farah, the annoying cunt. I wanted my Empress.

>Sands of Time better than Two Thrones
gameplay wise it was a clunky mess and the combat made me want to kill myself in certain parts of the game

I want to get in alternative universe just to play released Kindred Blades.

You can always preorder it on torrents