Does Sup Forums play Hearthstone?
Does Sup Forums play Hearthstone?
Warcraft is the only Blizzard discussion that happens on Sup Forums for the most part.
I used to a years back when I was still in school
I'm pretty sure it legitimately had a depressive effect on me
I played it but it's too pay to win so I stopped. I saved up dust for like 3 months and still didn't have even half what I'd need to make a good deck. Nope.
Exept the daily Overwatch bash, of course.
>spend $100 to get a meta deck
Dropped it.
Dungeon Run is fun as shit.
A question came to my mind with the new expansion.
The warcraft Kobolds, have a candle.
Do they use their Smegma to make the candles?
The RNG required is pretty frustrating. I've done Rogue, Druid and Warlock but some of the others require very specific setups the game just wont fucking give me.
yeah i always check it out on the first day of a new expansion
after that its only rush aggro shit and stops being fun
I quit shortly after the League of Explorers
I started again with the dungeon run thing, it's fun.
I play Shadowverse
Used to play religiously until I realized that they don't give a shit about balance and made the game unrewarding to play.
However I am now back but play only the new dungeon run mode. Fun as hell. 2 more classes before I complete all of them. (mage and priest left)
I'm not 8yo anymore.
>He plays against the computer
dungeon run is fun and I'm surprised they didn't milk the shit out of it like they did with the first expansions. Shame you don't win gold from it but oh well.
I can't beat real people anyways
single player games are a thing
>dungeon run is fun and I'm surprised they didn't milk the shit out
Don't worry. After seeing how much people like it they definitely will. Blizzard always find a way.
Azari is by far the most fun card in this set.
I do
current meta is looking good, a lot of varied decks being decently successfull
things should be gucci once mean streets fuck off forever in 4 months
Deck list? I've been trying to make her work but I typically have either won or lost by the time I get the seals all out. The few times I've actually got Azari in my hand, it got pulled out without the battlecry with the legendary weapon. So I've either got to cut Azari or the weapon and I don't think the deck will work without the weapon.
I've played for a total of 3 years and finally quit this August. Haven't touched it since.
I didn't run Rin in that deck, she got discovered by a Stonehill Defender. I don't know how to play her in a proper deck.
I had that exact thing happen in a warlock dungeon run. Won me the run against the dragon boss.
you just jam her in control lock and play her if the matchup is slow enough or ignore her otherwise
yes, but meta decks bores me
I just memed arena game by opening all seals and memeing opponent deck
The only time I play is if my friend hits me up and wants to try the new brawl. It's the only "balanced" truly RNG type of fun in the game.
What are the odds that Syndragosa and Moorabi become good at some point down the line?
just uninstalled cause mages have never been balanced.
hunters arent fun cause they keep giving them dogshit cards that are useless or more SMOrc face hit do dmg cards
game is dead cause its inbalanced as hell,do yourself a favor and quit. get the will up and quit. never go back. it will always be shit