post a more bullshit achievement.
HARD MODE: no steam achievements
Post a more bullshit achievement
You don't need to get it.
Mr. Perfect from Mega Man 10.
You're a fucking chump if you never did Little Rocket Man.
That Dead Rising achievement that will most likely result in your 360 red ringing while you try to get it.
Stanley Parable. Don't play the game for 5 years. Don't use time and date change to cheat it either.
Which one? There was Zombie Genocider, 5-day and 7-day Survivor. All of them could fuck up your machine.
my 360 RRODed during Genocider
>Release date: 17 Oct 2013
Bullet witch hardest mode clear
But that's not bullshit. That's literally a perfect achievement
Even on PS4 I had to deal with a few freezes before I got Zombie Genocider. Fuck even going for 5 or 7 day survivor, I'm content with 88% of trophies.
Speaking of the Dead Rising Series
>worry about RRoD
>game simply freezes
>Stanley Parable. Don't play the game for 5 years. Don't use time and date change to cheat it either.
Stanley Parable is full of retarded meme achievements. I still have another 2 years to go to get this one though. Will probably pirate it if I decide to play it again just so I don't have to launch it on steam.
>tfw my friends first 360 died while going for the 7 day achievement
>mfw his power cut out during the second attempt on a new console while I was staying over
I have never seen a shy person so violently upset before
one of the achievements in DR1 requires you to be playing / have your console on for 14 hours straight, and the game was released early into the 360's lifespan when RROD was still a real threat
Killing 50k enemies in Hotline Miami 2, not only is that a ridiculous number you're unlikely to reach even after S-ranking every level on hard, there's no counter for it on playstation so good fucking luck.
Pic is not mine but I'd say this is up there at least in the difficulty department. Did it myself personally back when the game came out on expert guitar. There is almost zero breaks outside of Let There Be Rock about 5 hours in which has breaks of over a minute long on guitar.
At least if someone is good enough they can get that achievement. Pic related on the other hand, it doesn't matter if you're the best player in the world, there's only one of each belt in existence and the same guys bounce it around each other so that they never have to defend it against anyone ever. They actually charged desperate achievementfags cold hard cash in exchange for the achievements. Even when people have tried to screw them and keep the belts, they always end up getting it back a few days later because no one else has the autism to log in every single day to make sure they pass the belt back and forward to keep it to themselves.
I did this a few months back on expert bass. Only break was at the beginning of Battery pretty much, which is the 4th to last song. My heart was racing at Visions ngl
Forgot pic
This isn't hard at all.
>My heart was racing at Visions ngl
Same here dude fucking visions was brutal on anything but vocals didn't help panic attack and painkiller were right after but visions was the one song I made sure to practice a bit before doing it.
>I'm content with 88% of trophies.
Summed up my feelings towards Saint and Transmissionary. finally got em 9 years later though
man i played l4d2 for like 500 hours and i can't hide my shame now
is there any community left
I thought Saint was kinda fun to get though, if you learn to deal with the garbage AI in the right ways. Just felt good to have saved everyone. Transmissionary was a fucking trainwreck to unlock though.
If your not playing on expert sure.
>tfw getting good enough at handling the AI to do 5+ man rescue chains
DR1 is full of dumbass shit but it's still one of my favourite games ever
>this achievement is hard if you do it in a way that makes it harder than is strictly necessary
The more bullshit achievement is the one where you have to run it for 24 hours, pretty sure there's no cheating around having to do that
>tfw escorting survivors back from Colby's after beating Sean
That stretch of Paradise Plaza is hell on the last day
There's also an achievement for finishing the endless setlist on expert, so you're just wasting even more hours of your life if you don't go for that and bladder of steel at the same time.
reminds me of the Rockstar Games Presents: Table Tennis achievement that requires you to reach the top, and is using that "True Skill" ranking system.
You can use restmode on the ps4 remaster
>TF2: 100,000 views on your youtube video
how the fuck would I even manage 10, nobody gives a shit about random tf2 clips
view bot it B
You can't even get these anymore due to an API update
>every achievement should be obtainable by anyone because my mommy told me I could do anything!
Who else hates millennials that don't understand that not everyone can _achieve_ everything?
Literally my favorite achievement of all time.
A shotgun, handguns, and some healing items all for survivors turns them from morons into a fearless swat team.
Unironically this. If you give a shit about your survivors and bother to arm them and take care of them a little bit more than not at all, instead of expecting them just to make it on their own by the grace of god as you run 200 feet ahead of them, escorts honestly ain't that bad.
It's bullshit you have to spam the "go over here" command though. How does stopping to deal with a zombie make them forget where I want them to go? Fuck.
When I realized I could give them guns and they had infinite ammo I made it a point to trade them random shit outside the safe house for the shotgun back. The community bicycle.
Any achievement that can only be claimed if the online portion on that game is actually active.
>tfw forgot to close the door on the shuttle
Clearly you have no idea what group millenials are, genZ kid.
TrueSkill was the shit, too bad they dropped it instantly when online games got real popular because it was too realistic.
>you had to grind like a dozen profiles to cheese this
What game?
Double Dragon Neon
You get the first achievement for starting the game and the second for beating the final boss.
Since most achievement scores are divisible by 5 then getting the first one makes your score uneven and you have to finish the game to balance it out.
>it just fucking vanishes because Source
Fuck everything.
Try to post this in any multiplayer thread where you get called a subhuman worm if you aren't in the top 10%.
Also games teach the polar opposite of this. Early achievement lists all had a few bullshit chevoos no sane man could do but they dropped those later because it annoyed people. Now games usually let you grind the "harder" achievements or only have hard ones if the game is hard by default so the target audience is up for the challenge.
>Lost Planet 2
Fucking how?
At least you can grind this achievement. Takes 6+ months and 2-4 xboxes running all day (as far as i can remember) but anyone can do it. There are some achievements however which are literally impossible because they ask you to play a really hard game to perfection.
My favorite example is Living Legends from GHIII
Expert is already so fucking hard in this episode, simply surviving it on any rank is a great feat in itself. A couple of songs on expert are so fucking hard it should have it's own difficulty. You not only have to 5 star (nearly perfect) every song but in co-op, so you have to find someone who is equally skilled.
You can only get this in local split screen co-op!
And the game progress / achievement is only saved for P1 meaning you have to do it twice!!!
>Have to beat every version of characters made OP in one go with every character
She is the first survivor. You can never bring her back in the safehouse. You can tell her to stay before you enter the safehouse, but she constantly loses health until you go back so you have to be quick. You have to feed her and watch out for her while playing the game.
There is one or two events where you have to leave her behind for a while or she gets teleported back with you in the safehouse. You have to run back to her ASAP after the teleport. It is a pain in the ass but not as much as DR1 chevoos and she actually have a lot more health than any other survivor. It is a good achievement IMHO.
Getting The Insane in WoW was grindy as fuck
You can do it on easy, you at least get some character variety and I think you can pause between the wily stages
Mr Perfect was fucked up in 9 though
>Put in achievements that take time and skill to get
>People complain because not every one can get it
The "everyone is a winner" mentality needs to stop
>Episode 2 was 10 years ago
Holy shit make 3
I don't care if you put hats in it at this point
It wasn't an issue once they introduced HDD installations since the system ran cooler and you didn't have to worry about the disk spinning.
I did this in Blazblue , which had the exact same score attack even though there was no achievement for it
Persona 4 i gave up before i even cleared it with one character, the AI is such a piece of shit
fuck, that's clever
All achievements that require "friends" or people to play with in general can all go and fuck themselves.
If I can't 100% the game simply by playing by myself, no matter how much time invested, the game is automatically shit.
Does your name start with an N?
>not having friends
I am loling at your life
>achievement for being top of the leaderboards
>defeat a dev in a MP game
>he barely was online during the game's lifetime
>is never online at all right now
Having friends is an achievement.
i can't recall which DOA it was, but you had to get to S rank, go back down to F, then go back up to S or something stupid like that
Making these achievements viral is a much better solution
I was pretty close to reaching 50k after almost 100%ing. For the other few thousand kills I just repeated one of the stages which throws 10-20 enemies at you straight away.
There's a difference between an achievement that takes some time and skill to achieve and completely bullshit ones that maybe 5 people will ever be able to earn that were most likely cheated to get, not to mention servers for online games regularly get shut down.
you don't need to play video games