Holy shit this is much better than fortnite. Just wish the shooting and movement can be tighter
Holy shit this is much better than fortnite. Just wish the shooting and movement can be tighter
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you know that when people phrase shit like this, it's because they're trying to defend the lesser game, right user?
is this some elaborate double bait bullshit? pretending to be a retard doesn't mean you're not still a retard
T.Soy pubg
Runs like absolute turd on my standard xbox
>I like game
t. Sonysoyboys.
OPINIONS and no it's really no lamo
>How to Make a Girl Laugh(1)
bet you had to look that up unironically eh champ?
This whole thread is just a bunch of console peasants finally fighting after getting a game we've had for months on months. Enjoy the literal scraps!
>what is nier
>what is nioh
>what is gta5
Superior experiences on the PC? My point is you're getting the actual scraps because the game is 2x the giant pile of shit it is on PC. Sorry bud.
nier/nioh are literally who tier no one on pc really cares about whereas pubg is the biggest game since minecraft and by far the most demanded game on console
Your arms must hurt from those heavy goalposts.
PC always gets shit console ports. Just look at Batman Arkham Knight lmao. Pubg looks and feels better on the One X, maybe next time soyboy ;)
>l-literal who games
>PC players d-dont care!
>even though there was non stop shitposting up until there was a PC version!
The absolute state of PC players. Do I need to dig up all the petitions?
>Just look at the only one game that runs better on console than on PC and is infamous for it!
Pubg runs like ass on PC and is nearly unplayable on a HDD, so it obviously will run even worse on console.
HAHAHAHAHAHA if you think ANY game looks better on console you're delusional. And as for feel, the OP is literally complaining about the feel. Just stop.
I can guarantee a One X has twice the power of your fucking toaster you fucking mustardface
You can very easily see it
Both literal indieshit tier compared to pubg at 25 million. On consoles fortnite (google xbos most played) is in the second most played game, and it's extremely obvious thats simply due to no pubg.
Maybe in your wildest dreams. Put an xxxbonexxx with pubg on it next to a 1080 and an i7-7700k, and try to keep these delusions. You can't.
>giant map in a battle royale game
>run around for 20 minutes looking for good loot
>good in any way
Don't die? It feels pretty great to win, maybe try that instead of what you've been doing.
Sorry didn't realise PUBG shills were in here
t. 7700k 1080ti fag here, 120 fps on testservers
>talking about shot you know nothing about
Do go on, I love watching you make an ass out of yourself.
How well does your rig play bloodborne btw?
>people on this board unironically think anyone cares about some shit hack and slash game with a bit of dodging and rolling
>superfluous fps
>test servers
Buddy I have a playstation for that one game too, you're not hurting me talking about shit I don't know? What about this user saying the same thing as me but with the actual hardware?
It's one of the few games that actually causes butthurt all over here and the internet with thin skinned pc players like yourself, so yeah. Cheers mate
I don't even own a computer you dumb cunt
>2 weeb games
Well at least you tried
>shooting and movement
its never being improved, its the same as on PC except now you're trying to use a fucking analog stick to make precise movements and it turned into a fucking Fallout 3 shooter
Why the fuck would you ever need 120 fps.
daily reminder ever COD since ever, has been 60fps
>try to make a pubg thread
>gets derailed by envious fortnite poorfags, buttblasted pc players and jealous sonygroes
Fuck this place.
>120 fps
Literally bragging about nothing. We've reached a point where blowing more on your pc is a meme. Consoles are catching up faster than pc's can upgrade in any significant way that merits a high price.
The proof is more and more "PC only experiences" are porting over, and games are looking better and better on consoles while PC games still look the same.
>Start literally every Xbone thread with a shitpost
>People notice and shitpost right back
>"Help! We're being oppressed!"
All console gamers must be clones of the same 3 retards.
What was shitposty about it? Literally just said it was better than fortnite and I get retards talking about graphics cards and "enjoy the scraps!" nonsense. I swear all PC fags are the same 4 small dick spergs with low self esteem
GTA5 and Nioh sure, but Nier is DEFINITELY not a superior experience on the PC, not by a long mile, if only they actually released a patch to fix it, what a waste of an amazing game
>consoles are catching up
>xbox x is still running games at 30fps
>1060s can run them at 60 which is on par with the power of the APU in the xboxx
Ahh yes, because , , , and sure aren't shitposts.
The truth is that Xboners are exactly like Sony niggers, except with even less exclusives and relevance.
Reminder that the only new feature PUBG has added in 8 months is fucking jumping.
And a shit map
Maps are not a feature they are just current features in different spots.
>kill streamer
>get banned
no thanks
thats not true
thats been one of the biggest issues tho, it made headlines when a popular reddit user on the pubg forum killed some popular guy and actually streams himself and got insta banned after killing the guy even tho no evidence showed he did
The way he vaguely green texted it - yes it's true
fortnite is way better than pubshit
> I’ve also found that characters are difficult to control when you’re getting around 20 frames per second. I’ll walk by a door, and my character will get stuck on the wall because the stepping animation carried me just a tiny bit further than I realized. It’s frustrating.
>20 frames per second
mate, you're fucking retarded
>The guy was shown leaving and joining 16 matches at the same time the streamer was queueing
>His gameplay showed him moving in a direct path across the map multiple times to get to the same person; the streamer
It only happened on one occasion and he shouldn't have been banned for doing it but people like you who try and make it a bigger deal than it was are worst.
>It only happened on one occasion
I have been hearing multiple occasions where this happened
it happens a ton
watch any streamer, as soon as they die "stream sniper, someone clip that ill get rid of him"
And yet only one "stream sniping" ban can be proven. The rest of the cases are false-flagging. Streamers saying shit like "stream sniper, someone clip that and i'll get rid of him" are just buttfrustrated and hold no power. Then retards like you throw their arms in the air and start screeching that the world is burning down. even though nothing is happening.
>The rest of the cases are false-flagging.
they had to publically address it
either way, theres still rampant cheating and hacking taking place
The new PUBG map is just as big or even bigger than the old one with even less shit in it and has at least one tree sticking up through a road and at least one hole that's impossible to get out of. Fucking garbage game where you loot and run around doing absolutely fucking nothing for 30+ minutes before getting killed by someone you couldn't even see.
I hope some japanese is making some BR game for PS4 or Switch and it became the flavor of the month, I'm truly tired of this game.
fortnite is the R6 Siege of battlegrounds game
PUBG is call of duty shit
Should be safer from the cheats/hacks on xbox though.
I'd like to see a pubg style game with Valkyria Chronicles art style.
The guy who got banned was harassing Summit, it wasn't a one time thing. Bluehole can replay matches so it was proven.
only for a while
they have no cheat detection software, its all literally manually based bans which is shit
also they dont ban the game outright, u just get banned for incremental days
Address what? The fact that they banned one person haphazardly? Once they banned that retard they completely withdrew for a few days and haven't banned anyone else for stream sniping. All of the streamers have the same snipers because no one is actually getting banned for that shit since that one incident.
And as for hackers, I haven't seen anyone blatantly hacking on the US servers. I've even gone so far as to look for them online but they're pretty well hidden to people unless you're willing to shell out 100 bucks a month. Some people selling them are so extreme they only sell if you're willing to go through a string of interviews basically. The public ones are caught within days.
How do you aim with scope on xbox? Couldn't figure that shit out.
Also how small does circle get, does it disappear in the end and everything is dead zone?
Show me who else has been banned for stream sniping or in-game harassment.
Hi Aaron
>within days
thats days of ruining peoples fun
I think you lack reading comprehension. One person was banned for doing something against the rules. They never lifted his ban. No one lost out on any fun except the guy breaking the rules.
>pubg shills out in full force
>no one cares about it on twitch except the chinese who dont care about quality e.g. transformers films
>china dont care about xbox so its never gonna have as many players
>every criticism is met with sony shill for the sake of console wars
>Even the top streamers on twitch like dr.disrespect are laughing at this game and laughing even harder at the xbone version
>literally have to wait until it comes out on ps4 so the xbox shills can finally go back to shitting on this trash with the rest of us just like pre e3 announcement
Trash before and after e3. This industry is a joke and china is killing slowly killing it just like the film industry.
Dr. Disrespect is a butthurt faggot. So are you for acting like he somehow has credibility
How the fuck do you know? They permanently ban cheaters accounts on most games so why wouldn't they do that on PUBG?
>Shooters don't belong on consoles in this era
>Streamers only stream the game because it makes them ridiculous amounts of money for the effort
>While they talk shit about the game on stream, they're actively talking with the devs to make it better.
The only people who dislike this game are those that genuinely don't like fps, or those that hate anything popular because they have no friends.
Now for the more important question: Are retards self-aware and frogpost to automatically flag themselves as retarded? Or are retards just naturally attracted to the frogi reaction images.
I was super excited about this game, but every site is talking about how it runs and looks like hot garbage on the original Xbox one. I guess the X is a lot better but fuck spending 500 on a console.
its literally bethesda F3/NV movement/shooting pvp
Well he has more credibility than you, so imagine that, having less credibility than 0. Thats where you are.
No one will live long enough to see the day this game gets better. Just because its an fps and popular doesnt make it good. Its a broken game and youre literally cancer for defending, lower than a frogposter.
Then why don't you go back to sucking his dick on the stream?
the game runs like shit, it's fun and all but it's getting tiresome.
If I own this on PC can I get it for free on Xbox?
I wish the framerate could be higher too.
lol no, only microsoft games in the app store are cross buy
Because it's not 2008 anymore, and 60 fps is a fucking slideshow.