Why does every fucking streamer play FPP these days?

Why does every fucking streamer play FPP these days?

If I wanted to watch a babby game I would go watch LoL/OW

Because unlike OW it isn't an eye-rapingly unintelligible light show.

Please don't try to defend your babby TF2 clone

I dont think he was defending OW friendo

Because FPP is harder than third person and more entertaining?

Because the 14 year olds who watch them think that having no peripheral vision and getting stuck on doorways is more realistic.

How can it be harder if the enemies have the same disadvantage? Do you even think before you post?

Sure is hard to sit around and wait untill you hear a step instead of being able to get fucked from every single piece of cover by same camping faggot

Idk, it read like some backhanded compliment to the game

Dumb as fuck kid can't even understand an insult.

I guess this is true

I guess I just expected more from people that are actually good at the game

If you don't expect people on Sup Forums to be behind 4236326 layers of irony you are retarded yourself kiddo

>i was only pretending

Just stop already before you embarass yourself even further

I was talking about him you fuck

Depending on how you interpret the sentence, one could argue an "eye-rapingly unintelligble light show" would make a game hard to control skill-wise

But whatever you want retard

It lands itself very well to streaming.
It's full of highlighteable moments, has short queue times (higher elo lol streamers can spend 30 min in q/champ select), its kinda random but there's skill involved in aiming and knowing what to do, there's freedom to do enough goofy shit in the game. And also the fact that every game is a competition with a clear winner and thus kind of exciting to watch.
I don't like playing or watching it but I understand it's popularity.

Well duh, this thread is just about the differentation between TPP and FPP

Pubg is the biggest baby game of all time who do you think watches Dr Disrespect and Shroud?

>Pubg is the biggest baby game of all time
If you mean the playerbase, sure, no idea I only play it with friends.

>who do you think watches Dr Disrespect and Shroud?
I guess that would be plebs

Doesn't explain why they play the pleb mode themselves though

I don't want a lot of streaming (except when videos are posted on this board) and I must say that's a good point.

When I see LoL/OW/Dota gameplay most of the time I have no idea what I'm looking at. I don't understand what takes skill and what does not, there's stuff all over the place (both in the UI and the battlefield). Most of the time when the video is "OMG look at this insane trick" or "look at this massive fail" I just don't get it if somebody doesn't explain it to me.

PUBG on the other hand is so basic at its core that I immediately know what's going on even though I've never played the game. If you've ever played a TPS you know what it is.

But why do they prefer the goddamn easymode version of the game instead of the harder one?

I'm not sure what you're referring too, what's the harder version?

Third Person Perspective

There seems to be a growing group of idiots that prefer first person because it would require more "skill"

Ah I see, I didn't get what "FPP" meant in the OP, I wasn't familiar with the acronym.

But then I don't get what the OP meant, isn't FPP the non-babymode version then?

>But then I don't get what the OP meant, isn't FPP the non-babymode version then?
I'm sorry but, this is what plebs think. Actually FPP gives you safety to anyone that could be hiding behind any given piece of cover, which can see you but you can't see. This situation doesn't happen in FPP, and is the reason babs prefer it unfortunately

>he thinks the version of the game that favors the player camping instead of the player with better aim is the harder mode

1/10 you tried

In either case as long as everybody plays with the same perspective then the playing field is level anyway. It just favors different playstyles (TPP favors camping heavily since you can look around a corner or over a wall without taking any risks).

If people can chose between TPP and FPP within the same instance then obviously FPP is at a significant disadvantage.

Sounds like tryhard faggotry to me. I blame e-"""sports""".

>360 view of everything
>Don't have to peak corners or windows with your body
There is a reason why streamers don't play TPP and it's because everyone is a fucking camper you can easily hold a house when you have a visual advantage over the other player if he doesn't know where you are.

>Why does every fucking streamer play FPP these days?
Because TPP is utter shit and anyone who plays it should be euthanized.


Why watch people play games at all?

This is such bait.

>aggressive play is rewarded (eg. charging campers)
>in duos/squads positioning and vantage points are incredibly important
>listening for footsteps is important
>being quiet is important
>peeking in a fire fight is risk/reward
>peeking is time sensitive because if you wait too long to look your enemy can reposition
>have to line up your shots super quickly or risk exposing yourself too long

>camping is rewarded
>having multiple vantage points is pointless because you can always see where the enemy is during a fire fight
>peeking has absolutely no risk
>could play with volume off if you're camping because you just need to spray your SMG into the hallway if you see someone
>can line up your shot from behind cover, removing a tremendous amount of twitch-shooting skill

There's a reason that people who are good at FPS can wipe entire hot-drop areas like School and Military Base in FPP but die quickly in TPP. It's because TPP favors unskilled, low risk play.

You can see far beyond corners and edges than you can in fpp