ITT: Steam red flags
>default avatar
>community avatar
>steam level under 10
>less than 100 games
>private profile
>less than 5 years on Steam
>no Steam emoticons
>no custom profile background
>no phone number attached to account
>no screenshots
>no reviews
>few or no in-game items or trading cards
>less than 90 hours spent on playing Steam games past 2 weeks
>not in any groups
>no description set
>no real name set
>no nation and city set
>no custom profile ID
>never changed name
ITT: Steam red flags
Other urls found in this thread:
I pirate most of my games and don't acknowledge other steam users because I'm not a fucking normie redditor
>Anime avatar
>Tf2 avatar
>Avatar is a meme
>CS:GO, PUBG, warframe, or Dota is top played game
>Associates with Sup Forums
>Associates with reddit or equivalent
>Has 80 profile comments all circlejerking
You're either a faggot or a woman.
tfw 0 friends on steam
>giving a shit about most of those
Imagine being such a soy LARPer that you treat steam as your facebook 2.0
Thoughts on this Steam background?
>Bronyfaggot thinking he's any better
Kill yourself
>Panty and Stockling
It has to be bait.
That's Panty and Stocking, peabrain.
>steam level under 10
You mean under? I had my account since 2010, almost 100 games on it, I regularly play different shit and my Steam level is... 9? Not that I would add any of you faggots unless I knew you in real life, so no idea why I'm even joining the discussion.
t. mommy issues
>is a member of a Sup Forums related group
The only red flag that matters.
>om a game where someone is acting like a supreme autist
>check their profile
>main group is the Sup Forums or Sup Forums group
Every time
>steam level under 10
I've been using steam nearly since it came out and I have no fucking idea what this is. Can someone explain it to me and what it means to have a low or high level? It sounds like some bullshit designed to make you buy more games so your imaginary level goes up.
>description is full of OC bios, system specs, personal life drama, rules when it comes to adding friends, and "family members"
Man, I just love those scene kids bios some people set up on their profile pages. Steam is such a wonderful place
My Profile is private because I have an annoying cunt of a little brother in law that won't stop messaging me.
Also Stocking best girl.
Best girl.
Red flags for what? Not being a neurotic autist?
>massive tubro autist
>steam bio has a link that takes you to Sup Forums news infinity
My flags are so red people think I'm a communist.
>less than 90 hours spent on playing Steam games past 2 weeks
I hope you're kidding; 80 hours in 2 weeks is more than a full-time job. It's not healthy to play video games for that long.
How do i get into ERPing and RPing in general /v?
>people not realizing this is just the opposite of the normal red flag post
>Yahtzee quote
>>not in any group's
>everything else below that
That's just being a picky bitch at best
>haven't changed my default avatar and nickname for seven years
Fuck you
it's a good quote, he made some good games too.
Red flags for not being a retard?
>Be autistic
>Find character you like
>Absorb as much knowledge of that character as you possibly can
>Play that character until you either flanderize them or just get bored
>Repeat steps 2-5
>a hundred steam friends
Can we get a real response please.
Tubesfag just seems like some dumb normie
okay that post made me cringe
But user I've been playing characters for nearly 5 years.
You're really going to have to be more specific. In my opinion though it's not something you choose to do, you just slide into it.
>only level 8
>Have over 200 games
>Not sure how steam level even works because I only use it to play games, don't do any trading shit
How is steam level a red flag?
>avatar is anything other than a selfie of themselves
>username isn't either their first name or a gaming handle
these are the only indicators of an insane person on Steam.
Nope. Instead it forces you to buy "trading cards" to level up.
Did it for a laff with the spare 4 quid I had on my account, level 33 now. Feels cheap and has no prestige. I only feel sorry for those faggots at lvl 100, the "exp" needed goes up exponentially
Steam isn't a fucking social network, how about you fuck off to facebook
Buying games also gives you some xp, as do the badges you just collect automatically. It's not much, but enough to get where you need to be.
They aren't my friend?
>You will never fuck Stocking while she's tied up in ribbons
>Stocking will never peg you
Why even live though?
I liked the ending.
Does it? I can't remember, though I think that might only be for summer sales and things.
And where do you "need" to be? The levels don't really give an indication of anything of value
Idc, post more Stocking
>only add people you already know from somewhere else
There, avoided about 100% of the usual problems with Steam friends.
The "games count" badge gives more xp the more games you have.
Levels give gore friend slots I think, you get showcases if you care, and your card booster drop rate increases a bit, which could mean a bit of extra revenue.
>tfw I changed my icon and name to a generic anime just so people can leave me alone so I can die in peace.
I already have social media, steam doesn't need to be another one where I can only meet people with no social skills.
>never changed name
But I've been Grasshopper forever, it's better than changing it plus your avatar every other week and becoming a forgettable fuck.
As always, you can usually trust the opposite of Sup Forums lists.
I hate when people change their shit so often. I have a really cringy name that I've grown attached to, same goes for my avatar, but at least I'm not a weeb changing his name to an anime character everyday. At least my friends have no trouble finding me.
I changed my name once. My first name was inspired by a song I was listening to at the time (Swine Slaughter by Brain Drill) but I kinda started to fell embarrassed over the edgy name so I renamed myself Fluffy Pillowstone. I am still edgy inside my soul and in my tastes I like violent mediums, things that upset religious people and metal music, but I hide my power level somewhat. I'll happily tip my fedora your way as well.
How do get background?
>private profile
>no custom profile background
I have some but dont use them.
>no screenshots
>not in any groups
>no description set
>no real name set
>no custom profile ID
That my red flags
Get one from a badge or event and set it.
No point.
Biggest red flags
Anime avatar
big ass description that boils down to telling your life story
Those aren't redflags, that just shows the person is more interested in playing vidya than toying around with Steam's social media feature.
Why? Steam isn't fucking social media.
>Zero Punctuation quote
Jesus fucking christ are you 15?
or you could just buy one
>person has any amount of fun at all
>has a hobby i disagree with
I want to be stocking
Why are those red flags?
I want to fuck you as Stocking
>he only plays CSGO, DOTA 2, PUBG, and whatever flavor of the month meme game is out (e.g. DDLC, Nier)
just kill yourself
how can someone have such shit taste jesus *christ* OP get it together
>steam profile lists their favorite boards
id rather be tubesfag than some fucking degenerate anime poster who wants to start ERPing
Fucking die you pathetic piece of shit
I'm 28 and Fritz is pretty cool
red flag for what?
Stop derailing my thread you retarded redditor
wow, so this is the true power of anime posters. embarrassing
>Sissy white boy with an anime avatar using Steam as a replacement for social circles because no one wants to be next to him in real life
Anyone whos level is over 30 is usually a no-life faggot who treats Steam like a social platform
They typically also act like they're some Steam celebrity or some shit and will say shit like "don't expect me to add you, i'll reach out to you if necessary"
also literally anime anything
Please kill yourself faggot, please do it.
Die retard.
Pic related is OP's profile a year ago.
holy shit I was right here
>default or community avatar
>level over 20
>anything about trading in their profile
>over 2000 hours in any single game
>f2p game most played game
>item showcase
>using Steam to begin with
The only read flag you need
How do you even know this is OP?
Imagine being such a retard you don't know what LARPing is
>tfw maingroup is shmupg
Ironic weeaboo redditors are the real cancer killing this board.
OP pls die
Faggot ironic weeb
who did this
real question
whats the LEWDEST steam background you can get?
>being this obsessed
Not really helping your case here faggot.
>all the normie casuals getting upset about this post
>wahhh I hate anime
>wahhh actually expectng me to have passion about vidya on the vidya board
I remember when everybody on Sup Forums wasn't a pubg playing normalfag. I wish we were more elitist like Sup Forums so so many fucking normals don't come here, talking about their normie memes and how they hate anime and if you play video games for more than 5 hours a week you are a permavirgin
Hi guys im op do u like my shirt :3
>I'm a REAL weeb
I had to make my profile private because foreigners kept trying to steal my tf2 unusuals