I wouldn't care if piratefags didn't go on and on about how it isn't stealing or it's ok, seriously just admit you are dong something wrong, you don't have to lie to yourself.
otherwise I don't give a shit, poorfags will be poorfags
What are your opinions on piracy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some games are not even worth pirating. Like Wolfenstein 2.
So if devs want people not to pirate their games thats the solution just make bad games.
>stealing zeroes and ones
I don't like most games so rather than pirate them I just don't buy them
>stealing an arrangement of atoms
I buy games I like. Almost never pirate indie games just cause it makes me feel bad for some reason. Torrent AAA games all the time and play them for like two hours before uninstalling
Sup Forums please.
You're just mad at people not being indignant at the idea of shooting Nazis in the face.
If their atoms though. I can't copy them.
I fucking despise Jim Sterling, but he's 100% right on this. youtube.com
Not him but I'm not a nazi and it was just way too short, also the story wasn't as well implemented as Return to Wolfenstein Castle, same problem I had with the previous game
I vote with my dollar. If I like a game, 9 times out of 10 i'll buy it on sale after I've pirated it.
Am I a thief for using adblock?
>Am I a thief for using adblock?
depends, do you consider yourself a thief for muting the TV, leaving the room, or changing the channel when a commercial runs on Television?
betamale nusoy dev
>buzz words
why do people spout buzzwords all day on this fucking board, gamergate ruined Sup Forums
Looks like the Soy Internet Defense Force (SIDF) is here!
I miss old shitposting, at least it was somewhat creative.
did you know real milk actually has bovine estrogen in it? because the pump cows so full of shit to make them produce more milk faster? and all that goes into your body?
did you know trannies are told not to drink soy because it causes issues with estrogen changing shit in their body?
enjoy that "milk" user :)
I drink milk every day and I only have mild gyno.
Imagine how big my breasts would be if I drank s*y!
>drink milk once
>become a woman
Its not stealing. Selling digital goods is a cartel racket.
wh-what happens if a woman drinks milk?
Got a summary of the vid? I'm curious but I would really like to not watch him.
Depends. Hard to tell if a game is worth it ahead of time these days, I miss Jampack and borrowing friends games to know.
Do we consider bait and switch advertising, hype, doctored screenshots, better early builds, preorder bonuses, review blackouts, and any other thing that tricks people into a purchase with intentionally minimal information also considered stealing?
If we want to call one stealing we'll need to consider the many actions of companies stealing as well.
she grows a masculine vagina
oc just for you btw