Is for.
The players.
Is for.
The players.
is this pubg
This really is a faithful port
a-at least its still in 4k
2bh, that game is an unoptimized piece of shit. The fact that the xbone is also trash doesn't help though.
this looks and runs like my pubg
i5-2400 + gtx660
>Developer Bluehole is targeting 60FPS on both consoles, but Greene is still not sure if the team will be able to achieve this on the standard Xbox One. He explained
>Definitely on Xbox One X, 60FPS. On Xbox One, we’re not sure
>We’re still constantly improving it so, you know, the aim is to get to 60
Native 4k.
No compromises.
pcbro here.
I'd just like to say to my xbros I hope you enjoy the BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT game this gen and that i's difficult to run on pc.
And to my ps4friends, NEVER EVER
How many frames does the ps4pro hit?
I max this game out 60fps
Consolebabbies BTFO
>Definitely on Xbox One X, 60FPS
Is this game fun with friends?
so for $300 more, you get 3 extra frames?
Yes it is
power of the cloud
3 extra frames per fps in 4k its 60 in 1080p (most monitors)
Now you know who's making all of these threads. PC dudes and Nintendudes don't care for obvious reasons.
>more fps than regular Xbone
unironically yes
>has literally a million people on screen and in 4k
>one fps per fps difference
>literally a million people on screen
10 FPS is perfectely fine if there is no frame drop.
Human eye cannot see beyond 10 FPS btw.
I've seen streamers turn every setting down to med/low just to get decent FPS on their ridiculous $10,000 Origin PCs. I'm talking shadows so blocky they look like a PS1 game. Does not surprise me at all this unoptimized shitpile of a game can't even run on consoles.
hol up
ten fps?
T E N fps?
how is this even playable
>shitty early access game is unoptimized
>Framerate tanks while parachuting
Sounds like PUBG alright. On PC I get pretty much a locked 60 except during the initial drop where it goes down to the 40's.
Your whole pc is a glorified cardboard box user, how about updating that shit.
>tfw too dumb to see beyond 5 fps
how can i fix this?
Yes, I honestly never play the game solo. Squad/Duo or pretty much unplayable without pre-made groups either on PC because of the chink infestation.
Holy shit what a mess. I can't believe they were allowed to release it on Xbox in that fucking state
So this is the power of Xbox One X
You would think koreans would learn to optimze pc games better since they are popular there, but no.
Xbox One will NEVER EVER have more than one game
desu pubg is a trash unoptimized piece of shit that run like shit even on my decent pc
can't believe I spent money on it
That's like 3x more cinematic than 30fps
Holy fuck what's it like living in early 2000?
Is this edited? Why does his head go so much higher than his forehead? what the fuck is wrong with his head?
what fps on ps4?
ps4 has actual games
what fps on ps4?
Thats what stress does to you.
>not into weeb games
>don't trust psn
>cheap controller
>hot and loud console
>best game on the system is a baseball game
>Human eye cannot see beyond 10 FPS
Are you a special kind of console tard?
Human eye doesn't see "in FPS"; having said so, even without a trained eye, you can perceive frame interpolation below about 80 hz.
Have you ever wondered why 60 fps has been always considered a good framerate?
I know "acceptable" framerates have been lowered due to various factors, but 10 fps are not fine in games. FFS, even films are at 24 fps.
Six is greater than four indeed.
>He is giving it a serious reply
>and I'm giving him one
This is pretty funny, all Microsofts developement aid has gotten the game running fairly well on PC as of the 1.0 test server but because of the Xbox's shit CPU it barely benefits. Mustards thank you MS.
Sorry senpai, I tried to raise the level of Sup Forums but the bar has been placed so damn low.
My sides.
>3fps difference
my sides
please delete this
if this game is going to be on ps4 and pro , 5 fucking FPS, maybe 8 for pro. early acces games was a mistake.
So... This is the power of Xbox One and Xbox One X!
How will Microsoft fan boys ever recover?
Why do people acting like this game isn't confirmed to come to ps4 later?
I haven't heard anything from Sony yet and we would have by now. I'm sure they're waiting on a finished version first anyway which may not come until late next year.
>nobody linking the video
>Why do people acting like this game isn't confirmed to come to ps4 later?
show me where it's confirmed?
>Xniggers shilled this trash for a whole year
I havent played pubg in almost 6 months, but this seems about the same as my pc with a gtx1070
I guess you're wondering why your post is being downvoted to oblivion.
Just stop it.
>Every consolefag suddenly owns a 1070 and shitposts in threads like this whenever someone posts console games running like shit
Really gets that noggin a joggin.
Gonna laugh my ass off the whole year if the Chinks make PUBG mobile run better than Xbox One X.
Yes you dumb fuck
>28 fps in 4K
so the same thanks for proving my point
Just a reminder that the game doesn't even attamept 4K on the Xbone X yet.
>Taking this obvious of bait
Jesus user get that autism under control
>28 FPS at 4k on ultra vs 12 FPS at 4k on medium
Noggin joggin
how people play with framerates lower than 60?
Game is native 4k on XboneX
>12 fps
Just the landing, the rest is 30fps with some drops to 27:
so the same
>aiming for 60fps in 2017
gee, way to set the bar high for yourself
1080p 60FPS should be the bare fucking minimum before a game can ship.
thanks cocksucker
Did you mean 144
They can call it "native 4k" even if it's using dynamic resolution that never actually reaches 4k
>Skip to random point
>16 FPS while driving
The power of the XboneX!
Anything is fun with friends you buffoon. Literally anything!
Al it does is demonstrate how PUBG is an abortion of code and also demonstrates how the standards for good code perished when PC gamers decided that it's acceptable to make the consumer compensate by buying better hardware.
The uploader said "Native 4k" not Cheackerboarding 4k.
Yeah the best you can have on a console right now and the game is still on Early access & version 0.523 on Xbox. It will only get better when it will the reach the version 1.0 of PC.
you're living in the current year user, garbage is what you'll get every time
Do you get to pick your resolution between 1080p and 4k if you have an xbonex?
DESU I'd rather have higher fps than meme 4k
See you in 8 months when it *only* drops to 20 FPS
>revealed as Xbox one console exclusive launch
Only brainlets thought different.
whats the point of 4k if you disable all the graphical features that make it look visually impressive in the first place. The only upside is you don't need to touch antialiasing but it still looks like shit. You have to be some kind of special retard to want ugly 4k over good looking 1080.
Guys the fixed the labia that is important, the game run fine.