This being streamed?
If they only port DaS1 I will fucking kill those hacks
it's actually gonna be f-zero souls
You're an idiot if you think Switch is getting the trilogy
You're an idiot if you even want the trilogy. DaS1 is all that's needed here
They won't have 3 in it because 3 didn't have a PS3/360 version to port.
>implying the shitch can even run das2/3
Older than fucking Skyrim, and yet people don't bitch about it being whored out every generation
Dark Souls isn't whored out. DaS1 isn't on 8th gen consoles, and the PC version needs mods to make it what it should have been.
It's a genuinely great game that should be preserved in the best form possible.
and where exactly is the evidence to support this ridiculous claim?
Not one but three shit games all on the same platform!
Gotta get down on friday
>Blight town
>on the switch
Why is dark souls 2 rated T?
>should be preserved in the best form possible.
The PC version already exists.
Dark Souls 3 is impossible in the switch.
DS1 and 2 run like shit on 360/PS3
Switch can barely run 30FPS 360 games at 20 FPS, see LA Noir.
If 1 or 2 happen expect 25 FPS with drops and 360p graphics.
Green zombie hollows instead of rotten beef jerky hollows.
But skyrim on switch is miles ahead the ps3/360 version. Maybe a miracle is possible
Skyrim on the switch is worse than PS3, there's fog everywhere and less grass.
>Dark Souls 3 running smoothly on an undocked Switch
Lmao, good luck
2 might happen. 1 and 3 have pretty tough CPU requirements though.
Except FS have already had DS3 running on Switch for months, you mongoloid.
Switch runs Doom though
Fuck off with your retarded fake news.
Ib4 dark sole 2 only at 30 fps with master sword replacing the claymore.
And with no dlc. And no online.
...at 360p/20fps, lower settings than the PC's max low and half the effects missing WOW
From will never accept butchering their games to this extent.
These are the same guys that released BB with frame skipping and frame drops DURING boss fights. they don't give a fuck about performance
Got patched, 99% of the game is 30 lock
Switch is more powerful than PS3 and 360. Probably combined.
*kills brain of mensis*
ah at last, I truly see.
We really need authentication system on Sup Forums to stop people from saying stupid fake shit all the time.
Skyrim ps3 is a complete mess with ugly visual, frame rate and bugged save feature.
More powerful than them individually sure
Definitely not as powerful as both of them combined
Why would you just lie freely like that ? Skyrim ps3 is filled with bugs, framedrops and ugly visuals
Wii U was about 50% more powerful than the Xbox 360. Since the Switch is considerably more powerful than the Wii U (see how BotW which wasn't fully optimized for Switch runs at a higher resolution and framerate than the Wii U version), so it probably is twice as powerful as Xbox 360 / PS3.
I don't understand Nintendo fags. Given the two most prominent opinions they hold:
>"Dark Souls is shit! it's just an edgy Zelda ripoff; meanwhile we have the real deal"
>"PC is Nintendo's complementary platform. If a game is ported to PC, it becomes available to the Nintendo fanbase to play; PC ports can be considered Nintendo's indirect ports"
I don't see any reason for them to ask for a Switch port of the trilogy.
>Dark Souls 3's logo is a few inches above the other two games
this triggers my autism
DS 2 is straight up garbage, especially Sotfs that fixed absolutely nothing.
DS 3 would probably run like shit.
I don't think DS3 can even run on switch. It barely maintained 30 fps on ps4.
Fake news.
It isnt.
Nintendo fans don't actually own gaming PCs, it's just a meme. They showed their true colors with all this switch port begging.
the switch is more stable than the base model ps4 though
Fake news.
Your mom will die in your sleep tonight. .. or something.
No they didn't.
dark souls is shit. Give me DeS and Bloodborne and keep the casual P-cuck garbage aka babbys first """hard""" game.
why say this when dark souls wasn't even on pc till like 2 years after it released
>talk about powerful
>being this mad because his favorite franchise got ported to pc
Do people not know what optimization is? From is working directly with Nintendo on a switch exclusive, I don't think they will have a problem with in-house optimization to get DS3 to run if they are already porting the first two
>From is working directly with Nintendo on a switch exclusive,
Fake news.
>wanting the game to look like a n64 title so it'll work on a underpowered console
Samus Returns felt close to a Metroid game if made by From
>the switch is more stable than the base model ps4 though
What does "stable" even mean? It needs power and it doesn't have much. Not saying it's impossible, but i wouldn't count on it.
DaS3 is literally near identical asset/engine wise to DaS1, they just put alot of bloated clutter geometry around the place and never actually optimised anything properly
Drop polycount on things and properly optimise things and at like 720p and it'll run just fine and by fine i mean Bloodborne 23-29 fps
>not porting DeS over instead with improved graphics and working online
people will expect this to be $60 for all 3, even though on PC they still sell 2 for $54 and 3 is still $60 not including the DLC.
>DS 2 is straight up garbage
DS2 is the best game in series
if they didn't optimize it for PS4 and Xbox what makes you think they'll optimize it for Switch?
You're delusional.
They know that PS4 owners would rather have the most pretty looking graphics at 20 fps, while Nintendo owners are fine as long as it runs at all and are a bit more accepting of downscaling on graphics
>They know
Who told you this? Your daddy who works at From?
Evan From emailed me to let me know.
He also said you suck cocks
This, im playing SotFS right now and my only gripe is lack of enemy variety. Everything is a knight of some kind. Other than that, its fantastic.
The PC version is godawful
>DS2 is the best game in series
Thanks for the laugh
PC version is the best version of the damn game, what on Earth are you smoking?
This is going to be a complete shitshow.
A developer that does not know the meaning of optimization + a console so underpowered its own exclusives are running at 368p@20fps.
Only because of autistic hero programmers who do it for free. At this point, From couldn't into PC development.
Why is DS2 rated T?
T stands for Trash
It's still the best version of that game. And has a point. From can't code for shit. Durante, DrDoxxy, Kaldaien, etc... have said that From's games have inexplicable problems that could've been fixed by them but were just left in the final release.
DaS is just shit they excrete.
That doesnt explain how its not the best version. If you want to play it at 4K and 60fps with texture mods then guess which version is the best.
Yes, it is the best version. But not because of From, but despite From. Of course they have figured it out with the later Souls games. I am looking forward to their next PC port, till then I play Bloodborne on my BB machine.
>moving goalposts
My theory is that Japan Studio built 90% of what makes Demon's Souls function properly post Miyazaki taking up the project, and Fromsoft were kinda like chimps staring at the Pyramids regarding it all. Sony's people basically fixed their mess.
Dark Souls was basically them just modding their own game, but they didn't know how to wizard things like Japan Studio did.
So they basically just keep re using that Japan Studio work over and over with modifications.
Dark Souls 2 was Fromsoft trying to start from scratch themselves and make their own engine and animations and hitboxes and stuff, and they failed spectacularly and just went back to reusing the DeS stuff again.
The reason Bloodborne come out quite competent is because Japan Studio were back in the mix and helped to push things along.
So then Dark Souls 3 benefited from some of these things.
Why do people bitch about this so much? I played this on PS3 and it was completely playable.
My Sup Forums senses say no. My dick says YES.
Reminder that Chel CANONICALLY sucked a dick
As someone who owns a Switch (and PS4, XBox One X, and 5 year old gaymen PC), why do so many switchfags beg for ports? Save up literally $200 and get a PS4 for fuck's sake. I want killer exclusives on the Switch, games that play to the system's strengths, not le 15 fps no lighting buggy messes of ports. A port is cool when its good but why beg for a modern console game on a hybrid handheld then get bootyblasted when its inevitably shit?
Tell me more...
>But skyrim on switch is miles ahead the ps3/360 version
wtf are you smoking?
The only reason it's not immediately obvious is because on handheld mode the screen is small, but the moment you connect to the TV the flaws are clear as day. The single advantage over the last the PS360 versions is more RAM which makes it more stable on long games.
Dark souls 2 ran great on shit hatdware
You don't know what you are talking about. The switch edition is miles ahead of ps3 and 360. Obviously it's nowhere near the PS4 edition, but it's a direct upgrade from 360
>Sup Forums
oxymoron much you ol cartoon jackin off incel baby bitch retard