Is he our guy?

Is he our guy?

is he dead yet

the uberkommandos march with him

i bet he's never done mushrooms or lsd. guy is either pretending to look stoned, or is holding back a shit

>reddi whip on stand-by, not to inhale but to consume
didn't this kid shart his pants at a con?


>Was fat even before the age of YouTube
Jesus not even Gabe was fat in his old pics

holy shit

He's just fat and exhausted from the strenuous activity of sitting on his ass and eating whipped cream from a can.

to lazy to even use a spoon, he must inject it into hit guy via air

Wait, did his wife seriously leave him or am I just being trolled?

He looks like fat weird al in this picture

When did Sam Hyde get so fat?

They "took time off" so everyone calls him a cuck even on his stream, so yeah not trolling.

He lost a ton of weight actually But his wife left him, she was a chubby chaser

>can of whipped cream by the computer

>pay2win loser

No. Fucker had to pay to lose weight.

>tfw redditors say he's an inspiration for losing all of the weight
>literally had to get an operation to close off 3/4ths of his stomach that takes ten years off of your lifespan so that he could control his fucking ravenous appetite

Motherfucker has always been fat

Didn't he fail that too? Someone mentioned he was gaining again.

He's already over 40 years old, even if he started working out at the gym he's already done 40+ years of damage to his internal organs. He'll be lucky to live to 50.


so i guess it must be true then



This is a fucking video to some fat fuck on YouTube, named Boogie2988. Now, I'm tired of this fat fuck popping up on all my fucking search engines when I'm looking for a fucking workout video. I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you Boogie fans that feel sorry for this greasy fuck. You fat fucking disgusting ass smelling. Blob. Cheese drinking. Crisco bathing. Lard gargling. Calorie thieving. 'Cabbage-Patch' face having. Dr.Robotnik looking. WingStop eating. McDonalds gorging. T-Rex arm having. Non-vegetable eating. Cook on a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray. Wide Load. Hungry Hungry Hippo. Planet. Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem. Whale/ Free Willy. Part Bus. Yokozuna. Flubber. Kirby. Salad Dodger. Chair Crusher. Butterball. Go to Subway but put everything on it. Michelin Man. Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker. I know there is gonna be alot of people out there calling me a bully. Well guess what, I'm not. I just don't feel sorry for fat fucking people especially fat fucks who sit there all day, gorge and eat, and make money for doing absolutely nothing, while a bunch of sorry fucks like yourself play into it. You don't like what the fuck I'm saying, then fuck you.

His wife needed "space" to find herself

Of course she'd need space, her husband almost fills the room by himself.

>Someone have to pay
He can fuck off and die for all I care


>mother allegedly "abused" him by feeding him so much that he would never leave her (?)
>spends the next four decades of his life growing progressively fatter

I know that some people are taken in by his "nice guy" persona and yes, some people out there do have genuinely shitty childhoods, but after a certain point it becomes your choice to continue living this way and making the same shitty life choices over and over, year after year.

While he has lost weight, he isn't losing it nearly as quickly as he ought to.

I'm guessing that he isn't eating healthy enough despite the surgery/

>chubby chaser
You mean she tried to over feed him to get all his money but she fail and left.


>tfw jeans are getting tight because I eat mostly garbage
>lost 10 pounds in a month easy just by watching my diet a bit with 0 exercise
Being fat is a meme

--As cynical as I am, things like this never occurred to me.

Whoa whoa whoa. 10 pounds? 8 pounds should be the limit in a month.

Because 2 lbs is the most you can healthily lose in a week. Otherwise the body enters starvation mode where you WILL get the weight back and then some when you start eating normally after.

>part bus
parked* bus.

you are going to gain it all back immediately

It's fine thats why I lost a little extra. Was only aiming around 7 pounds. Gained about 2 pounds back. This was a year ago and I'm still around the same weight. Aslong as you dont go full fast food diet right after its all fine.

He's a whiny passive aggresive fuck who just tries to emotionally manipulate people into feeling bad for him so that he has an excuse for whatever the fuck he does.


Boogie pretty much represents the antithesis of Sup Forums. He's a notorious fence sitter with bland opinions that tiptoes around controversies trying not to upset people while having nothing worthwhile to say.

If the MTG controversy stuff has any truth to it he's also that friend who praises you to your face while sabotaging you behind your back.

This. This sad fuck wants to play the victim and make money off of it. Not sure how this fat fuck got popular.


>Aslong as you dont go full fast food diet right after its all fine.
This, most people are like oh my diet is done feels good man TIME FOR 2 PIZZAS A DAY, HAMBURGERS AND OTHER FRIED SHIT AND SUGARY SODAS.
crash diets arent really healthy for other reasons though. you better pop vitamin pills each day if you do and do not do not keep it up for months in a row. Doesnt entirely make it better but it helps.

Yeah crash diets arent meant for 300 lbs lard asses but its effective if you need to lose a small amount of weight in a short amount of time.

Boogie literally looks like a kid I went to school with. Even worse? Just replace 'Mom' with 'Grandparents' and he's exactly the same in temperament. Pretty sad since all his grandparents did was just try to find him a job.

Guy better watch out.

>Boogie pretty much represents the antithesis of Sup Forums
He's also a form of motivation for /fph/ on /fit/. That thread kept me on track. Went from 210 to 155 in less than 6 months

>Everyone talks about how much of a nice great guy he is
>Discloses his wifes sexual history on stream so redditors will give him upboats
>Does this literally minutes after wondering why his wife wants to leave him

Golly gee. He sure seems like a super nice person.


He's American, what'd you expect?

>I'm guessing that he isn't eating healthy enough despite the surgery/
Because the sleeve doesn't address the underlying issue, his lack of discipline. He could have ate 4000 calories a day and he'd still lose weight.

4k a day is a lot when you're eating real food.


>a fucking whipcream can at the ready next to his pc
Fucking Amerifats make me laugh

I thought he said he found comfort in eating food and did it because of his shitty childhood
Or that he had a thyroid problem
He sure changes his story a lot.

Part bus was better

his "nice" person act is super obvious, bear in mind he got famous for sperging out and "pretending" to be retarded.

He just recently tried to pull out "I have brain tumor" card when his 'dieting' apparenly wasn't working.
Spoilers: He didn't have a fucking tumor.

depends on your metabolism. my whole family is skinny, and if i put on a few pounds i can easily shed 5 in a week if i exercise and eat normal.

>if i exercise and eat normal.
He's doing the opposite though.






>if i put on a few pounds i can easily shed 5 in a week if i exercise and eat normal.
That's known as the "afterburner" effect. Basically your body continues to burn after regular runs. It's like a furnace that you have to keep stoking to keep it going. For some people it's more pronounced. I have it too. With my program I have to eat at least 3k in calories daily to break even and maintain my weight. Otherwise I'll start dipping into skelly territory

*loud chimp noises*

nigga what.
I lost 35 pounds in 3 months when I started to work our for the first time in my life. And at least 14 days I skipped cause I was a bitch.
Went from 195 to 160 like it was fucking nothing. I've stayed consistently at 155-160 for the past 6 months since then. Basically just grinding fat out and gaining muscle at this point, albeit slow as shit cause i don't eat as much as I need to for real muscle growth





>he isn't losing it nearly as quickly as he ought to.
He lost 130lbs ib 4 months after the surgery.




Is this the eceleb thread?

Why don't they rename it the Super Woolie and his two white Friends who clearly don't care too much for one another?

>who clearly don't care too much for one another?

What happend?

Funny thing it seems like all it did was make her double in size, seriously at this rate she's going to become the fatter of the two.

What did you do to lose the weight? I've been meaning to trim a bit.

>woolie plays all the games
>woolie is there for every podcast while pat or matt try their best to make sure one of them is missing
>woolie needs to play separate games for pat and matt to chime in on

Matt is jealous that Pat is more liked than him. Even with the Mario bump on his side people would rather watch Pat guide Woolie through KOTOR. Will Matt ever recover?

Literally me.

That's because Pat and Woolie are literally the only reason why people watch their otherwise mediocre lets play channel.

I come back to Pat and Woolie DS2 lets play atleast once a year.

I don't give a shit about Matt or Liam.

Stop Eating So Much Haha Just Walk Away From The Food Like Nigga Close Your Mouth

wow, WTF? you want to try that again without the sass?