>no posts about bad company 3
So the guy that predicted battlefield 1 and was correct about it before it was revealed revealed that bad company 3 is on it's way
How hyped are you?
>no posts about bad company 3
So the guy that predicted battlefield 1 and was correct about it before it was revealed revealed that bad company 3 is on it's way
How hyped are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
No one? I thought you all loved bad company 2
There was a big thread last night right after the video came out.
It could be good, but it will probably just be bf5 with some minor improvements.
Oh there was? Fuck that i missed it then. I hope it won't be like battlefield 3 or 4. It needs to be like bad company. Small maps, good destruction etc
>Fuckers tease 2143 for years.
>NEVER make it.
I remember the devs saying they had no idea why so many people liked Bad Company 2, I hope they don't fuck up Bad Company 3, BC2 was probably my favorite multiplayer game.
Yeah it's fucking due time for one.
I think it was the gun sounds, the smaller maps designed for rush as well as conquest than like in battlefield "one map for all". And the good destruction. I actually don't want proning even in the new game.
Who cares? It's not like it'll be any good.
Bad Company is what started the consolization of Battlefield.
I'm afraid instead of Bad Company, they'll make Battlefield.
Maybe because the game was actually fun. BF3 and 4 stripped away all of that that
>bad company
>a game that ruined battlefield
>Make BC3
>Woops it plays exactly like BF4 and has none of the destruction, humor or creative map design
who should make bad company 3, dice cant be trusted with it
Hey guys, last game I played was BF3, should I get BF4 or BF1?
Bad Company 2 took everything that made the first game great and turned it into CoD.
I don't trust dice to do anything but fuck up everything
BC2 is great stop being contrarian
not an argument
What made BC2 good
>Great maps
>Medium pace (Bf3&4 sprinting way too fast. Headless chickens everywhere)
>no lock ons
>Good balance
>Rock, paper, scissor gameplay
>Best destruction in the series
>Free maps
>Awesome expansion
>Great rush
>Strong, but few vehicles
>thinking EA/DICE won't fuck it up somehow
BFBC2 was a miracle of the universe, the more they try to emulate it the more likely we'll get some bastardized version probably with microtransactions for p2w. More likely they'll treat it as a Battlefield: Hardline type of game with a focus on CoD-esque combat. I'm not holding my breath for it and also: 2144 please.
The memories
Bfbc2 still has the best audio of any dice game
you really have to be some boring dronepleb to not like hardline
hardline is literally the best cops vs robbers fps
> brought back gadgets from bf2 spec ops
> vehicles feel noiiice - balanced for speed vs vulnerability
> fast ttks casual filter
> great looking skins
> car game mode
when abortions like bf1 exist you talk shit on hardline lmfao fuck off
what other battlefield can you roll around in a corvette as a tacticool copper?
They straight up stated that they don't know what made Bad Company so fun. I have zero faith in them.
>Bad Company 3
>with Nu BF that is essentially Call of Duty
no thanks, even in the gameplay that faggot posted explains why Battlefield is now garbage
>best MP DLC ever reporting in
>from current timeline DICE
thats not spec ops
>waiting over a decade for 2142 sequel
>activision puts out a bunch of shitty titanfall clones and suddenly everyone is tired of future warfare, and 2143 is a non starter
Fuck this gay earth.
>muh absolute state of dice
>bad company fan
Reap what you sow you fucking pleb.
Your opinion is shit, you should kill yourself. Back to A(utims)rma with you.
>giving money to EA
Fuck off nu-Sup Forums.
I honestly think if they do another Bad Company it should be on Switch. since they can't do a mainline battlefield game, something with a smaller scale like the bad company games should be perfect for it.
>vietnam/cold war era
I like BF2, 2142 and BFBC2 faggot. DICE is shit since bf3
The most realistic bing bing wahoo audio ever featured in a videogame.
Bad Company ruined battlefield on the whole, but still somehow managed to be a fun game in it's own way. If there's anything good that can be salvaged from nuDice, this is it.
DICE has no idea what made BFBC2 good, so i'm not holding my breath. But I want to hope, user
Compared to BF2 bad company series was like slap in the face.
Don't expect this NuBC game as an actual sequel to BC2. The gameplay might be similar to BF4 with most of the new devs in DICE were symthic users who worked on fixing BF4 and other "competitive" players too. BC3 is nothing more but a name to sell the game more just like how BF3 was considered as a sequel to BF2.
>and turned it into CoD.
yeah and turns out CoD made it more fun.
>Dice is running out of franchises to kill
>64 player mode
Not hyped at all, they had one job, all the maps will be terrible again.
The only thing I wish they did was completely get rid of tanks, helicopters and planes.
There's no need for them
At that point you might as well play cod
>Bad Company is what started the consolization of Battlefield.
This user is right. BC2 shouldn't even be called a "battlefield", because it's almost have nothing to do with Battlefield series and most of retarded ideas from BC2 was implemented to future "battlefield" games.
Keep the helos and tanks, niggy. Jets are a bit absurd though.
>that stupid little drone you could fly
that shit was adorable
bc2 was the final dying groan of battlefield on pc being fun and the only reason people like it is because they're nu-males who never played bf1942 or bf2 and instead were brought over from bc1 which is a 100% console title
>another good series ruined by grEAd