This game is a reminder that no matter how hard you try...

this game is a reminder that no matter how hard you try, anything connected to anime will have shittiest writing imaginable

Wrong again!

>what is Jojo

How is Sonic Forces related to anime?

How come an ironic western vn has infinitely better art and much cuter and more enjoyable characters than the vast majority of eastern vns?

delet yourself, my man

based katawa shoujo

go watch mushi-shi

It's also reminder, that majority of """gamers""" are retarded and actually enjoy such shitty writing

Is this game connected to anime?

Who the fuck cares about the post-twist writing, it was very cute and enjoyable up to the point where 'lel le epic fourth wall break'.

>infinitely better art and much cuter and more enjoyable characters

Ahm excuse me but this was very disturbing and scarred me for life. Its not like your stupid kiddie western shit. its anime, its MATUREEE and stuff.

>Sup Forums
>complains about anime and people who play video games

what did he mean by this

>jojobronies defending their cartoon

I could see how you would think that
It being your first VN and all

>le defending

When will this meme end
Liking something is not the same as “defending” it
Why would Jojo need to be “defended”? Did JJBA kill your mom or something? Did Star Platinum come and rape your sister? You only need to defend something if it’s committed a moral atrocity, you dingus

Dude they are intentionally as generic as possible.

you presumably haven’t comitted a moral atrocity, yet you’ve defended your virginity pretty hard all of this time.

Name two (2) eastern vns with a cute and likeable cast of characters that doesn't have 90's bug-eyed aesthetics, preferably with actual choices.
Only good ones that comes to mind are: Saya no Uta, which is cool but not cute. Grisaia which at least got the art right but suffers from over the top jap tropes and virtually no in-game choices. Fate/Stay Night which doesn't really hit the cute and enjoyable atmosphere.

Unironically Danganronpa

Fucking anhero user

>can't even name two good eastern vns
t. hypocrites

I'll take a look during the christmas sale.

Oh, great, a thread just in time. Just beat the game, pretty good overall, however...
The 4th wall breaking wasn't nearly as impressive as it could've been because I beat Automata a couple months ago. There, it blew my damn mind completely, but it just didn't work on me as well the second time. Anyone else feels the same?

video games are not only anime trash. If you want sense of mystery with fun and likeable characters, there are tons of indie games for that. Take Oxenfree for example, which has literary miles better writing than any of VN shit

this but unironically. Maybe not DDLC but katawa shoujo was pretty good visual novel
>inb4 babys first visual novel
>read better vn's from japan
ive read grisaia and steins gate. both were pretty bland and medicore. Just because something is entry level doesnt mean its bad and something harder to get into isnt always good

>this but unironically.
I wasn't being ironic. Please note that all the shitters calling you out for never having played other vns haven't actually played any themselves.

I have no idea in what world Grisaia doesn't classify as having anime eyes. Unless the sole metric is not being that one Key artist.

If that gets a pass then the Sakura Taisen games are an obvious choice.

Gunparade March is a really interesting one but emphasis isn't on cast being cute or necessarily likeable. It also has too much freedom to classify as VN.

Steins;Gate if Nae or Faris don't disqualify it on bug-eyes.

Ciel Nosurge is its own thing but the closest genre it qualifies for is probably VN.

Yup. This ain't got shit on yokotaco but hey it's free and basically the guy's first vn so it's impressive in that right.

>Playing games with friends
>Having a blast
>One leaves to go watch anime
>This causes the other to leave and watch anime as well

Fuck anime.

i played others. they arent any better just by being japanese and normie unfriendly

>which has literally miles better writing

stopped reading there. Unfortunately it was the end of the sentence.

How come we only ever got like 2 Sakura Wars games in the West anyways?

They felt pretty prominent in PXZ games too.

Maybe Sega will be less reluctant to bring them over here now that anime is more mainstream nowadays?