Other urls found in this thread:

I have never in my life played a Kojima game. There, I said it.

Let's throw the game in the trash and start anew because some people out of the 7 billion that inhabit this shitty planet are freaked out.

There are some good and some not so good. He does ok


>I have never in my life seen a Steven Spielberg film

Literally the same.

>freaking out

I just find it silly, and the thumbs up makes it even funnier and cheesier. If I were Kojimbo in fact I'd hype this game as some 2deep4u artsy fartsy garbage only to end up with a wacky action game where your character talks with a fetus inside him that has a deep snarky voice.

>this strange little japanese man is fucking mediocre dutch girls on the regular and basically you are a gay

Lucky bastard. Early games might be great, but it's better not to get dragged in.

do you have to be 25 or older to play death stranding?

i want to fuck that dragon

can we blend the baby?

>mfw the landscape of the game changes as you die and come back to life
>how many craters are in the game world depends on how many times you fucked up
>you look at some Sup Forumsirgin scrub's screenshot and the map is full of craters
>tfw we'll be able to call other scrubs based on how many craters are there in screenshots

I'm not even mad.
Would you mind explaining what sort of impression you get from what you've seen of his work so far? It must look so strange to an unfamiliar outsider.

post the rest

>video games
Where is it? I only see a movie there

>their game save...more pock-marked than the fucking moon

damn, you can't even went back for muh perfect score
I guess he will finally expose get gud meme fact

>implying it won't be a movie with occasional qte action
sonegros really are delusional

But you must be a Rick and Morty fan to be able to understand it

Say what you like about Kojima but at least the gameplay segments of his games involve actual gameplay.

Imagine what people who know nothing about kojima thought when they saw that trailer

You need to own a Playstation 4

You do know that chubby reptile is a dude, r-right?

>user discovers death counters for the first time

>freaking people out all over the internet
>*headline* and the internet is screaming
>*headline* and the internet freaks out
>*headline* and the internet is going insane
make it stop

the censor bar makes this much more comical than it should be.

damn.... so this is.... the power of kojimadrones............. woah......

>occasional qte action
Are you the same guy that said hes never played a kojima game before?

that makes it even better

When normies try to understand Kojima san. It's so funny seeing these low iq people trying to figure out the complex themes of Death Stranding TM. Sorry, but this is only for real gamers who use their minds to connect the dots.


Do I have to be 25 and own a computer to play this game???

is this really confirmed like in a concrete sense?
I was planning on ordering the 4k one for christmas if it was.


nah its more like "i have never in my life seen a quentin tarantino film" but even that is a stretch because even quentin tarantino is more flexible and has more variety than kojima.

it's the """power""" of anybody who's actually played one before



the art is so shitty you can't even tell what's going on

you guys skipped the best part

Mai-chan no Nichijou

>normal Kojima fans
>”looks interesting, can’t wait to see more”
>secondaries who came in with MGSV and MGR
>”Ayo this is fucked up was Reedus on weed the holy time lmao this makes no sense”

>it's a "gamers struggle to understand entry level metaphors" episode

>autistic kojimafans
>[10+ minute argument about the meaning this symbolism]

To be fair, you have to have a high iq to understand kojima

This is why games will never be art.

This, only God Emperor Trump can understand him.

Hahahaha i was in that thread. What a faggot

are normalfags getting woke?

2 deep for you story aids who gives a shit, if the gameplay is good it will be a good game if not fuck off thats all that matters stop giving this hack attention he couldnt even finish a game in 8 years and only made 1 single good game and 1 fantastic level in 25+ years of game making stupid shiteaters (typing while torrenting phantom gay)

>look at how much i dont care!

nah just more people own consoles now

Man im hype as fuck but we know jackshit about this game. Instea dof hyping hes gay ass trailers up maybe people should start wondering how the gameplay is. if people dont start he wont show shit until its too late meanwhile evryone rides the dick of his shitty trailers



Some news outlet said there was a strike on the company which did mocap, that's why they didn't show much, because they couldn't work. I'm guessing we'll see gameplay next year's E3 or maybe earlier if there's some convention at the beginning of 2018

I fucking love Knuckles.

Media must die

And thats the problem. Ill roll with it, not that i have any other choice anyway, but im not sitting here blowing this game out of proportions on stupid trailers alone that only are there to fullfill kojimbos broken dreams since its exactly the same what happened to mgs5 (the gameplay was good tho so that why i stay hyped until some actual footags releases) enjoy your thread

I can't think of a single Spielberg film I couldn't live my life without.

Man, that thing is a Sup Forums vintage classic.

t. Someone who thinks the hateful eight was passable when in reality it was hot garbage.

I can't think of a single film I couldn't live my life without, but I still enjoy films. What kind of person couldn't live without an instance of media?

This was Kojima's plan, to create a huge meme and use the beta cuck journos to market the game for him.
He's learned a lot from gamergate.

Man, it's been years since I've last seen baby fuck. I miss old Sup Forums.

You have to be white or asian, shitskins don't have enough IQ to comprehend this game.

Sounds like they spent most of the time fine-tooling the engine to do what they needed while waiting for the mocap to come in.

Honestly, a mocap strike makes a LOT of sense for why we haven't seen much. For something of this fidelity, you wouldn't want to demo with sub-par or copied animations. Shadow of Mordor previews copped shit for resembling AssCreed's animations.



>produced by sony interactive entertainment
>using sonys proprietary first party engine
>co-developed by sonys system architecture designer
>pic related

I mean I agree Kojima is an overrated hack but that was a bit harsh.

Yeah in the article Norman and Mads were texting kojima sayng "yo nigga where the mocap at" and Kojima said "Shit's striked yo"
Jokes aside they're actually in close contact with guerrilla because they know the engine better and they're getting a helping hand in developing the kind of things kojimbles wants to do.

Meant for

Can you define "hack" for me, specifically in the context of kojima's work?

Explains how the recent trailer basically looks Fox-engine quality. Hope that thing's a good engine, Sony could pump some sweet-looking stuff out of it for a while.

Hearing about the death stuff is a relief though. It's basically a mordor situation then, where world events progress while ded, and probably some DS stuff with gear reclamation. That's fun. Makes it more likely the online component will be a more weighty version of DS soapstones.

they don't know what they are talking about, he accomplished the greatest artistic achievement in history
he created his magnum opus and left it unfinished, leaving the viewer feeling a true sense of loss the same way the characters do. It was brilliant

That's some tasty sarcasm but it's not an answer to my question.


I don't quite remember but did the baby survive that?

Why is he so perfect?


Did the baby survive being blended?

I don't know but I feel like I can take a pretty close guess.

t. Kojima

Does anyone know the best method to play Snatcher and Policenauts?

Understandable. I tought that was an absurd thing to say, but when I met a group of guys who played vydia too, I realized Metal Gear is a frequent spoken game only on internet communities, and casual players never even heard about.

The dicksuckers literally tought that the only Metal Gear game that existed, was Rising.

Kek why is she being cummed on

Check your eyes newfag that's CLEARLY the POTUS blending up a baby he fucked

>Has the chance to watch Jurassic Park for the first time ever
How I envy you, user.

Sega CD emulation for Snatcher, PS1 for Policenauts.

man did you even read Mai chan?
she and her baby are immortal, they can't die unless all their cells are gone

dumb newfag

The whole premise of the manga is that the girls have Wolverine tier healing factor and can regenerate from pretty much anything. So naturally they work at a brothel where they're brutally raped and tortured.


I find this kind of scanning shit of actors retarded, he just wants to work in hollywood but nobody will give him any money so he has to do this.

It's gonna be the most liberal, lefty shit imaginable, he is desperate to pander to the elites in hollywood at this point.

>that censor bar
Japs are weird

normies are such fucking cucks. the baby is smug and cute as fuck.

Games are bigger than movies now, all these kike flicks are flopping these days.
He like to fuck with the player via interaction and movies can't do that.

It's creepy for cucked libtards because it's a white baby and not a black one.

>responding seriously to someone who somehow manages to make a non-political situation about dem libruls

>you will never save Mai from her worse than death fate and tenderly health her mind back to life

no/pol/reddit go fuck yourself and your fucking americuck identity politics. altcucks and libtards deserve each other

>be libtard
>make everything about race and gender
>be altcuck
>make everything about race and gender