How the fuck do adults enjoy this grindy, dull, unchanging snorefest of a series
How the fuck do adults enjoy this grindy, dull, unchanging snorefest of a series
I know this answer will trigger a lot of people, but this time, it really is just autism.
The creator of the game was a literal autist.
Basically this desu
They like the concept of capturing, training and befriending powerful creatures.
They ignore the shitty aspects of the game for the sake of pokemen.
Also, nostalgia.
They don't.
you have to have been born before year 2000 thats why
Gen 7 was such a fucking piece of shit.
How the fuck do adults enjoy this grindy, dull, unchanging snorefest of a series
In terms of the original game series:
You get to capture and see evolve around a hundred new monsters everytime.
That's a huge value on its own.
Also, wifi and pokemon showdown make for some funny pvp battles.
In terms of pokemon fan MMOs, it's infested with casher-cancer similar to any mobile game.
The rest are just hanging around until they realize they could be playing original pokemon games which supports almost all of the same online features already.
Most people play FF for "the story", which roughly translates to "I'm a shallow cuck and like to look at cute faces all game long".
It's not much different from waifunators who just play psp games all day. I'm not sure if those people are even aware of what gameplay is or how to distinguish between elements like visuals and story.
It's easy to pick up, easy to put down.
that can be said about every turn based rpg
Don't know about OP but I have my own way of enjoying the games
>want to play a game
>start txt file
>look up the pokédex to see which pokémon you want to use
>look up their stats, abilities and learnset
>start building your team with the options you are giving
>list all their moves and specify if it's a TM, learned at a specific level, tutor move etc (never tell where to find them though)
>get a custom starter
The beginning of the game being a tacklefest might be boring but slowly watching your team grow and getting all their shit is so much fun.
Can confirm
Which part of what I said?
There ARE ways to make turn-based rpg's combat fun.
The main advantage vs real-time is the fact that you got time to think & plan your moves.
So basically as long as you add some strategic elements, you can also make the gameplay not suck.
Some rpgs just go at it the wrong way by trying to compensate with gimmicks in an attempt to make the combat feel more like action, which it just isn't.
Pic related is Shadow Hearts. Acclaimed rpg for having a dark theme and story. The circle you see in the pic is the gimmick they added, where you play a minigame during each battle.
Contrary, grandia series went a step into the right way by adding positioning into battle, which adds more strategic options than just "attack spam" vs "flee" and the occasional popping of a mana-depleting heal or burst pop.
forgot pic, derp.
I like making a team out of the creatures I like and the general progression of hitting up the gyms and then the league. Last two gens weren't very good but I still had fun just playing through them.
easiest way to score some nice introvert pussy
Please, that was anime chat rooms on MSN groups.
4 - 9 are pretty similar in terms of gameplay but 10 - 15 are all radically different from each other. If anything the hardcore fans complain that there's been too much change.
CoD does the same thing.
It was a lot of fun as a kid when you traded pokemon with people and everyone was competing to have the best pokemon. I tend to get bored by level 35 now though.
The game has a good foundation but at the end of the day it's a game ment for young children. There is no challenge, no strategy, no thinking required. That's why I stopped after gen 3. A game isn't fun to me unless I actually have to try to win. You can literally beat Pokemon by catching the weakest team possible and barely leveling them up.
Here's how you shitposting faggot
It relies entirely upon nostalgia, the good old times no other game ever gave to most of them.
Also .