I don't know what to play guys

I don't know what to play guys

Other urls found in this thread:


>feel like playing a game
>cant find a game I feel like playing

Play with your dick

Play sleeping doggos

Not OP but I already fapped twice today and I dont have anything I want to watch so im in the same boat as him

Just fapped what did I feel about this Sup Forums?

>feel like playing a game
>as always have a hard time trying to start a game

Me too. But my PS4 keeps saying "The PS4 is too hot" then shuts off when I play anything. I have nothing to do.

like always


Assign a number to each one of your games in your backlog, do a roll and finish one. Repeat.

Play Prey.

You could dust, you filthy scum.

This is a good way to do it

muh nigga

>Actually play games
>Don't have enough time to finish them

I already did you retard. I took it apart and dust it off. Still it won't work. Maybe it's just old.

>do this with random roll
>roll picks Trace Memory on DS
>Dont wanna get my 3DS out
>roll again
>This time get Trails of Cold Steel
>Game is too long

Give up

read a book

Teach me your ways

And that's why Steam needs a "random" button on the library.


im actually playing vanilla skyrim for achievements rn

thats retarded
as is this

Play a game

system shock

You don't want my ways
I always have youtube videos or streams on in the background to keep myself from losing interest

I do that a lot

existential crisis kicks in and life feels meaningless
>don't fap
excruciating loneliness and sadness

replace thermal paste or better yet get a pc

ps4 is useless for anything but bloodborne and crunchyroll/netflix

Then you're not doing it good enough.

You're right. I'll do a better job. I won't disappoint you.


Watch an episode of mlp and then post which horse you thought was the cutest

Well wtf do you want us to fucking do? Just fucking pick a damn game and press play and force yourself to actually play an hour and now you retard

make me

Bet you can't reply to every post in this thread, faggot.

I am a Reddit ambassador from /r/Games, come to spread the good word. You can leave this cesspit of degenerate weebs and come to the promised land of usernames and upvotes

I can't afford a PC. If I was to get a PC i want it to be really powerful or don't get one at all.


You can play with my penis if you're a boy (girl)

awful taste

first aquire taste and then play star wars battlefront 2

I've been unemployed for too long and can't derive enjoyment from games now. My free time isn't precious and feels unearned.

Stanley Parable

How do I get good taste?

>star wars battlefront 2
hope you're not talking about the recent one user

Dragon's Dogma

by not playing assassins creed and undertale you numskull

play ori

get darkest dungeon

the good one aka bf2 classic


there's no reason not to since you jump straight into heavy action within a minute of starting a new game

my man

I'm currently between WWHD, Hands of Fate, a few roguelikes/roguelites occasionally, and the first Condemned. Going to get smashed and lit before I play though because games don't usually don't scare me anymore unless I'm stoned.

I think I have it but just haven't installed it
I haven't played those

This guy again, by the way are there any games like Zero Escape, Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, or Persona that aren't trash? Mystery/horror type of stuff is my shit, I like the interactivity of these games. 999, VLR, and AA1 and 3 are some of my favorite games ever.


Fuck off, Lez Huarez.

What games do you like op? What consoles you got or PC only?

I could throw you a few tips.


I got Switch, PS4 and PC. I usually will play anything but recently I've been playing a lot of action games, RPG, open worlds, FPS

pick one of these

>I think I have it but just haven't installed it
install it, play it, love it or hate it

Fuck off, Lez Huarez.

Play dead

black flag is pretty good and whats wrong with undertale? (never played it)

Grim Dawn

resolution of this stupid anime pic is way beyond reasonable level
kys emmediatly

its pretty good

You excited for Switch version?

Pick a game

I dont have consoles

imagine being this much of a sony faggot fanboy

Play Warframe

I've tried this before and inevitably, whatever it lands on, I will suddenly not want to play anymore

I miss having a game library. Never that big, but if I wasn't a retarded child who sold all his games because "surely I'll never want to play this again", I'd have a pretty nice set.



selling all of my game library atm. for every game on console there is either emulators or a similar or even better game on pc I can have in my digital library. no need for all the clutter. I'm quite happy with the extra money in my pocket and free space in my apartement.


I will leave it up to Sup Forums as to what game to stream tonight

Play monster rancher 2


>feel like playing a game
>as always have a hard time trying to start a game
>browse on Sup Forums and other sites for hours instead
>finally start playing
>"fuck, only 1 hour left before I have to go to bed. why didn't I start earlier? I wasted the whole day doing literally nothing"

Dude that is scary. Are you me? Cause I did literally just that yesterday

If you're in a jrpg mood: nier and Xenoblade 2 are both fun, if you never played the first one it can be very easily emulated on PC and look super good.

Or if you like open world you could give Zelda or Witcher a shot, since both games have all their dlc out now so you can get the full experience.

Or if you're wanting to play something older go play Cave story. Shits free

Sonic mania
some online game until you get another thing to do.
Yggdra union
Knights in the Nightmare
Doom Plutonia or evilution if you didn't finished vanilla 2
Katamari Damacy
Anvil of Dawn
grimrock 2

>Want to play a game
>can't because I have to finish a project that's due tomorrow

Patrician taste

>feel like playing a game in backlog
>start it
>tutorial..get bored as fuck
>go play something familiar


same bro

>want to play a game that's coming out
>have no desire whatsoever to play anything else
>game won't be released until a couple of months
>game is out
>beat it within a couple of days
>repeat again

This is me everyday except I don't even get started

>been off of work since an emergency surgery on thanksgiving, still have another surgery, not getting back to work until fucking late february.

Help me.

>fuck, only 1 hour left before
>having a bedtime

How do you pay for all that medical stuff?

I'm a burger and I can't pay for any doctor and have EU teeth

play Skullgirls or Elona. Either will suck you in so you'll forget about everything else. As for how to stop playing, that's another whole story...


Muh nigga


some of us actually have to work, user.