What do you think about royal guard armor?
What do you think about royal guard armor?
Would wear it all the time if it weren't for the horrendous defense rating
Much like the rest of the DLC armor, pretty cool.
Also is it just me or does this DLC fucking suck? Holy shit.
I mean the shrines are god tier, but seriously? The final piece of content is MORE FUCKING SHRINES? MORE????? No new enemy encounters or boss encounters? No new challenges? Are you fucking kidding me?
We get a shit ton of shrines, a cool mission with the Obliterator, some clothes, some worthless cutscenes, and the fucking Master Cycle, which while awesome makes no sense as a post-game reward. The only reason I could see using it is just exploring, which makes no sense since no one aside from masochists and diehard completionists will use it.
How the fuck was Master Trials better?
>no new boss encounters
Did you forget the best boss in the game?
The beret looks really fucking gay, Zelda looks like a girl scout desu
>make all bosses shit
>make the dlc boss ok
>girl scout
Well, its a le french man cosplay.
looks like fucking postman pat lmao
>Four defense
Why is this allowed