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Literally worse than Jurifags.
the cage is better
Since he's not a convict anymore, what are they going to call criminal upper instead?
op here, i am also a jurifag
Mayor Upper
Just dump her feet images already
I hope Juri makes it into SFV someday
street fighter characters look so strange in regular cloths
What a surprise, you are literally braindead. Sasuga casuals.
Political upper
He's a politician now, so they can just leave it the same
more like parole upper
i like her for some reason
>Blonde adonis slab of meat and muscle
>Only 6'
What the fuck?
>straights who like knock-off Harley Quin being this fucking delusional
Fuck off retard breeders.
>Not "Geees-suh!"
Done fukked up, son.
Cody got fucking handsome
But she is in SFV.
So, what do you think it was that caused Cody to finally turn himself around?
He better have a Sparta skin/color.
Oh, no! He's hot!
>Kamiya hates new Cody
>we want the Geese Howard audience
You can only run away from responsibility for so long.
homosexual faggots, why do you shit up this board? you have five (5) boards dedicated to your insidious cum-lust, why do you have to do it here?
Geese Howard looks far more rough and rugged than handsome man Cody my friend. Motherfucker looks like Raoh in T7.
Until trapfags leave we're going to stay.
Jessica is mayor. Asked for him to get a job.
i hate you
Why? I love you, user.
>waaah there is one under 50 threads that doesn't interest me, I have to go there and shitpost!
>homosexual faggots
little redundant there sweetie
pc lobby when?
Do you tell straight men to return to their porn boards when they lust after women on Sup Forums?
Is this a gay thread or some thread for a game I dont know about?
Isn't Cody canon one of the strongest characters only held back by his chains?
Did he use his boipussy to make his way up?
No, he stayed pure in prison for his gf.
I want his cum in my anus
Even Poison would be calling him daddy like a submissive little girl now
No, this notion stems from a translation error.
Not even, she's a knock-off Mileena
Which is fair play since they ripped off Ken to make Kobra (who looks like SFV Ken)
where else does kamiya state his opinions
that's funny cuz geese's appearance is more likely inspired by souther than raoh
No because heterosexuality isn't 3% or less of the world.
What the fuck is she doing
>Tasty Steve's reaction to Cody
Is Steve our guy?
>implying bearded ryu isn't the best and sexiest sfv
lets get in the cody spirit with the greatest cody set of all time
We can't have EVERYTHING about him be perfect
how much ass did he pound in prison?
How Cody got dressed with his hands still cuffed
Cody is strongest
Fuck off faggot
It's just weird looking at him and he's only 175 lbs and shorter than me despite being built like a brick shithouse
Japs really suck at mathing out the weight of buff guys, because they have so few. Any 6ft guy that ripped wouldn't be 175
Cody is the hottest SF character like he should be.
pretty sure the otaku/neets who fap to anime girls make up a minority of the world's population
You mean Guy?
Guyfriend. Just look at his tie's colors
>end of 2017
>still using gifs
Grandpa please
I can see Cody as the new Mad Gear leader.
Even bloodlusty Cody did not go after innocent people