>video games don't age
Video games don't age
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Mods deleted yesterday's thread so if anyone who was there is still here: please give me 4 things the original Doom did better than doom 2016. U give you level design, so give me 4 more things.
They don't
1. you can install it easily on work computers
2. c-rA-Zee mods for every color of the rainbow (no just because you can mod the new doom doesn't mean its the same)
3. super neato and easy to look at pixel art
4. inspire other games to be cool like doom
>2. c-rA-Zee mods for every color of the rainbow (no just because you can mod the new doom doesn't mean its the same)
It is the same though
The fact OG DOOM inspired hundreds of people to make games and basically revitalized the FPS genre is enough. DOOM 2016 did none of that.
>Me: "1 + 1 = 2"
>You: "UHHHHHH nuh-uhhhh!!!! NONONONO!!!11!!! ITS uhhhhhh FOUR!"
literally what just happened
>there are people who will defend the classic Super Mario Bros and Zelda games
Lads, I played them when they came out. I can't go back to them.
Now SMB3, SMW, and ALTTP I can easily still recommend.
Ah, so it's a better game because it inspired others to make a game? That's because it was the mid 90s. It was innovative but how does that make it better than 2016? Pong inspired a lot of games. Lots of old bad games have inspired a lot of games, I'm not calling original Doom bad but its innovation doesn't make it better
How do those make it better than doom 2016?
>many great games are on code so old they don't function on modern systems anymore.
>But they don't age.
Better gunplay
Better enemy variety
Better AI
Better enemy design
Unlimited WADs
No dumb intrusive QTE kills
No horrible upgrade system
No shitty intrusive forced story segments
Was clearly a game made by people who wanted to make a fun game and not a soulless cash grab by corporate clowns who have never played a game before in their lives.
Yeah, NES was certainly influential, but besides SMB3 and Megaman 2-6, there aren’t that many games I would really like to play again from that era. SNES is a completely different animal however, everything except pseudo-3D stuff like Starfox, F-Zero & Mario Kart still is just as good as it was back in the day.
hey dumb thing I already proved you wrong
>better gunplay
>better AI
This isn't true. The 2d enemies limit gunplay and ultimately it feels very lame to shoot them.
>horrible upgrade system
The one that you can ignore entirely? They need to change things up, upgrades offer more gameplay variety.
>intrusive QTE kills
They glow and you kill them after shooting them. It's not intrusive. If you feel so inclined to press a button after seeing an enemy light up that's your fault.
>forced story segments
The ones you can skip? It gives a reason to play through, gives what you're doing more meaning. But no one played for the story.
>Was clearly a game made by people who wanted to make a fun game
How do you know the devs of doom 2016 didn't want to make a fun game? I know you have these goggles over your eyes that show you that everything that's old is amazing and everything that's new is garbage, but you're just incorrect. You rely too much on nostalgia, it's people like you that complain about modern games not being innovative or unique yet you ignore the innovative and unique ones. And when it comes to old games, you focus on the unique and innovative games and ignore the really bad ones. Take those nostalgia goggles off for one second. I know it's hard, but you have to try.
You're baiting
>Atari 2600 games are perfectly playable and enjoyable in 2017
I’d add Castlevania 3 to your list of NES games that are still fun today, but yep, it was more of a foundation generation to build on rather than being evergreen. Most of the NES games are just a bit too simple, the advancements made in 4th gen are just too massive to ignore - for example, original Metroid feels like it was completely surpassed by Super Metroid.
>This isn't true.
It is. The enemies in Nudoom are all the same shit. They're retarded demons that run at you. In an actual Doom game, every enemy type has a purpose and a way to make the player play differently until they're dealt with.
>The one that you can ignore entirely?
You can't. Also, not an argument. It's bad and shouldn't have been included.
>They glow and you kill them after shooting them.
And they stumble with the same stock animation every time, breaking the flow of the game. It feels like shit, it looks like shit, and it's an inconvenience that should never have been introduced. Not to mention the fact that they balanced the game around the bonus shit you get for doing it. "Just ignore it" is never a valid argument. It's like telling people to turn off quest markers in Skyrim if they don't like them. When the game is built around having these things, it isn't a valid option. And even if it was, that doesn't make it okay. Bad game design is bad game design.
>The ones you can skip?
You can't skip them. You're forced to sit there and listen to their drivel.
Nudoom is shit and you're a drone for defending it.
Simple. Doom'93 was designed and built for the desktop computers, and the consoles were an afterthought. This resulted in:
>better mod support and modding tools
>better AI that is still being enhanced to this day
>the ability to easily port it to fucking anything, even calculators
>less limits on level design
You're a retard. Doom, Painkiller, Serious Sam, and even Devil Daggers are all objectively better games than Doom2016. The new doom was dogshit, plain and simple.
They do
>ultimately it feels very lame to shoot them
Laughing my ass off.
Video games never age. Anything that was good back then is good now, and anything that's bad now was bad back then. Also if you can't adapt to older control schemes and graphics than you're a literal brainlet with no appreciation for the medium. No different from people who refuse to watch black and white movies.
>the enemies in Nudoom are all the same shit.
You just described original Doom
You have flying eye
Shooting demon
Big shooting demon and that's it
With 2016 doom you have grunts, shooters, bigger ones, eyes, bigger bigger ones. There's much more enemy variety. Those jet pack guys.
>Also, not an argument.
Why is it not an argument? You can skip them, and it was trying something different for doom. Ultimately it takes up 5 minutes in total of the game. The executions are a better way to get health while keeping the flow of the game you shoot something run up and hit it and it's seemless. Don't say it ruins the flow of the game. You can beat original Doom using just the pistol, but the game is built and balanced around using the other weapons in the game. You can beat 2016 doom without any upgrades, it's the same thing. I think you're the drone, stuck in the past. As I said, there's plenty of unique games nowadays that you'll ignore simply because they're new. That sounds like a drone to me.
Remember when we used to laugh at games for needing mods to be more playable? The AI is being enhanced? What about the original release?
No, this isn't true because the medium has evolved like movies have.
That is correct.
Next you people are going to say original re was better than REmake because it's older and the original. Fucking hipsters
Oh, you never actually played Doom before. Sorry, I thought you were worth talking to for a second there. Enjoy your casual modern shitfest.
Rly makes u think
>Painkiller and Serioud Sam are in the same league as DOOM
Please don't
They don't. 5 years ago I played the Baldur's Gate series for the first time ever and I loved them. Today's games will be as good as 20 years from now.
Played Doom, brutal doom, doom 2 and Doom 2016. Played the original release of doom with no mouse support. I know it's hard to imagine but not everyone wears those nostalgia goggles. Keep toting yourself as a hardcore gaymer calling others casuals for enjoying modern games. Fucking idiot.
Is that why you had to mod System Shock to make it look like that? Because they don't age?
That isn't modded at all. Way to out yourself as a complete fucking retard.
If anything that's proof that they do, since Megaman Legends is one of the few 3D Playstation games that still looks great.
>You have flying eye
>Shooting demon
>Big shooting demon and that's it
holy shit you've never touched a doom game in your life. stop pretending, you casual shitter.
They're so fundamentally different though that I can't consider them the same game. One is an unintentionally hilarious B-horror movie schlockfest and the other is an atmospheric romp that slowly goes off the rails towards the end.
You'd be missing out if you only play one or the other.
I'm pretty sure its max resolution is 640x480
I have, that's legitimately all I remember. Saying it has better enemy variety than doom 2016, who made a huge deal about introducing each new demon is stupid and proves you're literally blinded by nostalgia. Keep calling others casuals, really shows how hardcore you think you are
>Remember when we used to laugh at games for needing mods to be more playable?
Stating that there are more mods != stating that they are needed to be playable
>The AI is being enhanced?
Yeah, there are mods that are being developed for modifying AI behavior for things such as making enemies work together and having a stealth system in the game.
>What about the original release?
What about it?
>people actually unironically believe that games like MG1 are better than MGSV
newer doesn't automatically mean better of course, but it's stupid to pretend that genres haven't evolved.
I think you missed the 'more' part of my statement. The original release of the game is what counts. Not the modded versions, I'm comparing the original Doom with no mouse support to doom 2016. Using mods as an argument for how the original is better than 2016 is fucking retarded and kinda shows it needs mods to shine a light on modern fps games (the good ones, I know you're gonna focus on cod shit and other garbage)
Upscaling via dosbox is not a mod.
Having to use dosbox is proof that games age
It only prove PC Masterrace.
You had to alter it because it was unplayable for you at it's original resolution. You modified it's resolution artificially.
>its not made by bethesda
>its not made by bethesda
>its not made by bethesda
>its not made by bethesda
>bros I could totally sit down and have fun playing this classic
Not even remotely. You're an actual idiot if you think this constitutes an actual argument.
It looks fine in its native resolution, and it's perfectly playable today. It just looks nicer upscaled.
>having to use 3rd party software to play a game
That's a sign of aging.
And before you use steam as a counter argument, that's a platform. You don't need steam to run most games on steam.
>it's perfectly playable
>but I still had to upscale it because it's aged and I need my 1440p
video games definitely age. some more gracefully than others
What will video games look like 1000 years into the future?
You don't HAVE to. You could install DOS if you really wanted to, but that has nothing to do with the game aging.
You need it to play the game. You cannot play Doom as it was launched in 1994 as it is without any other program.
Digital goods don't age user, it's literally impossible.
You're really stupid, user. Just use old hardware.
Humans would have to still be alive for there to be video games. Sorry bruh.
So you're admitting games age. Thank you.
You're not making sense. All games are built for a platform(s). How is needing DOS to play Doom in it's original form different form needing a PS4 to play Bloodborne?
Coop Campaign
Open Ended Level Design
Support for Hordes of Enemies
Level design
Gun mechanics
If they were released during the same time doom would shit on doom 2oIsickS
The music for doom was literally just copies of iron maiden and Metallica.
Pantera and grunge bands
As well. Doom 2016 if staying Canon would have glam rap meme music music that inspires young kids to pretend like they are their grandparents and pop
This. If a movie doesn't have at least two quips per minute then it's outdated garbage.
They don't. That has nothing to do with what they said. You don't even have an argument, nothing you're saying relates to the point in any meaningful way. I actually think you might be retarded. Complaining about DOS games not running on modern hardware without emulation is like complaining that NES games don't run on the Switch without the virtual console. If you want the original game to run you need the original hardware. The same as it was back in the day. Literally stuck in time, with no change or aging whatsoever.
Do you think Doom runs on magic? You need DOS even if you have a computer old enough to run DOS properly.
The difference between old doom and neo doom is you could play doom and have fun with it today.
Neo doom was already forgotten after 2 weeks
A human mind inside a machine is still a human
You need the spine as well for inner mind studies
Just download spine.dll
user we need to perfect this kind of knowledge
Not enough is known
Dear newfags,
Frantically defending a game you're too young to have played does not make you look cool or hardcore, nor does it help you fit in.
Pretty much this
You want to know what one of the first games on dos I played
This game when I was young taught Me I never want to work at a hospital ever.
Advanced A.I. will solve it within 25 years, we just have to merge with the machines and everything will be daijoubu
Who the fuck hasn't played Doom?
The problem is I am scared to lose divinity while we install machines in us.
This has to evolve with the machines and we gotta make it so the machines amplify these innernabilities
>European PC games
Oh user you don't even know
Why commit suicide when you can travel the dead realm with this knowledge.
No one in our current society knows themselves
Sacred science
From ancient egypt
But wouldn't it be nice to be able to shitpost for eons? The curse of the flesh is just holding us back from achieving true despair.
No one says you enjoy them simply because of nostalgia. You just place them higher than objectively and technically better games due to nostalgia.
>literally can't refute his point
Uhhh durrrr that's not a classic let me completely skip the argument
>objectively better games
Why? Because pretty graphics and less features? Simplification and standardization are bad things in a creative medium.
See if shit posting was my goal with this knowledge is travel to the dead land and then I would alter what people are saying with my spirit form. Or if edit what a person's stuff says right when they post it. Spirit is powerful
>because this old game isn't good, all old games aren't good
I don't have a Wojak dumb enough for this.
>less features
How can you even argue that modern games have less features than older ones?
most modern games are objectively worse. there's less creativity and less intelligent design. player agency is a requirement for a good game, and player agency is at an all time low in games this decade.
They sure don’t!
There you people go, focusing on just the bad games of the past decade. Not one of you will even acknowledge any of the unique and innovative games to come out. Not one of you will do this. Why? Why do you ignore the bad games of the older times but focus on the bad games of the modern day? What the fuck
He's right, they have way less features. Games have become oversimplified to an extreme.
Because they do?
I think games can age out of their novelty.
When Final Fantasy X first came out, I thought it was the most beautiful video game ever made. Granted, it was a pretty good game on its own, but back in 2001 the reason that you HAD to play it was because it looked so good and games on consoles with full voiceacting were few and far between.
FF12 is another game that aged out of its novelty. It came out at a time, for me, when I didn't have a good enough PC to play mmo's with and FF12 brings you the mmo experience. Albeit single-player and offline, you control and program your comrades as if you're grouping with them in an mmo. This novelty has aged out because anybody can play mmo's now. If not the likes of FF14 or WoW, there are plenty of lowend mmo's to choose from.
Really? Because just a few posts ago a guy was arguing that doom 2016's new featured were bad and it should've stuck to just shooting. No. That's incorrect. Doom 2016 has more features but nostalgiafags wanted the same shit. In doom you shoot and run. Pick up health and armor and press buttons. That's literally it.
In doom 2016 you shoot, run, hit, jump, puck up health, upgrade, sprint, etc. That's more features but it's bad for some reason?
I thought that about n64 and psx