hi Sup Forums
just finished this masterpiece and am looking for any RPGs that have writing and characters as good as this
anything come to mind?
hi Sup Forums
just finished this masterpiece and am looking for any RPGs that have writing and characters as good as this
anything come to mind?
Knights of the Old Republic
pick any obsidian game since that's all they're usually good at
mask of the betrayer is a good start
There are none. You come here, to Sup Forums, to ask us for a better game than the masterpiece that is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, and I'm here to tell you that nothing compares. It is the Citizen Kane of End of Evangelion's. It is the Ulysses of Beethoven's 9th. You will never find a better game than this one, so your best bet is to just replay Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords with every possible combination of skill points, party members, builds, and with every varying dialogue option from now until death, because to spend any time playing an inferior game would be a waste. If you wish to play a significantly worse game that most anons would consider to be the second greatest RPG of all time, look no further than Dragon Age: Inquisition.
There are only 3 games in the entire history of vidya that have the quality of writing similar to KotOR2: Planescape: Torment, Mask of the Betrayer and Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
Nice joke.
rpg games lul
>It is the Citizen Kane of End of Evangelion's.
What's that supposed to mean?
>What's that supposed to mean?
Citizen Kane is widely acknowledged by all scholars to be the point at which film could be regarded as an art form. End of Evangelion is a biting critique of its genre and its fanbase and is considered the pinnacle of psychoanalysis within both the anime medium and art as a whole. Similarly, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is the analogous point to Citizen Kane for the video game medium. There have been many video games that have attempted to emulate Evangelion; Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid 2, Bioshock, etc, but none of these goes so far as to both look at itself in the mirror and to say that it should not exist in the same way that the End of Evangelion did for anime as Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords does through Kreia. Ultimately the player character takes on the role of Shinji in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords' narrative, with the decision of whether to emerge from the LCL and embrace the painful decision of existing as a wound within the Force or to both end themselves and the Force. And at the end, in the heart of Malachor V, we become Charles Foster Kane as we say our own final words, Rosebud, as we either choose to die along with the planet in an effort to complete Kreia's teachings or to step into our sleigh to escape the planet's destruction and head off to face the same evil Revan sought.
How do i play at 1920x1080 and make the hud not tiny
I tryed flawless windscreen but the hid fix dont work
Bump pls
the game was officially updated in the past year or two on steam to include HD support and a bunch of other quality of life things, if you're a CD player
To be honest I don't think so. New Vegas and Kotor 2 are my favourite games of all time mostly due to having amazing writing with good gameplay.
Not too often a video game sequel deconstructs the entireity of a 30+ year old worldwide franchise so beautifully.
if you think that is a masterpiece i feel sorry for your mother
Aight user, you threw the gauntlet.
What's your pic for a masterpiece in video games?
Easy. The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece that BTFOs any and all games and pretty much transcends the medium. It has the best general quality of writing in the industry, best narrative, best character characterization and exposition, best story, best dialogue, the best crafted open world, best combat, best quest and encounter design and pretty much best everything else. None of the Obsidian trash like KOTOR2, MOTB or PS:T can even hope to come close to it and the best thing about Witcher 3 is that you cannot even argue its brilliance, as it is the most decorated and critically acclaimed game of all time. Not even any of the overhyped Nintendo trash got as much recognition.
Legacy of Kain series is not really the same type of game but you'll get your amazing plot and characters there.
As others have mentioned, Planescape Torment and Mask of the Betrayer are also worthy. And even if is just shitty bait, Witcher 3 has the expansion packs that offer you some of the same goodness.
Fuck off, obsidiot, nobody wants to play your trash. Even pure dogshit like Kiddinity 2: Unoriginal Shit BTFOed your Pillars of Boredom into oblivion.
If you can get past EAs bullshit, ME1- 3 are pretty tight.
If Mass Effect is acceptable then I would add Dragon Age Origins as well.
The Witcher 3 is good but it has problems with pacing and the story just fizzles out.
The Witcher 2 is what you want for kino Witcher writing
Mask of the Betrayer and VtM:B.
>takes literally 20 hours to get good, more if you're slow
It isn't as good as KOTOR 2, it's much better.
Laughed out loud
> Dragon Age Origins
the correct answer
this man right here, Inquisition is the Boku no Pico of JRTSs
Kotor 2 is great and all but Sion is just an edgelord that makes Shadow the Hedgehog pale in comparison and edgelords aren't any better than a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
They are, because at least extreme levels of violence can be entertaining.
It makes him seem childish in a way that's an intentional character flaw. Obviously.
>both characters are literally on the same level of vapid edginess, with just the latter being more verbose and pretentious about it
A pretty good metaphor for comparing the two games as a whole. KOTOR 1 is self-aware Star Wars adventure schlock while KOTOR 2 is Star Wars adventure schlock wrapped in a layer of self-importance and cynicism
>people saying sion is an edgelord
You should burn yourself alive. I fucking hate this board today.