Who would have a harder time...
>Bloodborne player playing Dark Souls for the first time
>Dark Souls player playing Bloodborne for the first time
Who would have a harder time...
>Bloodborne player playing Dark Souls for the first time
>Dark Souls player playing Bloodborne for the first time
Not OP, but also which would be the best analogy to this in comparison to his.
>a bass player learning to play drums
>a drum player learning to play bass
I found Bloodborne a lot more forgiving than the Dark Souls series because you were able to gain some health back if you struck an enemy after they hit you so I would say Bloodborne player playing DS.
Neither. One's a stringed instrument and the others a percussion instrument. A better analogy would be a bassist learning guitar and vice versa.
DaSfags can't pick Bloodborne as fast as BloodChads can pick up DaS.
Cleric Beast took me 2 tries, whereas Asylum Demon was first try EZPZ
the first one
Soulsborne player playing nioh for the first time
I had a hard time adjusting to the game
yeah I played BB first and I had a pretty hard time with DS3
dark souls to bloodborne is easier than bloodborne to dark souls
Why are you comparing Cleric Beast to Asylum Demon?
The opposite of seconding this. It's actually very easy to go from BB to DS.
First bosses
Getting used to fast/slow makes you worse in the other desu
Then there's DS3 where you're slow and everything else is fast which is the shittiest thing to get used to
As someone who started on Bloodborne I flat out can't play Dark Souls 2, every other game is fine. But Dark Souls 2 feels really unpleasant to play. However if the Bloodborne players first souls game was 3 I'd imagine it being very easy.
Cleric Beast is a harder first boss but overall I think Bloodborne is easier than any Souls game.
both are fine
>playing Bloodborne
>find it too hard to beat
>feel like quitting
>remember that DSP even managed to beat the game
>motivation has been rejuvenated
Except asylum demon is more of a tutorial boss. They even give you a free falling stab on it that takes like...a third of its health.
As a DaS fag i think i can safely say it goes both ways. Bloodborne seems like it encourages a more aggressive and offensive approach to the game whereas Dark Souls kind of encourages you to take a more defensive and cautious approach for the most part.
Bloodborne is the game that blew up in popularity with normalfags because it was the easiest and most thoughtless of the games to play.
I found Bloodborne to be a lot easier to become comfortable with but I had already played Dark and Demon Souls so it’s hard to give an objective answer
I do think overall Bloodborne is a less Obtuse game.
Only played BB and can't get into Nioh for the life of me
if we're talking about DaS1 then its definitely the former. you're much slower in DaS1 so you have to give a little more thought to your inputs. theres also quite a big delay between dodges so you cant spam dodge out of a tough situation, you actually have to time your dodge correctly. the button input in general is also much more strict. attacks and dodges take much more frames to do. theres also the fact that you can parry in BB at a distance so that you mostly dont have to risk being close to the enemy to get hit. then theres things like rally that also make BB a little easier
Sour grapes
I'm that faggot who relied on shields a lot and when I played bloodborne for the first time I honestly felt naked and exposed
BB is the hardest game in the series.
DaS is babby shit.
>DS to BB
>at first you play cautiously and defensively
>as you get farther and deeper into the game, you start to become more aggressive, you play by the instincts as you get drunk by blood
>by the end you don't think at all, you let your hands do the work as you bask in the blood of the beasts
>like the older hunters
Hiding behind a shield is easier than having to dodge/ralley so probably souls going to BB. It doesn't help that the late chalice bosses and ToH bosses are the most difficult in the series
>everyone has to be just as much of a fanboy as me! You can't possibly own a ps4 unless you also blindly believe it and every game exclusive to it is perfect and also the most difficult!
What do you mean "harder time" ?
Neither game is hard, only if you are a pleb or literally a generation y cuckboi born in the 90's or higher.
>I was born in 1989 and I'll desperately cling to that random fact I didn't even have any control of to feel superior to others for no reason forever
Sour grapes
Headless bloodletting beast in the chalice dungeon is harder than every boss from any of the souls games.
So are those 2 sharks in the well.
Both would have an easy time
And both would probably say that the second game was easier than the first where they started to learn the souls genre mechanics
>2 sharks in the well
Fuck this
Got me to waste a minute taking a picture so I guess you'll be very proud of yourself. Sorry you're too poor to afford more than 1 system.
This. I had a hard time with Bloodborne when I first started. Had finished all 3 dark souls games.
Going back to DS3 after bloodborne felt clunky at first but enemies are a lot slower than I'm used to after bloodborne so playing 2handed without a shield is actually easier now.
>Bloodborne player
>Souls player
They're one and the same.
Only point where I almost gave up was Rom but then I just figured something out and haven't had trouble since.
Still haven't beat Orphan of Kos though. What's the recommended level?
That would be Dark Souls 3 honestly. It's the most linear of them all. You pretty much progress in a straight line through the whole game. I still like the game but it's a bit disappointing compared to how open the others are
>more difficult = better game
People like you are why Dark Souls 2 is what it is
>play babybourne
>get hit by enemy
>hit them back
>100% health restored
Sour grapes
Where did I say that. All I pointed out is that sonybros claim all the the time that bloodborne is the hardest game so they can pretend they're the most skilled players.
Keep in mind DSP was like 45 against Vicar Amelia and 97 against Shadow of Yharnam
I never had trouble with Bloodborne coming from DS. I liked it more even without the doc because the subject matter and weapons were just more interesting to me.
I will say that Orphan and Ludwig, on ng+4 were the hardest bosses I ever fought in souls
Is there even a point to these games for NG+1
I've got a PCfag friend who had only played Dark Souls 1/2/3, he's tried Bloodborne a few times while visiting and he can never get a hang of it. Has never beaten the cleric beast, last time he tried he ended up rage quitting after ~10 tries. He is way too reliant on shields, Bloodborne fucks him up.
>get hit by enemy
How? Dodging in BB costs no stamina, has two seconds worth of invincibility time, and repositions you by ten meters.
Dark soul player playing bloodborne.
It's incredibly hard breaking the habits DaS hammered into my skull.
Why bother when you can just mash attack and win?
I haven't noticed that but sure. I do see people arguing all the time about X game in the series being shit because it's easier than another. Has happened after every Souls game release. Although Bloodborne is definitely harder than all the Souls games for new players because of how aggressive the enemies are. It's still a great game. If difficulty is what these games are measured by then 2 would be the best, and it definitely isn't
no argument
I'm playing BB for the first time after playing DeS and DaS 1-3, fluctuating between having an easy time and being almost as frustrated as my first forays into DeS and DaS1. Some bosses have been cake (Vicar Amelia, Rom), some took a few tries (Gasciogne, Amygdala). Central Yharnam was the hardest area in the game, coming to grips with the changes, but it's been pretty smooth sailing since then (snow field in Cainhurst before I decided to just run past the niggers).
Part of my problem is my stubbornness, refusing to change strategy from tricked Hunter Axe unless I'm pushed to the wall (couldn't beat Logarius until I switched to untricked Kirkhammer, same with Shadows of Yharnam).
As a person that played Demon's and all the Dark Souls games before Bloodborne I'd say Bloodborne was a cakewalk.
>97 against shadow of yharnam
HOW? What level was he by the endgame? I'm only level 70 struggling against the Orphan and I've killed Gherman already.
The switch from Bloodborne into Dark Souls 2 is atrocious. It's like you've added a thousand pounds onto your character and you're moving through a swamp.
Haven't gotten to the end of his playthrough to know
What are you talking about, DaS2 is one of the easier games?
only boss i had trouble with in bloodborne was that bonus guy in the church from hunter's nightmare where u normally fight amelia.
It took me like 20 tries or some shit. everything else was easy
things that never happened.
Spin2Win, baby!
I played Bloodborne first and I'm currently playing Dark Souls and have found it easier so far. Asylum Demon, Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Moonlight Butterfly and Bell Gargoyles all went down in 1 or 2 goes each, although in the one try I've had so far against Sif he utterly battered me.
I feel bad that I rely on it when cornered, but at the same time I think it's dumb to gimp yourself. Obviously doesn't work all the time either so it's not totally retard-proof.
I don't recall saying I disliked bloodborne either. You assume a lot. I like it a lot, I just didn't find it harder than the souls games.
And I would not say bloodborne is harder for new players or old. There's a good reason BB was the game to really blow up in popularity among the mainstream gaming community (yes, the even more mainstream part than dark souls) and it's the same reason Skyrim was the elder scrolls game that blew up in mainstream popularity.
Simplification of RPG elements. BB has the least stats of any of the games, and they're also the least important. You can never really fuck up a build, armor is almost entirely aesthetic, there's no equip load so you can just wear and carry whatever you want without thinking.
And mashy gameplay. Everything is far faster and mashier in BB. Your dodge and heal are far faster and more forgiving, you can never kill yourself because you healed at a bad time in bloodborne because it takes less than 1 second to use a blood vial and you're right back to dodging. Stamina may as well not even exist with how much you have and how fast it comes back.
>BB to DS
Simply because bb doesn't have weight management, a new DS player will see heavy armor and a shield and think about absorbing hits etc and gets caught in every enemy swing trying to slow roll
Tl;dr: there's no wrong way to play bb there is DS
thats disgusting. I even managed to beat ludwig at 41 and shadows at 15.
DS2 is filled with annoying ganksquads and just shitty design.
Must be underleveled sif is a piece of cake
Using the gun as a regular weapon isn't the wrong way?
Unless it was dark souls 3, the hunter would laugh while dodging everything, I'm not sure if his guns would still parry though
Dark souls might have an easy time in Bloodborne, especially if he had pyromancies or a greatshield
>not reading the question
holy shit, 3rd grade shire is hard
Playing BB makes me worse at other souls games.
>reading full posts ever
>Bloodborne player plays dark souls for the for the first time
Has equip load, less stamina (unless it's Ds3) but combat is also slower so it depends on playstyle what would be harder
>Das trying bloodborne
Turtle fags absolutely BTFO, anyone who played das like BB was played should have an easy time
Try Demon's Souls using magic.
Not him but my first DeS playthrough was all STR, no magic of any kind, and it was much easier than any other game in the series. I don't think I had a single hangup and killed most bosses in the first go.
Same here... except for the Maneaters. Fuck them.
I don't know how people had trouble with the maneaters, I killed the first one and a second showed up at half health and I was just like oh ok
Doesn't matter because after you've cleared one of them you'll have an easier time with the other. Every game in the franchise has been getting faster and faster, with more difficult content, with more complex bosses and enemies in general
Maneaters are kinda like these giant guys with clubs on the valley, easy enemies but the environment doesn't help.
I played Dark Souls first and Bloodborne wasn't really that hard.
Neither because BB and DS3 are basically the same game
>97 at shadows
how the fuck does he even manage this
You can easily get to BL80+ for Shadows if you actually listen to Gehrman and partake in the Chalice Dungeons after you get one from BSB.
Although DSP probably just grinded for echoes.
I always spent my chalice echoes on ammo/armor etc, felt like I would over level myself if I didnt
Your goal is to hit 50/50 or 50/25/whataver, after that overleveling doesn't really make you any more powerful. So it doesn't matter too much when it happens. The base game is easy anyway, all the challenge is in FRCs.
I started playing the DS trilogy again and bloodborne on the side, started with DS1, then started bloodborne and had no problem, then played DS2 and for some reason after playing bloodborne I don't use a shield as often as I did anymore
I'd say that if you are good at either game (PVE because PVP is miles different) you'll be good at both
>playing through DS3 again
>dying to easy shit at 120
>brother invites me over
>ps4 pro
>make him get bloodborne like the casul fuck he is
>end up killing cleric beast using only 3 vials, 1 molotov to its face, and not a single level up b/c I couldn't figure that shit out until I got my first insight right after gascan.
I was like you and I after going back to Dark souls from bloodborne I think shields are a hindrance, I either two hand my stuff or use a caestus for parrying
I assume so. His first swing knocked off all my stamina and 2/3s of my health, the second finished me.
Sif is just like fighting Barioth in Monster Hunter, you run directly at him at all times.
>His first swing knocked off all my stamina
Ah, that's where you went wrong. Unless you have insane stamina and a greatshield, don't bother blocking against Sif. He will murder you. Just dodge into him and smack those feet. The only tell you have to watch for then is the jump+slash upwards.
>What's the recommended level?
For Orphan? Doable at 60 but much more comfortable at 80+.
You just need to keep fighting him until you can respond to his short tells immediately and find the exploits in his second phase. Tough fight.
I killed orphan of kos(m) at level 100.
I still haven't ever killed the fire cleric beast. Lawrence or Ludwig, whichever one of the two it was.
In ds3 I'm stuck on spear of the Church and nameless king. I can kill the bird without taking a hit as long as the camera behaves, but I always run out of fp and get rekt if I try to swig a blue estus.
I found bb to be way easier cos the game supports the play style I have for souls games - dodging and spamming r1 before dodging again, or parry/riposte.
I've literally never used a shield in any of these games so would have to train myself to do it.
If you fight like I did, with fast as fuck weapons and heaps of gun parrying, then kos(m) is pretty easy.
Best plan is to spend a few times just dodging his shit for as long as possible before dying, then adding in the parries.
Eventually combine that with the occasional slap and you should get him fairly regularly.
I struggle with the flame dude cos I die in one hit so it takes ages to try and learn all his attacks.
Can't really be fucked replaying to build someone with some actual health so I skipped him.
Bloodborne is significantly easier and more forgiving when it comes to taking damage.
DS3 dodge spam is called Carthus Blood Ring and you find it in the Catacombs of Carthus of course. The increase in damage taken is a very good trade off because it's not nearly as severe as it sounds as it influences your absorption stats.
Probably the exact same since the only difference is the art style