Have you taken time today to thank our lord and savior, SkyBear?

Have you taken time today to thank our lord and savior, SkyBear?

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Need a quick rundown on this hot new meme.

DPS are worthless

they literally don't matter

>(My favorite role) takes the most skill to play in an MMO
>(My favorite race) is the best race in the game!
>(My least favorite race) is shit
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I think we can have a decent thread.

Original Skybear lives on in our hearts. This is the consolation.

And how much money will Yoshi be expecting for this cash shop mount?

The price of your sub. It's the xmas event reward.

What makes you think this is a cash shop item? I can tell you never played the game.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Black Mage. The optimisation is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of a boss's rotation most of the burst windows will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Black Mage's randomly occuring procs, which are deftly woven into the rotation- Thunder III procs draw heavily from a good understanding of server ticks, for example. The players understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this class, to realise that it's not just fun- it says something deep about GAME DESIGN. As a consequence people who dislike Black Mage truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Black Mage's lengthy cast times, which themselves are a cryptic reference to the turn-based gameplay of the early Final Fantasy titles. I'm smirking right now imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as both Thunder III and Foul proc simultaneously during an Astral Fire window. What fools.. how I pity them.

Defensive much? This game has plenty of cash shop stuff, including mounts.

free until the events over then like $5 in a year

>it's just some gay mount
Now I won't have to sub until 4.20

Neat. I want it.

>patch 4.20

*clenches fist*



Just stopping by to say fuck Lalas.


stay for some fun!

There never was a Calamity for the Lalafells, but there should have been. Rest assured, there WILL be, as you squat, malformed, spawn of Allagan wastes so richly deserve one. I will not rest until every single filthy, parasitic potato is rounded up and slaughtered like the vermin that they are. The Warriors of Light have had more than enough of the eternal potato and we are fully prepared to smite them for the millionth time. The greedy, toddler-esque potatoes know that their days are numbered and, unlike in the past, they now have nowhere to run. This time, there will be no potatoes left to spread across Eorzea like pests. We will get ALL of them into an oven and their putrid memory will finally be erased from Hydaelyn. Like all parasites, the Lalafells will continue to reproduce until every last one of them has been eradicated. This is why it is crucial that all lalafells are ruthlessly and mercilessly butchered for the good of us all. KILL ALL LALAFELLS NOW! EVERY LAST ONE!

Hang yourself you meme loving fuck

Battle Bear has been the only mount I've used since I got it.

>Hang yourself you meme loving fuck
Lalafell hate is a meme.

you're on Sup Forums of Sup Forums, you are surrounded by meme user.

Do not believe what they tell you; There is nothing fair or just or pure about a Lalafell. All lalafells are innately liars, scammers, thieves, usurers, criminals, backstabbers and degenerates. They say that Lalafells are the chosen people, a gift to Hydaelyn wrought from the machinations of Allagan creativity and intellect. The truth is much darker and more disgusting. Lalafells are the product of an aetherochemical disaster. They are literal waste given a lower form of sentience, one that is completely lacking in moral conscience or sound character. When you see a lalafell, you are looking at something lower than the lowest voidsent given flesh. When you look into their large, bulging eyes, you do not see soul or spirit; you are looking at an empty husk, an abomination, a misshapen automaton, a short, twisted mockery of the beauty of the Hyurian form. It is because of this reason that every son or daughter of Eorzea should, and must, without remorse or mercy, strike out at every single one of these hideous excuses for living beings wherever they should appear. The stone streets of Ul'dah must be made slick with the blood of these abominable wretches. The waters of Limsa Lominsa must become a bloodwash as they are slaughtered without hesitation and dumped to the sea. The forests of Gridania must be littered with the broken bodies of slain lalafells as offerings to the beasts and elementals. Lalafellin corpses should line the streets of Ishgard, impaled upon pikes and burned in the public squares for all to see. Every single Lalafell man, woman and child must be ruthlessly cut down wherever they are found like the vermin that they are through whatever methods are available, be you a disciple of war or magic. These creatures, a veritable pox upon the land, represent an insidious threat to the sanctity and freedom of everyone who calls this world home. They must be terrorized and brutalized and subjugated and utterly crushed.

>kill all le lalas XD
fuck off

Oh don't worry, cats and lizards are next in line. Your mass grave will be pretty crowded by the time the Warriors of Light have finished cleaning house.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone, must devote the entirety of their passion and force of will to assisting in the purification of Eorzea, the removal of the lalafell scourge. Be it through force of arms or pursuit of the arcane, not a single Lalafell must be allowed to live. There can be no peace. On the contrary, every Lalafell must be made to live in a state of perpetual fear and terror. Should any survive, their pitiful minds must be broken, shocked and awed by the savagery of your righteous onslaught. Take trophies, take slaves, parade them, broken and disheveled before their other kin before you execute them. Do so without regret, for each lalafell slaughtered is a gift to every living being in Eorzea. To the merchants and tradesmen, I implore you; do not do business with the Lalafells. If you have not the stomach or the arm for war, you must take the fight to another front, an economic front. You must deprive them of the one thing that they covet most; gil. Starve them. Deny them access to facilities, services and goods. Drive them from your shops and stalls. Make it utterly clear that they are not welcome. As they die by the sword, so too shall they die of want, crippled and starved and cast out into the streets as the trash that they are. Tradesmen, you must take care to craft only the finest of implements of war that those among us with the strength to take the fight to the lalafell directly may smite them with great vengeance. Every implement of death and torture must be manufactured, and it will be, if we are to finally be rid of this plague once and for all. Always remember, there can be no greater honor or glory than in the moment you exterminate another of the lalafellin filth.


oh user, squeenix will release the bunny race and the next furry fantasy. You can never run away from shitter, your race is the one that is endangered.

>Half the players in your level 70 raid do dps that was shit at level 60


Netflix isn't gonna watch itself.

Based lalafell hater

Never ever.

What do you do to Lalafell when you got grouped in a party with them, user? do you post this pasta too?

>I hate this game so I don't want to play it
>Guess I'll play it anyway though

I can finally start heavensward. I did MSQ and got my arcanist to lvl 52 and wanted machinist since lvl 20. Just finished grinding PotD for 2 days to get to lvl 50 on my machinist.

wish me luck anons.

I tell them potatoes belong in ovens.

both sides are fucking obnoxious retards

Stop playing FFXIV.

I'm going to keep playing FFXIV
I'm even going to stay subscribed, Yoshi.
In fact, I'm playing your game right now

Sun cat or moon cat?

user stop it. He wants you to unsubscribe!

Au ra



>realize that he's sincere and he doesn't want me to play his game
>open up the lodestone and log into mog station
>go to account services
>select my subscription services
>mouse over to unsbscribe
>close the window instead and continue playing

imperial TRUTH

>see a sprout running around
>level 20 gladiator, wearing a fucking robe with no shield, gear all level 15 or lower
>"hey kid want some good gear?"
>runs away

someone did that to me once
i ran away becuz i thought they were gonna scam me
turns out they were just trying to free up inventory space and i got some kick ass armor

Joke's on you, he has your lodestone ID and stalks you. He wants that booty.

You owe him.

>I play a lala just to trigger people and I have a stupid meme name xDDD

You first.

>tfw not an indentured sex slave to a rich crafter

Rise for the anthem

>quit before end of HW
>find out about 4 day free shit today
>jump into game
>have 4 pieces of mail
>got the leonhart, the zidane, the strife and the WoL costumes
>haven't been subbed long enough for those rewards
because now I kinda want to buy SB and resub FUCK

the mhigger version sounds like shit

People were bitching about how long it took to get them so they lowered the time to get them, plus all the old shit you used to get you buy with achievement tokens now

they just gave everyone all those if you've been subbed more than 6 or so months, they killed the sub reward program

SE shortened the amount of time subbed needed to get those outfits

This game sucks, there's no reason to sub more than a month every 4 or 5 months because there's a such a lack of content. For a monthly fee there sure is a lack of stuff to do

Where's your savage and ultimate clears?

>b-b-but it's not REAL content you poop socking autist

step aside, savage

Grinding dungeons for gear is end game only someone with autism would enjoy

...even if you have completed Savage and Ultimate there's fucking nothing to do you dense retard.

On my server, savages are cleared in PF. Does that one ultimate fight really keep you interested for months on end?

How come Doma does not have a national anthem or other city states? Why is it only Ala Mhigo with one?

oh, right, thanks. I had a thought they scrapped it all together and just gave people shit who were close.
well at least the desire to sub and buy dropped thanks

please look forward to Eureka (which you will farm for a week and has been delayed until patch 4.4) if you are dissatisfied, feel free to unsubscribe and go play WoW until the next patch, but not until you check out the latest weeb shit in our cash shop! please look forward to it!

SB sucks. I just want to go back to Ishgard.

Wow I can't wait for the next savage raid to offer me +1WD, +10 dex, +9 crit, and +7 Det on my bow!

Thankfully you can still go there.

Can I still get this?

Yeah that's still in the game.

You can get it through PvPing exchanging seals or you can go get it form the Gold Saucer

the gold saucer versions are a giant waste of mgp, they might as well not even exist

for some reason i get a flashback of FPA at the beginning of the anthem.

Why do you spam these shitty fucking generals

Why do you come into a thread for a video game you don't care about? What compels your autistic mind to not just look at something else?

True, but it's an alternative for people who refuse to PvP.

>a couple threads every few days or longer
Maybe try not going into threads you don't like you dense piece of fucking shit.

when does Sup Forums never have generals?

I hope someone is studying Sup Forums just to try and figure out how the autistic brain works. Maybe one day we'll help provide a cure.

>Eureka gets delayed to patch 4.5
>only 6 months to get the relic weapon
>literally everyone is in that zone, the rest of the world is dead for that 6 month period

I want a good character with like extremely dark skin like Au'Ra blue or Miquote grey etc

But it never seems to look right for me.
Any ideas is welcomed.

>inb4 >Aura >Miqo'te >good characters
Just play with the settings a bit, try the different subraces because some of the blue skin aura end up looking weird. Keep in mind though it ends up looking slightly different in game than in the creator

king's honor, friend

Why do people still do this? There's no apostrophe.


Is FFXIV leveling slow as WoW vanilla leveling? Currently at 53 and I'm gonna have to plow through all these MSQ to even start SB is why.

Why would you play this game if you don't like the leveling. Go do beast tribe and crafting if you want a break from the story, or some of the bazillion lvl 50 dungeons you get from revenant's toll

ffxiv leveling is substantially faster than vanilla leveling but still nowhere near as fast as current wow 1-75 leveling

>free until the events over then like $5 in a year



Megamilk returning, never ever.

Until the game shuts down and she's in the last story CS.

Was the glamour system a mistake?

It will let me wear different sets of cool armor, but I can see where you're coming from.


isn't that witch's broom that was free in the halloween event one year literally $20 on mogstation now? and that's per fucking character, not account-wide

No, but "reworking it" is. Adding a glam book or whatever the fuck they're talking about isn't needed. Prisms are a constant way to remove gil from the economy in small intervals. Plus the idea of "I like this gear, but can add it to the book and throw it away" is just stupid and caters to people who are shit at inventory management.

It's an MMO, the playerbase will never be happy. And working on stuff like that takes away from content they should be making (see gameplay).