Do you think millenials would stop using Total Cancer's emoji after his death out of piety if Twitch didn't pull it...

Do you think millenials would stop using Total Cancer's emoji after his death out of piety if Twitch didn't pull it? Or do you think it would morph into something sinister?

Get that shit outta my face.

>Total Cancer
Kill yourself.

like 90% of people using it dont even know who that face is

>10 years from now
>Early retirement, huh? I dig ya. I was a firefighter for 15 years, till my lungs could not take it anymore. Still, it's a nice house and a crime-free neighborhood. What did you do?
>Oh? I was a surrogate dad to a bunch of millenial kids, was hooking them on gambling schemes pushed by corporations until I amassed a nest egg capable of getting me out of that schtick.

It's pretty fucking dumb how LUL was implemented as a standard Twitch emote in the first place when EleGiggle already existed to serve more or less the same purpose and was much better.

>LUL is TB
Everyday I learn something new.

That's generally the case for all the emotes. I saw the birth of ResidentSleeper live. That person is a nobody.

am I getting old or do certain things just deserve to fucking die due to being utter degenerate worthless shit?

Easier to spam.

Some that deserve to die continue to live so we can gorge on their entertainment value though.

>Money for nothing and chicks for free
Stop being so bitter and jealous, its unhealthy

Never understood why people spam in those +10k viewer streams there is no discussion nothing it's just a gaint wall of spam.

I'm not bitter or jealous, just observant. A society that values its true cogs so little will soon enough be stuck in a mire that will in turn breed extreme violence OR be quenched in totalitarian catatonia (which is a much more prolonged outburst of insidious violence).

>So depressed he has nobody to spend xmas with he pays someone to play the role of gf
I kinda expected this of him

Yeah, but it is interesting to watch the mass wall of spam change and reflect the current going ons in the stream.

Where's this from?

I love TotalBiscuit and Dodger and Jesse Cox and all of you are just immature haters who are jealous. Go Co-Optional!

I actually don't give a fuck about them and you faggot fucks keep whining about these losers as if anyone gives as much of a shit as you do.

>jealous of literal ass cancer

Who are these other people

Are there any twitch streamers who rotate through games frequently and not play the same thong over and over, who arent soy-consuming degenerates, who own dogs not cats, and who's chat aren't insufferable redditors?

>due to being utter degenerate worthless shit?
says the Sup Forums browsing retard lmao

Not an argument

>as if anyone gives as much of a shit as you do.
Such is the modern era of recreational outrage where instead of putting the effort to find shit yo enjoy nerds would rather go out and find virtual shit piles to dig through to find shit to whine and crying about.

>she looks beautiful
How can this person tell? Could've said "her hair is beautiful" or something, why would you just tell a obvious lie like that?


>tfw they blocked ANELE at GDQs

yeah if you're 12


faggot teenager shit.

for someone who's not bitter or jealous you sure sound like you're about to rent a room at the mandalay bay

This, after seeing the 5th person spam the same thing. What compells then to type it out aswell? I think its like a mob mentality thing, they feel like they are part of the gang and friends with the streamer. Greeting him every time he gets on "time to watch my man ___". Its pretty sad.

Imagine being so boring and pathetic you have to keep shitposting about tb on Sup Forums