I'll apologize when he shows gameplay, deal?

I'll apologize when he shows gameplay, deal?

Stop bullying Kojima

Sorry Kojima-san...

I genuinely feel bad about this and hope he know that a lot of people have confidence in the project.

Even contrarian Sup Forums turds

If Death Stranding doesn't get a 95+ on metacritic, I'll consider it a failure.

So, he's wasting time and money and now he's going to slap together 30 seconds of gameplay footage and right the lore the night before?

>saying I’ve spent the last year just traveling around and having fun

HE HAS to be lurking on Sup Forums.. Sup Forums is the only place where contrarian turds have been saying this type of shit. Not even reddit or twitter.

he's been showing nothing but gameplay

You're thinking of old-Sup Forums. Nu-Sup Forums is just contrarian hipster underage kids and manchildren that came over from reddit and more recently neogaf. Oh, and don't forget the Sup Forumstards who always lurk here waiting to fuck up each and every thread that even has a hint of politics/race/whateverthefuck other garbage no one cares about.
Old-Sup Forums used to get super hype about MGS titles, so of course he'd be interested in it. Imagine him seeing the shit show that's Nu-Sup Forums reading all these threads calling him a hack and saying there is no game.

hes a busy guy, give him a break

No PC no buy, I know it's never ever, but I can wait for my whole life.

Old-Sup Forums was also long before MGSV came out and was fucking disappointing as fuck

Let's not pretend the two aren't related

Fuck. This post is so damn right sadly.

I see this picture a lot and I was wondering if you knew who he was. (not an american)

Remember when you say mean things on the internet some people might read those mean things and get sad and that's not nice.

>being this new
Might wanna hide that power level.

Are you implying he should not have enough free time to eat?

desu this is what im scared about. It wouldnt suprise me if it was all cinematic

>Wrowh, i so busy, i terr otha people do work and frirt with my onahole joostie and take picture of food, so much work, i must keep ruse train arive for baka gaijin neckbeards, i no want to make game anymore, so stressfurr

holy shit caramel was right about everything

>using the same pic as i did in my thread
dude get a different picture

>tfw everyone hates kojima now
i guess anything that is popular is bound to get hated at some point

I still love you Kojima.

This. Fucking soyboy, show how the game actually play instead of drinking soy with your soyllywood child rapist directors
>raaaaaaaaah ru hu nasty tror sayr am razy, I’m work very hard prease undertrand

Oh come the fuck on, Kojima has always been hated/loved depending on the person and the MGS he likes. MGSV just fucked everything up more.

Wow, you're trying way too hard.

going out to a restaurant is more time consuming than just eating at home

Fat weeb fags on Sup Forums have shitty opinions, get used to it.

Kojima is LITERALLY a soyboy though, all hooks are. They eat rice and soy sauce three meals a day.

I think he was on Maury or something. Some poor old senile guy Americans like to take the piss out of.
It's literally not you underage stay at homer. Especially considering this is fast food. When it's crunch time at my work I dont go home and prepare myself a nice meal. I eat whatever the fuck is quick.

Hardworking people never go out for lunch.

Take a shower incel.

Trying way too hard. First day? Second?

No matter what he says I know the gameplay will be to walk 20 feet while hiding from something that's extremely easy to hide from and then watch 20min of cinematic footage that's either "charmingly" trying to mimic a b-movie or "funny" in a infantile slapstick way.

I'll likely buy it but he's not fooling anyone.

Some interesting stuff.
>Suddenly we see an upside-down world submerged in water, where Sam exists among the flotsam and jetsam of the universe around him.

>From the sound of it, this is where Sam, and the player, go every time they die.

>But don’t make the mistake of calling this “game over.” When you die in Death Stranding, you’re transported to this purgatory, where you’re free to explore in first-person. Because of some mysterious “unique” abilities Sam possesses, you can wander outside of your body, recovering items among other things. As Kojima explains, “At that point, you’re not dead or alive. It’s the equivalent of that screen that says ‘Continue?’ and a counter ticking down towards zero.”

>From what Kojima told us, here's how it sounds -- when you’re ready to return to the world of the living, you can get back into your body. However, unlike most games which set you back to a point before you died, Death Stranding acknowledges your defeat, and seems to even embrace it. You’re transported back to the world after your death -- like in Dark Souls or roguelikes -- where your actions maintain an aura of persistence. The mechanic of “dying” is ubiquitous in video games, but it sounds as though Kojima is implementing systems inspired by purgatory and reincarnation as well.

>“Death will never pull you out of the game,” Kojima firmly stated.

Making a sandwich or other meal at home on your own time to bring with to work is faster.

>As Kojima explained, “The baby relates to game mechanics as well as the story as a whole.” It seemed like the shoulder-mounted robotic arms attached to Sam and his Corpse Disposal Team 6 pals sparked to life when that person came in possession of the baby.

>Sam exists among the flotsam and jetsam of the universe around him.
MGR sequel where you play as Flotjet Sam confirmed

Mainly because of MGSV. People expected it to be darker than the rest of the series given the trailers. It wasn't, not only that but that weak as fuck Act 2.

And it's less hate and more people waking up to the fact that Kojima doesn't turn everything he touches into gold.

Whats with the aggressively anti-Kojima sentiment here nowadays? Despite memed on hard, Kojima is truly talented at creating narrative and interesting settings. Everyone is sperging over not seeing gameplay, but I dont see that being a real issue since Kojima has literally never released a game with bad gameplay. I know a vocal minority is still mad about mgsv despite it being a masterpiece whose flaws werent hideos fault, but even that doesnt explain the sudden u turn on Kojima.

Anybody that played peace walker should have known better. Anybody that played 4 as well.

Because MGSV became very big widespread and mainstream. Quality of that game or anything related doesn't matter. That one fact is enough for posters to shit on it religiously.

>implying he just doesn't order these on his lunch break

Buyers remorse for mgsv dispite knowing Konami was fucking him and his team the entire time.

Now now, Kojima did decide to make Peace Walker 2.0, Sutherland as Big Boss, the Venom twist, open world and a scarce story with barely any cutscenes. He's also responsible for TPP's fuck up.

but mgs4 is an excellent, universally acclaimed game? Didnt play peace Walker but a lot of people love it?

It'd save more time if he had an assistant get his food though.

MGS4 is fine, but flawed. PW is mostly garbage though.

But sutherland was the superior choice and the lack of cutscenes was because of the backlash mgs4 created. Just becauae you dont like the venom twist or open world doesn't mean the game would have been better without

Did Kojima browse Sup Forums?

Sutherland as BB was fine, fuck off Hayter.

No, reddit.

no, but maybe he should stop posting bullshit in twitter, he is not 14 anymore.

>implying I care
>implying i wouldn't do the same
>implying this game won't be shit anyway.

Yea sure Kojima, and Quite had a legit reason to wear nothing but a bikini and fishnets

No, game developers from ResetERA.


What's the last time he was involved on a memorable game?

I forgot

I don't have to. I always had faith.

I unironicaly liked Peace Walker, and was excited to see where Big Boss and crew went with the story.
MGSV just shit all over what Peace Walker did correctly, learned nothing from its weaknesses, and inflated it with microtransactions and p2win bullshit.
No story, no atmosphere, dead open world, only 2 boss fights, rehashed levels, boring objectives.

I understand how a good number of people enjoyed the customization you could put into play for missions, but I experienced zero challenge with basic bitch equipment, and eventually got bored of repetitive tasks.
I am not a completionist, and just wanted to enjoy the ride, and figured I would based on how much I liked Peace Walker despite its flaws.
MGSV was an unfinished abortion of a game.

no, japs browse futaba

Is Soyboy the new Cuck?

fuck off you degenerate

>u will regret ur words and deedz!
>farewell sausage!

>getting fast food
>calling it "going to a restaurant"
fucking amerifats


Look, I've been saying this since day 1. Everyone jacks off to MGS and they treat the man like a God because of it, completely ignoring the fact he had a giant ass team do all the work for him. People give Konami shit but look at it from their perspective, if you were an employer and had a worker that you constantly had to keep in check because he exagerates everything, fails to finish his work on time, and constantly complains that he doesn't want to do the work but refuses to let anyone else do it, you'd be pissed too.
Business-wise Konami did the right thing by getting rid of him because keeping him would have ended up costing them more in the long run.
Now that he's out and about, after his shit is delayed 13 times and he releases a jumped up incomplete hot steaming turd people will finally get to see him for the charlatan that he is. But it won't mean a fucking thing because they'll just blame Sony instead of Konami this time around, because this fuck can do no wrong in the eyes of kojimafags.
The most amusing part in all of this is Guillermo's "fuck Konami" tweet. I mean what were the chances that THE two one-trick ponies would manage to suck each other off so efficiently, there's nothing more embarrassing than a basic bitch jumping into shit that's none of their business.

>We’re waiting for the right moment to show gameplay
>waiting for the right moment
>the right moment

>Post project OGRE Sup Forums = old Sup Forums

Lmao, Kojima has been called a hack since MGS4, almost a decade now. Fuck off.

I found the business man

I'm not a business man, I just didn't drop out in sixth grade like the rest of the mouthbreathers here.

Why do people still defend him at this point. Say what you want but Kojima for the past 7 years has been making games that either failed or didn't live up to expectations. He seriously needs to get this one right or he loses so many more fans.

>boohoo stop criticizing me
Hope this jap necks himself with the rope he's so obsessed about.

oh man, those burgers look really good. I am glad that we got Kojima as an honorary westaboo.

Ignoring the cock sucking Kojidrones

There's a difference between bullying and criticism. People have valid criticisms against him, for a man releasing a game that is confirmed for late 2018; he needs to show gameplay. KJP confirmed there's gameplay and it's fully playable. Song execs have played it, so has house and cerny. Anyone who doesn't in this game industry is literally suicide. This isn't a fucking movie, it's a game. You don't get a free pass because you're Japanese.

It's not like it matters. He literally shit posts and does fucking nothing, his team of 300 (confirmed in a previous interview) employees are doing all the heavy work. If you see his escapades with Ken, all they do is meet with celebs and travel while having dinner with people from Hollywood and fashion designers like Armani

I don't feel sorry for this dirty nip

>for the past 7 years has been making games that either failed or didn't live up to expectations.

i think you might hate video games user, perhaps you should leave.

MGSV is the only real unfinished piece of shit I've known Kojima to direct and who knows what Konami was pulling, I'll remain optimistic

>post some early material of the game
>don't post anything
You literally can't win in this industry.

Is "to be sexy eye candy" not a legit reason?

I'm wondering- what if he succeeds spectacularly? Are you gonna then pretend it wasn't due to his ideas and work but due to Gorilla doing the legwork/his team going over and beyond in keeping all of this in check/Sony making sure he stays on track/insert any other excuse here? Because if so this sounds like a lot of projection mate.

Faggots crying "downgrade!" over blurry youtube screenshots are the reason why we won't see Death Stranding or Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay anytime soon.

>implying its not going to be an unholy mess of a game

He didn't do the gameplay for any mgs games beyond the nes games, this shit is going to be a generic 3ps dumpster fire

>he didn't
What's up with Kojima where Sup Forums acts like Kojima is literally the only one working on the game?

>Being mad because there's no gameplay shown yet.
>Knowing that the gameplay is going to be terrible.

Pick one.

>working on a game

>He literally shit posts and does fucking nothing, his team of 300 (confirmed in a previous interview) employees are doing all the heavy work
What, you think the director of a game should code along with the rest of the code monkeys?
Does anyone in Sup Forums know how videogame development works?

Do you also shit on movies because the director isn't the one who made the CGI, and isn't portraying the actors in it, or making the costumes himself?

Sup Forums just got btfo

He's a game director, he's the ideas guy, his only job is telling the code monkeys what he wants the game to be, and to check their progress to let them know if they should change something or keep going.
But yeah user, everyone in his studio are robots who turn off or fail the moment Kojima posts a tweet.

This. Fags on Sup Forums hurt his feelings with their retarded 'durr he just wants to hang out with actors!' bullshit.


I just love it because past year it was the same
>comes out and literally says that he had nothing to do with it

It's only a handful of contrarians, but it feels good to see them get btfo again and again.

But that's just it, I claimed her being dressed like that wasn't to be sexy eye candy.

>He didn't do the gameplay for any mgs games beyond the nes games
What, you want him to code all the gameplay?
Maybe you also want him to compose the soundtrack?
Perhaps he should also go to Gamestop and sell all the DS copies himself?

She had, she breaths through her skin.
I think that's a pretty good reason.
People are delusional if they expect anything 2deep4u from him.
He tried that once with MGS2 and suddenly people think there's any message to anime James Bond.

>Are you gonna then pretend it wasn't due to his ideas and work but due to Gorilla doing the legwork/his team going over and beyond in keeping all of this in check/Sony making sure he stays on track/insert any other excuse here?

Screencap this shit. If Death Stranding becomes successful then I can GUARANTEE you that Sup Forums will start saying shit like "He's still a hack! Del toro was just keeping him in check!" or probably something along the lines of "Ugh, normies consider THIS good? Ugh, I'm above all of this."

Well no shit, people keep saying that MGSV flopped when it made more than twice it's budget in launch day.

Yes that's what he wants. He's a fucking retard, what do you expect? This place is rife with autism and unreasonable beliefs

I wonder if after the VGA a higher up at Sony realized he still hasn't shown any gameplay and all his tweets are him eating and drinking with the celebrities Sony is footing the bill for.

They don't give a fuck because they know the game is going to sell anyway.
And Kojima is a millionaire, he doesn't need their money aside for the game.

And now you see why being a video game "director" is one of the biggest jokes in the modern world.

A movie director works very hard. They have to direct the actors, direct the scene, etc. What do video game directors do? Eat burgers, watch movies, type cryptic shit on twitter, and then pretend like they were part of the ruse cruise. Now do you understand why the game industry is a joke amongst real artists? Now do you understand why video games are kids toys and will never be considered art?

It didn't flop but it certainly left metal gear fans with a bad taste in their mouth. Don't pretend the story is any good.

Oh, does the little chink need a cream for that burn?

Show some gameplay or get lost with your movie shit.

You have to be trolling

Oh wow yeah, a twitter post. This fixes everything. 4 more years.