Deus Ex

I just got to Paris, and I have low-tech at master, pistols, computers, and swimming at advanced, and heavy weapons at trained. Am I playing the game right?

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These are my augs.


There's no water in the game

I take it you were impressed.

Oh yes

legs could use some upgrading but otherwise looks good

>what is the Hong Kong canals
>what is the sunken ship on Liberty Island

Stick with the prod

I figured I might as well put points into swimming since I use the open menu glitch instead of putting points into lockpicking and eletronics

>JC is literally a soyboy
BTFO onionfags

You're being memed anyway, there's an underwater laboratory later in the game that makes having some swimming worth it

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Swimming is utterly pointless when the regeneration augmentation exists.

Good luck! We're 100% BLACK

All he eats is soy and beer

Bioeletric cells and repair bots aren't infinite

You forgot chocolate and soda... It's even worse


I guess it's true. Smoking does kill

That's terror.

Yeah and the amount of times you will even need to touch water in Deus Ex 2000 for a sustained period is effectively 1, and that's the HK canals.

>Deus Ex 2000
You mean Deus Ex?

Which pistol and low-tech weapon is the best?

stealth pistol
dragon's tooth


I guess
lethal and

Is there a difference in story if you kill enemies? Should I have a non-lethal weapon with me just in case?

The game doesn't recognize non-lethal actions other than a single comment from Paul after Liberty Island and an interaction with Carter after Battery Park.

Stick with the prod.
Prod with the prod.
The game doesn't care if you're lethal or non-lethal, but Men in Black drop neat stuff if you knock them out. They explode if you use lethal methods.

They explode either way.

not him but you can knock them out and loot them unless that's part of a mod and ive forgotten

Only if you use lethal methods. If you knock them out with the prod you can loot them for stuff like weapon upgrades

Great, thanks. I thought I fucked up for killing people with crowbar. Well, guess this playthrough will be lethal.
They creep me the fuck out.

Also, how good is Sniper? Or should I just rely on my fully modded stealth pistol?

cloak + dragon's tooh

>how good is Sniper
Requires a health investment of weapon mods and skillpoints but it absolutely fucks shit up. Becomes incredibly powerful if your rifle skill is at advanced and deals enough damage to destroy turrets and cameras at master.
Sniper rifle is the main appeal of the rifle skill, though the shotguns are really good as well and the AR has it's uses.

prove it


What kind of loot does Tommy Lee Jones have?

I didn't bother to loot him in that screenshot so I went and did it again. He had a key and a plasma gun

a key to what?

Something irrelevant because it's at the gas station

so there's no use in knocking him out rather than blowing him up with the GEP gun

Not that particular one unless you badly want a plasma rifle. The point was that you can knock them out and they don't explode.

but why?

>using lockpicks when you have a GEP gun

>wasting rockets when you have the Dragon's Tooh

The first time I played I fell for the memes and thought the GEP gun was the stealth weapon at the start
Didnt end well

Get the hell out of here numidium

What if I wanna be stealthy and not blow up doors?

Use the dragon's tooth + combat strength

The GEP gun takedown is the most silent way to eliminate Manderley

I used the prod