What 2 ps4 games do you guys recommend me to get with the system?
What 2 ps4 games do you guys recommend me to get with the system?
Bloodborne and Persona 5
Bloodborne and Yakuza 0
Nier and Bloodborne
KH collection (1.5+2.5) and Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Resident Evil Revelations 2 and Final Fantasy IX
I hate Nu-Resi, but this is hot
Diablo 3 and Rocket League for that sweet couch coop
Embrace the cheese user and your dick will cream
>stupid ass outdated flashlight mechanic.
how fucking dumb.
FFIX is m favorite final fantasy. How's the PS4 version?
Why do u quote me
Here's how it goes:
>Bloodborne (this isn't up for debate if you have a PS4 you NEED to have this game)
>Either Persona 5, Yakuza 0 or The Last Guardian depending on your tastes
Bloodborne and gravity rush would be my picks.
Haven't played yakuza but apparently that's supposed to be good.
Depends on what you like. Sheer game time you can't go wrong with that kingdom hearts collection, ffiv, Horizon, or Bloodborne. Littlebigplanet 3 has literally millions of levels, uncharted 4 has multiplayer, and infamous is fun and good for 2 playthroughs. Lots to choose from
NBA 2K18 and FIFA 2k18
Persona 5 and Until Dawn
Bloodborne, nier automata and hello kitty adventure island.
Final fantasy 4?
FANTASTIC. I love it.
Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 if you're into rpg Japanese games
Horizon zero dawn and nier:automata
Project Diva Future Tone and Taiko.
Why Yakuza 0 over Kiwami?
is the Pro worth it? I have to switch console because mine is having fan problems, and I'm torn between the slim and going Pro. I don't have a 4k tv
Don’t get the pro, it’s louder than the base model. Might not seem like a big deal but you will regret it.
Why is she wearing Nathan drakes clothes
You might be gay dawg...
Bloodborne and used GTS(free DLCs man)
Lost legacy. Great for masturbating to.
Get the slim, the Pro is loud as fuck and only really worth if you got a 4k tv
How does that question make me gay
Yeah I figured it wouldn't be as good as I though. Slim it is then. Also how much do you guys thing Fucking Gamestop will value my 3 years old PS4? Any experiences?
Firewatch and The vanishing of Ethan Carter.
I am so confused about you people with loud Pros. Mine is as quiet as my Wii U, it makes no noise whatsoever unless it's reading a disk which is only does at launch of a game for three seconds or when it's installing a game which takes maybe 10 seconds for it to read.
Honestly? I have no clue, sorry.
Games like Automata, HZD and GTS make the fan go yolo in 4k mode, no meme involved.
>in 4k mode
There's your problem.
HZD and Persona 5
bloodborne is a meme and a very niche centric game. better get something you're guaranteed to enjoy than get something that Sup Forums tricked you into getting when you never even liked dark souls in the first place
Bloodborne is a Christmas gift for PS+ users, lmao.
It shouldn't happen and in the case of PD they're literally doing whatever they can to fix that issue but they aren't optimistic.
How has no one said WipeOut Omega Collection yet?
But it depends what your preferences are. The two games I got the most time out of are Bloodborne and Rocket League. inFamous, Uncharted 4, Yakuza 0, Until Dawn, Crash Bandicoot trilogy, Last Of Us HD, Persona 5, LittleBigPlanet 3, Kingdom Hearts collection.
You actually have some games to choose from now.
This. I had heard a pro is quieter than a standard release PS4
Last of Us remaster if you didn't play it on PS3, Uncharted 4 if you did.
I would suggest the Pro unless you're very fussy about fan noise, because new games are inevitably going to expect it. i.e. you'll get games made with pro in mind and cut down for base/slim, instead of being built with base in mind and amped up for pro.