Where did it go wrong? WHY did it have to go so wrong?
Where did it go wrong? WHY did it have to go so wrong?
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standard prequel syndrome: the prequel introduces a shitload of concepts that are self-contained and have little impact or meaning because the 'sequel' is already written.
I just want a remake of Deus Ex with some improved graphics and models and..
That's pretty much it.
Same dialogue, same choices, same game mechanics and weapons.
Oh, maybe touch up the map layouts a little and make swimming not useless somehow? (I'd suggest rolling it in with an "atheletics" skill that improves jump height, fall distance, and slight move speed increase, maybe?)
So you want to play GMDX 9.0?
It went wrong? I liked it
It was an amazing game. Gameplay was never better.
Gameplay was great, but everything else was shit. Way too short, the ending was wtf, and they just didn't improve on anything. It was at it's core a good game, but a dogshit sequel. It was worse than HR in a lot of ways.
What ways
I thought it was great, though the balance of side-missions in Prague to actual story missions with unique levels was kind of fucked.
>Gameplay was great, but everything else was shit
What everything else? 30 hours long main quest? Completely logical ending you see hours away? That's your everything else?
I can go on. Sound design and atmosphere are top notch. Dialogue is mediocre, but that's the same as in the last game, not really a valid excuse when everything else is just so good, unless you don't like games.
It didnt go that wrong. The game stays true to the Deus Ex mold for the most part.
The flaw is the corporate suits at the top. They wanted a marketable franchise; so they forced Adam into another sequel because 'muh star protagonist', they tried to sell the product with stupid pre-purchase gimmicks and weird mini-games, and they set stupid expectations so if it didnt sell crazy numbers and release on a strict deadline it would get shelved.
Square Enix is to blame for some weird attempt to copy ubisoft.
Kinda ironic that the game about corporate conspiracies gets killed off by its own evil corporation.