End of Doom

So why did bethesda scrap that game? For those who don't get it:
They are not happy with how the game turned out to be and won't release further games for now.
So no DLCs for Doom 4, no Doom 5 (at least in the way we know it, maybe in 10 years they reconsider).
Why? Doom 4 turned out to be amazing game (at least singleplayerwise), it is one of the few shooters that I really enjoyed playing (unlike Bioshock, story was nice but gameplay was horrible).

Just because you can't make microtransactions and lootboxes out of it you have to scrap such a good project? That's what gaming is all about now?

Other urls found in this thread:


>no Doom 5
>somehow Wolfenstein 3 will be made


where did you hear that?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

His fucking ass, seriously OP is retarded. Bethesda doesn't announce games until they're close to release,thats why we won't hear about doom 2 until it's ready. Nudoom sold extremely well. OP is likely a child


Found it only in German so enjoy your google translate

DooM was fucking garbage and boring to play
not to mention it overstayed its welcome

>That's what gaming is all about now?
Yes. Since you seem to be stuck in a time warp from 1997, let me let in you in a sad truth: companies only give a shit about profit. They do not care about having a quality product, or a well-respected name, or any form of goodwill. They ONLY care about the bottom line, and if you can't shove a superfluous multiplayer mode filled with microtransaction gambling moneygrubbing schemes, then it's not worth even making according to modern publishers. And publishers control what gets made, not the devs.

There is ONE exception to this rule, and that is if a game promotes or proselytizes a political standpoint or ideology (almost always a left-wing one). Then that game will get made, if for no other reason than to continue dumbing down the population by using leftist strategies. Leftists invented these strategies to remain in power by making their constituents idiots who are unable to think for themselves, but publishers use it to create a consumer base too stupid to see how badly they are getting fucked in the ass.

Sorry to go Sup Forums on you, but you deserve the truth.

OP here, here is another source but in english

they are working on nu-nu-doom
watch noclip interview. They don't say anything, but clearly they do work on it.

because they banked on multiplayer popularity which died after like a week

so we're left with 10 hours long SP and lackluster map editor with zero modding capabilities

You can't mod D44M? What the fuck. It's why Doom is still alive at all. Why wasn't this first priority.

What I hated about the single player is that the enemies werent all roaming around the map, instead you have to rip out a testicle to play arena. Also the executions weren't that bad, but the game could have been better without the need for them. It made the demons look like loot pinatas that you tear apart for health and ammo.

They made some kind of tool to create maps but they are rather presets. You can't mod anything like your own textures and own rules in the way you could do this to previous games.

So much this.
All we can really do is wait till normalfags get bored of vidya and the industry bubbles so big it burns to the ground.
Then maybe we can make something of the ashes.

The map creator they made for the game is horrendously shit.
>64 Revenents and 21 empty rooms
ONLY 12 CAN SPAWN AT A TIME ;^)))))))))

>because they banked on multiplayer popularity which died after like a week
Didn't they outsource the fucking thing?

what would be the reaction if they made a sequel to Doom 4, but it removed all vertical camera control so it played exactly like the first couple? I think that'd be amazing

That would be retarded.
Just fix your god damn engine so you can have ATLEAST 70 monsters on screen at a time.
God damn have I never played a game that fucks up with not having enough fucking enemies for me to kill.
Weapons were all really nice except for that shitty fucking pistol.

I think that would be fucking stupid. Actually being able to target a pain elemental behind a bunch of imps is a good thing.

First comment of that video:
>youre spawning in individual revenants when you should be using the custom demon encounter spawner. this video is just misinforming everybody. everyone in the comments is just smartassing away saying "i knew it was shit". if you actually learned how to use snapmap you wouldnt feel so limited

Sup Forums BTFO

That interview said nothing about Bethesda giving up on Doom, they just said there was no campaing DLC on the table at the time, maybe they are working on multiplayer content or other stuff.

d44m had dlcs and a season pass already. it was so awful they gave it away for free later because nobody gave a flying fuck about multiplayer and it was a waste of time and resources.

>For those who don't get it
you don't get it
they scrapped call of Doom and recycled it into TNO
they had DLC but it was all multiplayer and snap map updates if that counts
they'll be forcing id to make a new Doom or a new something at least, they are Bethesda's bitch now
>Doom 4 turned out to be amazing game
it was fucking garbage
you obviously expected something completely different like every other retard that played it
>can't hand place your monsters
It's shit m8

But doom was good and tno was shit tho. I am talking about single player of course.
Why do they even tease with such an open ending in doom 4 which totally is ratiating with "TBC" and then suddenly turn away from this game completely?
And that playable demon in multiplayer is not real DLC, for real, I am pretty sure OP and other people in this thread are talking about single player DLC, who the fuck even cares about Doom multiplayer by that point?

>Doom 4 was fucking garbage
like a clockwork


>multiple awards
>high scores across all reviewers
>widely considered the best fps of this gen
>high sales numbers
>super high expectations and hype for the sequel
>"why did bethesda scrap the game?"
You are fucking retarded my dude.

>There is ONE exception to this rule, and that is if a game promotes or proselytizes a political standpoint or ideology (almost always a left-wing one).
No this pretty much just falls under the first point. Don't think for a moment that those giant ass corporations like EA have a soul or any care towards politics. They are a machine who look at tweets, see this "social diversity" people brag about and see money in their eyes. They allow it because they think it'll sell.

So in short, no, it's not some weird political bullshit. It's the same it has always been. Cash money.

>no cutscenes

There's a cutscene every time you press X to awesomekill. Don't give me that shit.

>Doom 4 turned out to be amazing game
>it is one of the few shooters that I really enjoyed playing
(You)rkind are the prime reason why this game was fucking trash. Seriously, kill yourself and your shitty not-Doom.

I hate Sup Forums.

Every one of you is so fucking putrid constantly. Why are you like this? Almost everything about the new Doom is positive, it has some newschool stuff and some oldschool stuff. Even if you don't like every little thing, that still means the game has some objective value and quality right?

>Nope it's a shit game! The 1/1000th group of people who want to create a very specific shitty meme map can't do it in a totally different engine then the old one? SHIT GAME REEE

Literally fuck off Sup Forums. I have no idea idea if you're all children, or screechy man children, or what it is about this board and only this board that makes it so shitty. You're bad people.

>still posting this fags false shit
It's also mindblowing how goddamn superficial and shallow understanding D4 fags have of gamedesign and gameplay. D4 and OG Doom games are literally like two different animals, miles apart gameplay and pacing-wise. And no, not in the favor of 2016.

>Almost everything about the new Doom is positive,
Almost ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it is positive, unless you've only sucked up Xbox 360 shit for the past 12 years or something.
>it has some newschool stuff and some oldschool stuff.
And that is one of its problems: it's a schizophrenic mess that does not appeal to anyone.

>one of the complaints is that Mastermind isn't hitscan anymore
This is either a troll image or pure idiocy. Even fucking /vr/ mostly enjoyed D44m.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Imagine you put as much effort in ending your life as you do in shitting on D44M, on a chinese painting board.

The only things i didnt like about this Doom was how shit the story was and how lame hell looked.
Its definetly a better game than the old ones, they were really dumb not allowing autists to mod it. people wouldnt even remember old doom if there wasnt modding for it.

>definetly a better game than the old ones
>people wouldnt even remember old doom if there wasnt modding for it.

D44M was a great game and it’s a miracle that a game in this day and age can come so close to replicating the original.

You guy are somehow jaded and simultaneously have way too high expectations.

Yes, once passion is gone and all that remains is "muh profits" the hobby is basically dead. Enjoy older games.

You can go through the entire game without doing that

Wasn't there Hell on Earth teaser a while back but instead of Mormons it is the Chinese who are holding out?

People wouldnt give a flying fuck about old doom if it wasnt modded to hell and back. You couldnt even aim in the original game.

because you didn't Buy 2 Skyrim Copies

>Doom 4 turned out to be amazing game

To be honest this reminds of some Timesplitters shit and I'm sort of interested

>no money income from the game past the initial purchase
dont look further than that

stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

>pic related
So much bullshit right there. Cinematic shit is nice and doesn't even disturb that much.
Guns are fine and you are not obligated to upgrade them. If you like the classical feelding and want some hardcoreness live without upgrades.
You will get your pinkie packs in that one lab with that long room where they spawn from everywhere.
HP bars can be turned off. You think original doom bosses didn't have a HP bar which wasn't just on the screen?
Only valid points are chainsaw (althought you can melee with your normal weapon), arena maps which are kinda meh, they shouldve made maps more like in quake 2 and the absence of story DLC.

Still won't make this game bad. Nostalgiafags should shut the fuck up, the game and combat system (which is the most important thing in FPS) are done extremely well.

With some improvements they could make Doom 4.2 or Doom 5 a perfection but they just scrapped it because multiplayer sucked and couldn't bring them free shekels.


>Look at me, I am hating the new XXX because I played old XXX and all new games are shit, am I cool now?
The state of Sup Forums

see shitting on it because it's a bad game
you are right about the demographics of the board changing though

Can't mod new Doom.

It is forever trash.

>Rune challenges are annoying filler
no shit, they're optional.
Telling where to go is not Hand Holding mate, if he was activating turrets and killing all the demons then yes he is hand holding you, you do all the work, he just tells you where to go.

I bet they made it on purpose because they wanted people to play their modes and buy their shit for it (no idea if there were lootboxes but as far I remember you could buy skins and demon form?).
Turned out that nobody played multiplayer anyways because people bought this game purely for campaign.

>bosses having HP bars is a bad thing
Killing Floor 2 all over again

The game is balanced around enemy pinatas. If you don't use them you're going to run out of ammo and health.

>what is shitty level design

It's a much shittier version of it though.TS mapping was great like 15+ years ago. The D44m counterpart is just lazy and leaves alot to be desired.

>If you don't use them you're going to run out of ammo and health.
If you're a shitter.

Its good thing since redditors like you dislike it

You can get by without them but yes combat is designed around the glorykills and it is shit

You won't unless you miss 90% of your shots. Higher difficulties pretty much force you to ignore them since they stick you in place which will get you killed.

also another reason why it's bad

Horseshit. I went through the game on nightmare just fine without having to depend on glorykills.

Health isn't an issue if you avoid getting hit. It flat out stops being one once you get the bundle of joy that is siphon grenades.
Ammo isn't an issue if you can at least pretend to know how to aim.

I ended up using my chainsaw more because I couldn't be arsed to fight that one enemy than because I needed ammo.

doom 4 is a bad game


Its really not

it is objectively

>so close to replicating the original.
jesus christ

It's more that Bethesda threw a lot of Carmack's open engine requirements out the window as a result of the purchase, and the only compromise with Rage was that an unlocked developer .exe was added (3 years too late), otherwise, Bethesda owns all id Tech developed under them forever, meaning no SDK's, and no more id Tech being licensed to other devs outside of Bethesda, denying us a future where Doom 4 recaptures Quake 3's magic and saves us from 24/7 Unreal 4

This. It sound more like they put resources into the multiplayer since they thought that is what people wanted, and when the multiplayer failed they did not have any single player DLC in the works and were probably working on Doom VR.

I don't know if I would consider Unreal 4 as "24/7"

I just think he means it doesn't look or feel like idtech anymore
also remember the leaked alpha build with bots and strafejumping
no fun allowed in the final game which pretty much says it all for modern id

>pinata enemies
>animation on melee
it's shit, as bad as that one retarded doom mod, brutal doom or whatever.

PUBG made a gorrilion dollars. Singleplayer is dead.

They could easily improve this game by following these simple steps:
>No pinata enemies, you should get ammo elsewhere, in return allow to store more ammo
>Proper chainsaw without refueling, no oneshot bullshit, just old good chainsaw
>Less arenabased battles, make level design something like in quake 2
>No finisher cutscenes, it should go fluent and fast and don't lock you up in place
>Places where you get overwhelmed by tons of demons like in serious sam
>No cinematic cutscenes, lore should be but rather on screens in game which you can ignore (if you want it ofc)
voila, a perfect doom game.

doom 4 is a bad game

no but you can improve it simply by removing things
pretty telling

>No cinematic cutscenes, lore should be but rather on screens in game which you can ignore (if you want it ofc)
it has two cutscenes and one unskippable room where you're talking to the robot dude, aside from that most of the lore is told by narration and expanded in collectibles

Oh god, shit just devolved into some weird nonsense

PUBG and TF2 have singlehandedly destroyed story-driven SP games. They're considered old fashioned now, they're in the same league as point&click and RTS

The FACT that Doom 4 is good broke someone...top kek

I mean shit like when you go into that Mars Lab and open those locks on windows. It is a cutscene where you have to watch how that thing opens, this shit should be removed.

there is like 5 people that say they like doom 4 including you and they were all paid

how to fix doom 4;

>locked 60 frames almost maxed out

let me guess, you have some amd shit

this game exposed a lot of hipsters, they dont like that

But it was universally well received, did it not sell very well? Why make a switch port if they thought it was a failure?

>60 fps
>my three year old card can run a new game at low settings
wow so optimized! meanwhile my 10 year old gpu can run other new games at low settings


I loved Doom 4 but that shit was a pointless waste of time. It wasn't terrible on my first playthrough because I mildly interested but how fucking hard is it to let me skip that bullshit when I replay the game?

I fucking wish...i just find funny when retards just repeat the same phrase over and over

Also Sup Forums have shit taste soo i am not surprised they hate good games

Spotted the casul, i played the whole thing on the hardest dificulty without ever using the glory kills. Face it, you suck at games and had to use the crutch they put in exactly for casuls like you to exploit, lmao.

Beths last few games and remakes went basicly down the drain. Everything that doesnt print money as skyrim is now considered trash. Prey was fucking great and we dont even get a single dlc for that game. At least you doomfags have some shitty map editior and multiplayer while prey is dead in the water. Fuck off

>almost maxed
>low settings

learn to read kiddo

I have a bad AMD video card and it runs smoothly at low as long as I don't update drivers, post-June Crimson makes it crash randomly.

i thought the game was boring and overhyped
and somehow people praise the graphics even though it just looks like fallout 4
and they say its extremely gory yet its not more bloody than your average shooter

But the guns SUCK ASS. They feel like pea shooters. How did they fuck up so hard?
Fuck off. I got bored 5 hours in and dropped it.

>60 fps
low settings
