Current year

>current year
>still plays a tank character

explain yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:

it's fun.

It's braindead easy and I like the fast queues plus dpscucks and healsluts are too scared to talk shit when you could potentially force them to suffer another 40 minute queue.

I hate waiting a long time to find groups as a dps. Tanks always get in instantly and their loot is always uncontested.

Warrior is the only good class in the game.
RDMs are ok I guess, for a DPS.

variety is good
i don't play mmorpgs anymore
>start tera
>reach level 27 and get bored
>try FFXIV
>get to level 48 or something like that and get bored
>start blade
>level 22 and get bored

It's feels great to play as a boss.

I get to wear cat paw gloves.

it's nice to lead sometimes

Fast queues
Easiest role in raids

>not maining winston
>not knowing the joy of zapping out of position shitters to death
>not sneaking up to their supports and slowly roast them while they desperately ask for dps to cover their asses
>not leaping into the genji or widow after they used their mobility and kill them while they can do nothing about it

It's like you don't know how to have fun op

Yay for me. Even got a cutscene with Khloe

what happened to that galka's tail

>current yeat
>he plays a female tank


Nice blog retard

It's much less of a pain in the ass to do a dungeon with a retarded healer or damage dealers than it is with a retarded tank, not to mention the average tank is an easily offended primadonna. So by playing a tank I never have to deal with those people.

Also what and said.

Nobody plays mmorpgs these days user, sorry to burst your bubble

How disappointing will Friday's Live Letter be?

Coolest armor and MC feel.

I can see it now
>Eureka barely touched upon if at all
>Relics get a stickynote
>spends most of the time on cosmetic stuff
>PVP for the last bit
>token raid hint

Half of it dedicated to PvP
Eureka delayed until patch 4.25
Picture of maybe the first boss in the new raid tier
Hint to the next series of primals
New mogstation clothing
Rest of it dedicated to Bard perform overhaul, please don't play copyrighted songs

I unironically love playing a tank in XIV.

You forgot one hour feature on housing

Its a 2 parter. So they will definitely leave out the good bits until the second one.

>MC feel
I´ve never though about it in those terms and I´ve been playing tanks forever
kinda makes me feel fuzzy all over, thanks user

I love tank, but it takes a backseat to my love of BLM, so I always try to pawn off the tanking role to someone else whenever possible.

I'm a big guy

Oh, I also love playing BLM and will leap at a chance to blow shit up. Same with SAM. I just have a thing for the jobs that whip out the big dick skills like that, I guess.

>Legion is at its high point and so is WoW since Wrath
>Yoshi is literally trying to get people to quit his game and doing everything in his power to not make content with longevity because he doesn't want people to feel obligated to login frequently in a SUB BASED mmorpg
>SE won't give them money anyway its all going into XV expansions
>All they have left is housing and some half baked PvP modes almost nobody asked for
>More updates to the cash shop than the game twofold
>Can't even play with your friends when you start the game because all servers are locked from creation despite data showing their numbers being small, forcing people to reroll on dead servers or just not play with people except in cross realm content


A monkey playing a monkey what a surprise

Best ERP scene in all of gaming today.


Even worse is this expansion is a fucking snoozefest so far compared to HW. Thordan ex was way better than shinryu ex. Ravanna was a much more fun fight on release compared to susano. The raid music for omega is so fucking disappointing outside of neo exdeath how did we go from locus to literal copy paste ff4 music. Not to mention 1 dungeon on odd patch cycles so the 1% of 1% can do some content they burn through in two weeks anyway.

>current year
>world is still plagued by braindead dps shitters

I can't control it.
I always make a motherly looking giant amazon milf tank.

I also enjoy doing hard mode dungeons and bosses solo in any mmo as a tank for shit and giggles.

I would explain but just got a instant queue, sorry got to alt-tab, dps babies need me.

you're a shit tank though

Doesn't help that we pretty much wrapped up all the major plot points the expansion was based on before the first patch even hit. Now all the main characters are standing around going, "Well what do we do now gang?" Maybe they will throw in some kind of Garlean retaliation force but thats still boring compared to HW.

How many more expansions do you think it'll take for XIV's devs to learn how to develop a game?

Tank are braindead class that dont require you to improve. I have a shitty tank in my raid group and she isnt improving much because she doesn't need to fight for her spot like dps do.

Only dps are in a constant competition where everything they do is logged and inspected where all your numbers matter etc. It forces you to either be shit or improve. There is no grey area.

Heal is also braindead.

Everything here + get to lead the dungeon.

You develop a pattern and route for every dungeon and every enemy.
You gauge every random group by the first couple encounters. See how much you can pull.
You get to be nice and teach new players boss/class/dungeon/game mechanics.
You get to be mean and teach DPS to stop rushing or whatever they're messing up. Let the enemies whack them a while and then grab aggro.

It's just fun.

t. seething dpslet

They will keep making them. And fanatics will keep buying it because they have sunk thousands of hours on a glorified chat room to ERP with their other grown man buddies. And instead of abandoning a bad game, they spam it here on Sup Forums because misery loves company.

>join o4s farm party
>people keep dying

I want to have a sexual cutscene with Khloe

came here to say this

tank classes are by far the most enjoyable classes for me to play

I just love slow, powerful strike that can kill enemies in a single show, and that feel like they have an absurd amount of power behind them

I love shotguns for the same reason.

So what burnt you out of FFXIV?

By the sounds of it, he's dissatisfied with the way the game's being handled, and rightfully so. The dev team is catering to the wrong crowd, but unfortunately the crowd that's actually bad for the game is also the crowd that has been generating the most profit by-fucking-far.

It's also the least toxic and kindest mmo crowd ive ever experienced.

Every other mmo is filled with le ebin trolls

>catering to the wrong crowd
And which crowd would that be?

mAh nibba used to play on this gmod server the shot gun did like 400 damage was a o/u fun asf

Think that's just cause saying anything that could be interpreted as harassment is a warning/permanent ban, which is silly since buying Gil and botting don't even give you a ban or a warning.

Should I switch from healer to tank for 4.2?

The crowd that uses the game as a dress-up simulator and chat-room. Wanna know why the cash shop consistently gets so many new items? There's demand for it. SE's making an absolute fucking killing off the cash shop; fantasias alone are no doubt raking in a fortune. And then there's all of the actual cash-shop exclusive stuff such as furniture items, vanity outfits and mounts.
Please, don't interpret what I'm saying as "SE should cater to me, the 1%, and me exclusively" because that's absolutely not what I'm saying at all.
What I'm saying is that catering to the crowd that SE is currently catering to will drive everyone but the barbie-doll players away.

I harassed some slut and didn't get banned.

When is part 2?

>the barbie-doll players
I would rather them cater to those people than the MUH HARDCORE. Hardcore progression raiding is a meme and needs to die. Fashion is the true endgame and only thing that matters.

I'm switching from tank to healer in 4.2. Just to change things up.

Failure to live up to the hype. I started the game so optimistic for the game's future but it's gotten progressively worse (especially post 2.2) after they exhausted what content they had from the original game, as new content shows how they function as a design team.

Modes are released with great talk but end up forgotten in a month's time, by both players and the developers. I'll admit a lot of what came from 1.0 wasn't feasible for their new model, but why does it still exist? Cross class? Guildhests? Why the fuck are these here? Everything is all spectacle instead of substance. We get trash from other games like garrisons (squadrons) because it worked so well there, right? So much focus on cash shop garbage in bypassing their shitty systems like mandatory story or how dreadful leveling a non tank/healer is. No incentive for alt characters in a "character progression game" where you can be everything on one character--but oh wait, you only get one raid lockout and hamper players that want to raid by nicking their chest count in having cleared it already. The list goes on and on, forever.

It's just an empty carousel ride that I don't understand why people speak fondly of.

Case in point - this is literally the exact kind of person that is slowly killing this game. You also deliberately interpreted my statement in a way that I specifically said was not what I meant.

i like to be huge
i like to be a unmovable object
i like to be the impassable warrior... THE WALL!

>You also deliberately interpreted my statement in a way that I specifically said was not what I meant
I wasn't talking specifically to you, I was talking about the type of people what whine for super hardcore content then bitch that it's overturned when they get it and/or clear it the moment it's released and go back to whining for more. These people are cancer and should not be listened to.

I'd also really like to address the point of "hardcore raiding needs to die", because that's about as anti-MMO as it gets. Raids are the culmination of the social, co-operative aspect of an MMO; they're a group of people gathering together to tackle extremely tough enemies for any number of reasons. Gear, prestige, fun, whatever the reason may be.
If you were to simply get rid of raiding completely, then what would be left? Even games like runescape with its expansive quest system and entirely player-run market has end-game content, both of the group and solo variety.
You also forget that more often than not, the best-looking gear comes from these end-game raids. So, if we get rid of raids, what is there to do? Manage a player-run economy where there's no demand because you don't do anything with any of the items you produce? Idle in town looking pretty?

Why did 14 take so much from 11

Yeah dude fuck content. Rather sit in Kugane on my knees and suck some dick in my cute 24 dollar cash shop set. :3

wow, newfags really cant handle obvious bait

How they haven't changed raid lockouts and tome acquisition is beyond me. Why even bother advertising you can be everything on one character when really because of lockouts you can only gear one job/role if you're not DRG/NIN. Why even punish the group if one person cleared the raid tier? Not like that person could roll on the one chest that drops anyway.

hehe i was only pretending to be retard :) :)) gotem

So the crowd giving them all their money.

Dodge tanks are way more fun than fat tanks, or fat dodge tanks for 0% offense and 100% annoyance

Because it was meant to be 11 2: Electric Boogaloo
cept this one is shit

Shame they didnt take the right things

that doesnt sound like bait, sounds like you being genuinelly dumb

>b-but muh raids
I didn't say remove raids entirely, but stop listening to people who call themselves hardcore raiders. Don't waste time on ultimate modes.

>implying I was the original poster of that comment

next youll be assuming my gender

they'll showcase male bunny suits and the community will say it's the greatest patch of all time

Raids are fine, Ultimate coil was not needed at all though

>wowfags can't comprehend an mmo without raiding

It's also worth noting that they can't cater too hard to the raiders, because then the rest of the player (lucrative) base leaves. There has to be a middle ground and I like to think that FFXIV reached it with Ultimate, but then raid groups started to give up on it once the hype died down.

>Eureka delayed until patch 4.25
You mean 4.35

I went back to play some WoW when my Raid group took a break after clearing Deltascape savage after about two weeks of wow I went back and did one trial roulette and holy shit the quality of fights in FF14 really puts wow to shame in the aesthetics department.

On the other hand the general WoW zones are so much better then ff14 ones.

They could alleviate some of the boredom by letting people run on different job classes, but of course this presents a problem for progression: you would have people playing as all three tanks and getting a full set of raid gear before the guy who only plays one tank gets a single piece.

That's a cancer present in mythic raiding in Warcraft: split runs. People run with alts and the alts give gear to the raid mains who end up with full war/titanforged gear on day one of the raid.

I agree
dps is by far the most stressful role when it come to preformance due to you being so disposable you pretty much have to be on your A game consistently or get booted.
Also if you are not main tank you are NOT alpha you're just a lazy piece of shit with a superiority complex

Slutglam is the wise man's glamour

>can farm as many crystalloids as you want
>creation still capped

raids are cancer.
>stand here, move out of red circles
faggot 12 year old cannot even conceive of an mmo that isn't a wow clone piece of shit.

SWG was better than any of these piece of shit themepark mmos.

I'd rather have a person explain why they dyed their dress a certain color than listen to them talk about raid logs tbqh

They tried but the old team fucked it up. Then they brought in Yoshi-Ps team to fix it by mimicking WoW while keeping some of the 1.0 features.
It kinda worked.

That’s cute

>dps is by far the most stressful role when it come to preformance due to you being so disposable you pretty much have to be on your A game consistently or get booted.
That would be true if doing gud dps wasn't piss easy.

I'm always surprised at the amount of shitters in mmos with how easy they are.

The average performance of the player base disagrees

You had your shot, Tanaka.

I mean, I understand where he's coming from but it would be nice to have options besides raiding for coop play.

Show me a modern game that succeeded without raiding. Keep in mind having 100-200k players isn't succeeding. This isn't the olden days grandpa. People have lives and don't login to spend 12 hours a day grinding on animals in fields together to replace their social life. They want meaningful content in reasonable time frames.

>There has to be a middle ground and I like to think that FFXIV reached it with Ultimate
Ultimate has no place on the progression spectrum. There is no place for hardcores anymore now that Omega has been neutered. Everything is catered to the midcores and below. There is no balance.

MMOs are for the brain damaged. There is nothing significantly difficult about any of the roles nor do any of the roles have any more or less pressure on them.

This. I like the dungeon and raid content more in XIV (though they need Mythic+ style dungeons), but the zones in both HW and SB are abysmal compared to WoW. They put a lot more thought into flow even with accounting for flying. The addition of treasures, rare spawns in large numbers, and world quests mattering where FATES don't matter at all gets people out in the game world in WoW.

RDM players are everything that is bad about XIV's playerbase.