The switch is a good consol-

>the switch is a good consol-
PS4 sales- 66 million
Switch sales- 7 million

>in b4 a corrupt mod deletes the thread
Reminder that Sup Forums moderators are corrupt and don't delete what breaks the rules, but what makes them butthurt.

Flooding, spamming, ban evasion and pornography are allowed as long as it doesn't bother them.

>switch is not underpow-

woah, it's almost as if the PS4 got a full 3 year headstart or somethin'

>you will never be such a deluded nintentard
feels good

>PS4 sales- 66 million
70 million now


sorry facts offend you

But it literally released 3 years before the switch, what are you even trying to deny here?

Shut the fuck up. Did I say you could reply to me?

Don't need your permission, faggot.
In-fact, I'm gonna do it again.

>sales = quality

>console war threads made with the intention to just piss people off instead of discussing vdiya is not considered spam
Shit threads like this need to die. So do you. Whoresons like you fill this place with template threads, e-celeb drama and shitposting. Crawl back in the hole you came from and hang yourself.

It's not really fair when you're comparing the sales from a 3 year old console to a console that's less than a year old.
Just sayin'.

>you will never be such a deluded chink-semen swallower like ths piss4 fanboys.

>Flooding, spamming, ban evasion and pornography are allowed
Sonyroaches ladies and gentleman.

Honestly, why has India not been rangebanned for the M$ shills who have been raiding Sup Forums and Sup Forums for years?

PS4 is at 71 now.


You might as well post that one anal vore wojack image and get it over with.

Assuming that value doubles over the next 6 months
3 years would be 42 mil
Sooo that'd be 3 more years of ps4 sales too and it didn't even hit what the ps4 was at then


Sonybros: They don't like their console, they just hate yours.



this one from a few nights ago was pretty good

Each and every "person" who makes wojack edits and whoever reposts them should die a horrible death.


based oldfag
narwhals bacon



Need to screencap this and repost in every console war thread to remind those fucks. Never seen a more toxic, hostile userbase that spends more time shitposting than playing games. Does ones dick shrink to a pussy when buying a weebstation or why are they bitching all the time?

did your tablet break?

>PS4 sales 70 million
>DS Sales 152 million

Are you feeling it now?

That's the power of normies buying cod, FIFA and GTA

Shut up faggot, switch is for babbies and xbox literally has no gaems
PC? lol great exclusives ya got there

Epic replies, but you might not realized I was talking about all edits, both pro and anti-Nintendo, pro/anti-Sony, brainlet, angry, crying, hipster, smug, soyboy etc
They're cancer and so are you.

Um, what the fuck?
Can you like, delete this?

Because they paid for their advertising slots and it would be unwise to ban paying advertisers

you didn't actually think passbux and banner ads were enough to cover the site's expenses did you

And anyways, shills will market on your board whether you want them there or not, might as well make money off it.

Hiro's also notoriously crooked, so it'd be stupid to think he's not doing this, alongside selling user data (if you use a pass, you just put a name to your 'anonymous' browsing and posts, which he undoubtedly sells to third parties like he did on the other imageboards he used to run)

Ever wonder why 'advertising' was removed from the report options after Hiro took over? This is why. They already know there is advertising because those people paid to do it.

What the fuck are you doing here if you don't like that shit

Not fair you fucking nintentard
DS got a 10 year head start

Jeez user, bit harsh.

That seven million was from September, do you have any new numbers?

So you're saying people should only come here for the epic wojacks? I guess I'm really too old for this place.

I guess so

and PS4 didn't get a headstart on switch?

>only games are bing bing wahoo cash in number 77 and breath of the walking around doing nothing
Bigger blunder than virtual boy

Probably 7,000,0001 now you retard. Go suck miyamoto's cock more.

Aw, what's the matter, baby?

Its different.

I'm sorry, we lost.

Awesome, congratulations to FIFA, Battlefield and Call of Duty. The PS4 too since it's leeching off their success.

Based Nintendo, sold more 63000001 units in only 3 months. Your commas are misplaced, however its understandable since you're a brainlet sonyfag.

>networking ports
A damn shame that switch dock has no ethernet.

Hahahahaha nice but it's actually all thanks to games like um... BLOODBORNE! Yes! And it's whopping....
uh what the fuck?
T-T-Two million sold? JUST TWO MILLION???

pretty sure no one has ever said that. Shit's underpowered as fuck, and per usual this fact will shorten its lifespan/begin to fuck it over as the years go on

oWo what's this?

Unless it's a portable gaming console.
Just ask the DS, that was pretty much a portable PS1, competing against the PS3.


I kinda miss when console-tans were just posted freely before it had to be made into it's own once-a-week general.

But it's not strong as a portable console, games run horribly in undocked mode

I've actually been living under a rock when it comes to vidya. Haven't touched a console sine the 360, many, many years ago. Last console game I ever played was HALO Reach. On launch.
Whats worth picking up for the PS4? Beyond Bloodborne, Yakuza, and Gran Turismo I can't name any off the top of my head.

Forgive me for being such an obvious cross boarder.

You forgot to post your Twilight Sparkle

You're saying a console selling because of the games you can play on it is bad and you're acting like nintendo isn't surviving off of familiar ips like zelda and mario. What was your whole point? And if those games were any good they wouldn't NEED to be mario or zelda games

Pic very fucming related

The Gran Turismo on the PS4 isn't worth it


>Annual FIFA and cod """games""" that even the most diehard Sony fanboy won't pretend are good
>Versus actual fucking good games that are game of year contenders (and WINNER)

>PS4: 70 million units solds
> Gameboy/Color: 118 million

>in 4 years the PS4 sold more than 50% of what the gameboy and gameboy color COMIBNED sold in 25 (twenty-five) years.
Wow good work.

FIFA is a fucking sports game, so it has every right to be the same cause that's all it can be. I can't understand why people play cod. But at least this console can appeal to what i like and those fuckers. You guys still get normie shit too like skyrim and FIFA who is that shit for? Zelda literally won goty for being the most normie game nintendo ever made too. I wouldn't be proud that zelda is holding the same award overwatch won

It's a fucking handheld, why would you compare it to stationary consoles?

>actual good games
>being this fucking delusional
>b.. b.. but ign told me my single enemy walking simulator was game of the year tho

I don't think your understand what being corrupt is

I used to be a pretty big fan of racing games. I had one of the GT games on the PS2, Sega GT2002 on the original Xbox, tons of random racing games before that like Manx TT Super Bike, Midtown Madness, or Beetle Buggin on the PC. I'm not really interested in getting back into racing games without dropping the money on a high end wheel. I have the Wipeout PSP games for my go fast addiction at the moment anyway.

PS4 sales have been plummering over the last 3 months, while Switch ones are skyrocketing and will surpass sony in a year, but I guess you won't post real facts