Who else buys games and plays them for a few hours and then never touches them again?

Who else buys games and plays them for a few hours and then never touches them again?
I can't even remember the last time I finished a game, it was easily 5 years ago.

I used to when i was a teenager, today i finish 90% of the games i play

I did that with Fate Extella. Not because I'm autistic, but because the game was absolutely horrible.

Is this the cropped hentai thread?

starting to think i am in the minority by being a person who completes most of the games he owns.

I only buy like 1-5 games per year to avoid this shit.

Who is this Bukakke Beelzebub

I bought gravity Rush 2, all four shantae games , nier automata, senran kagura, Zelda botw, danganronpa 1&2, sonic mania, and horizon zero dawn all this year and I haven't played more than an hour on any one of them. You're not alone, I keep coming back to overwatch.

some gujira slut

It's called PC masterrace syndrome.

Basically since a fuckton of games are available to you a click away and without any physical form PC player tend to scratch the surface of many games.
If a game isnt truly captivating they drop it and then make up excuses as to why the game is shit because the next game is just a pirate away.
Either that or they find out the game doesnt run properly on their machine because LOLPCPROBLEMS.
Also, since they're playing on PC they are distracted with other shit (Sup Forums on the other monitor, podcasts, random shit etc.) and cannot invest in the game.

It's honestly embarrassing that PCtards still brag about their HUGE AMOUNT OF GAMES and then play none of it.

You should commit to one or two games until you finish them. If you don't the your backlog will keep growing and growing.

yes, till i got a switch

5 years ago I'd never drop a game until I had at least finished it, I wasn't able to get many games growing up so I appreciated any I got and made sure it was a decent purchase beforehand if possible. Now it happens within every 3 games I play, games just aren't as fun anymore it's all competitive garbage and/or grindy.

I try to finish every game I play but I learned to accept long ago that you just won't finish a lot of games for one reason or another and it's better to let your heart guide you into playing a lot of fun games for 8-10 hours each than it is to force yourself to slog through one game for 50. If something actually manages to hold your interest for that long though then it's certainly not a bad thing. I know I dumped around 80 hours into Persona 5 and finished it just fine, but for example I rarely make it past the 25% mark in most open world games story-wise. I exhaust myself on the world itself and then move on without any real worries.

Get a new hobby.

Games didn't get less fun, you're just buying more of them so you come across more games that aren't as good.

I was horrible for it a while back. I think was more addicted to having them than playing them.

Maybe you're burnt out. I took a three month hiatus from vidya and when I came back I found it a lot easier to play and stick to one game.

Unironically this. Gaming on a computer is just stupid.

At least you play them for a few hours

I have Metal Gear Revengeance on my backlog for literally 3 years when i bought it on sale

I just installed it for the first time a week and a half ago.

I still havent booted it up for the first time.

I have brain problems

I'm like this, only I stop playing the game for so long it didn't leave that much of an impression on me so i delete my saves and start over.
Then I'll just do the same thing months later, I hardly ever finish anything.

I'm definitely not buying more, the only games I can recall I bought off the top of my head this year was Breath of the wild, South Park, Divinity 2, Nier and Sonic mania. In truth I didn't enjoy half of these.

I played MGSV for about 200 hours and The Witcher 3 for 100 hours. I can't remember anything from any of them. I couldn't immerse myself in the game world they set up and the entire time I played any of them, my mind would end up losing focus and it felt like I was just mashing buttons while having my brain be in a completely bland and blank state of mind.

It's weird and I'm not surely how to properly explain it, it's just some sort of massive derealization/deperesonalization thing. It completely kill my enjoyment for video games. Does anyone else relate to this? how the fuck do i make it stop or diminish it's effects

>i'm not having fun
>i forced myself to play something not fun for 200+ hours
>why didn't I have any fun?

>it's worse because there are more games and they are cheaper and easier to adquire
the absolute state of consolebabbies

Do you think the move from physical to digital did this? I have gotten the feeling before, buy something on steam, play it for a bit then don't touch it for a long time. Never used to happen growing up. all of my friends had a n64, ps1, etc but every family had a "family" computer and we would dial up aol messenger, play doom/carmageddon and shit. When I got older playing Jedi Outcast and Unreal 2004, same shit. Used to have to take a disk and put it into the computer just like any other console. Now PC gaming functions just like itunes. Bundles give you multiple games for $1, steam sales. too much too quick and people get older and have less time to play them

That said I still manage to get my moneys worth on the shit I wanted but a lot of impulse buys I havent even touched.

Stop buying games. Seriously. Stop buying any new games and just play the ones you have right now.

Start buying and playing good games.
Pro tip, virtually no game released the last 5 years is worth your time or money.

This is honestly true, it's much easier to get engaged in a console game because you've dedicated yourself to playing it (and might have bought a physical disc). Whereas with PC there's a ton of distractions that are just an alt-F4 away.

That's not to say I haven't played plenty of PC games from start to finish, but I find myself playing console games for longer periods of time.

I remember quite a lot about my 200 hours in MGSV but very little about TW3, mainly because I still haven't finished it and get bored after the first hour of trying to play it again, every single time.

Might be time to take a break and get another hobby started up dude. This type of situation leads people to think its the videogames fault when really its themselves. Start getting shit together, user. Fun things are fun, and if you're not having fun with fun things, you have some problems that need sorting out.

I only really have that problem with one game currently: AC Origins. Just not in the mood to play it. I'll get around to it, when I feel like it

>Fell for the dragon's dogma hype on Sup Forums
>super excited, go to the midnight release
>play it for a few hours and go to sleep
>never touch it again

It's because of the open world meme, you got bored with the repetitive tasks so you just went on auto-pilot. Play more focused games.

that's not what i meant you retard, i had fun but not as much as i should have had because i kept losing my concentration and wasn't able to immerse in the story or invest into the characters for whatever reason, i liked the games either way since there were moments that actually got to me

>i kept losing my concentration
sounds like a personal problem

I usually drop games during the last 2-3 hours, like I'm trying to avoid seeing it end. I have so many jrpgs and crpgs I've never finished just because of that.

I finish like.. one out of ten. Then I play something endless like Cities Skylines, Wargame or KSP

That's normal. Most games just aren't worth playing all the way through and if you afford any game you want then you have no reason to keep playing something that's failing to hold your attention rather than move on to something more enticing.

I unironically agree as someone who has a PS4 and PC for games. granted I don't let EVERY game go unfinished but I've had to put down and pick up tales of berseria and rabi ribi several times now even if I really like the games, just because I end up doing work or other shit instead in between plays. i still feel like I enjoy playing games on my PC more than my PS4 however. But I'm also not a console war faglord who thinks everyone who doesn't play on PC is ruining games or some bullshit.

Not true. I usually end up enjoying old games that I buy on a whim today, while modern games tend to be flat and uninteresting.

I actually still have to try that game. But I just keep delaying until i get a few days or weeks off from work and can pop in some benzos because I'm scared I won't be able to enjoy it or get immersed enough in it's story.

>just bought two games from winter sale thread

YOOOOOOOOOOOO sequel when?

anime boys shouldn't have pink hair

I buy tons of games but never even start most of them, the few I do start I play through really slowly since instead of playing video games I spend most of the day on Sup Forums even though I was just gonna browse Sup Forums for like 30 minutes but suddenly 10 hours have gone by

This too real

t. someone wasting his time complaining about people complaining

>slash vee slash

does taking a break from video games actually help make them more fun once you start playing again or is that just another dumb meme?

Stopped playing with 17, took a 3 year break from vidya and then suddenly rediscovered vidya as a collector/appreciator(?) instead of player.
I also started to emulate the way I used to play in my childhood as well as possible (CRT, handheld gaming, Singleplayer games)
I'm having the time of my life.

Not sure if it works for everybody but it sure did for me

Nice girl(male)

For me it's a meme, delays just lead to more delays, you start thinking about "the perfect time" to resume playing a game and it never comes. Just play a game and eventually you'll get into the grove. You might just be not playing the right game.

What the FUCK is wrong with your hand?

that's definitely a foreskinned penis

Too much soy

average amerimutt complexsion

Me. Most of the games I've managed to finish took me two-three years because I'd stop playing them for months. There's only a handful of games I finished in less than a week.

>play the same old online games
>save money

>animefag never achieving anything
Sounds about right.

>another random Sup Forums poster with an inflated ego wastes his time shitposting about weebs to feel better about himself while not achieving anything in the process but fake confidence and a small boost in his ego
sounds about right

>that friend who buys every new AAA game, plays it for a few hours and then never again
He doesn't even have money, he lives on student loans.

>implying I'm not an animefag trolling other animefags

show boipuci

I do that, always drop them after a few hours and play other games instead,

I'm legitimately experiencing this with Ultra Moon.

I'm trying to get the motivation to actually play it, but in the end, hardly even touch the game. The fucking cutscenes are just way too much for me, man. I don't mind a game having a little plot, but what's the fucking point if the plot is fucking boring as balls after having already gone through the original.

Recent case is Divinity 2. There was something that sucked that I stop playing it around the middle part of the game...

What's the sauce buddy?