

So this is the power of the PS4™

For the players. I guess...

I for one am glad Wander looks like a retarded neanderthal now


>literally 8 points of cloth simulation for the cape

LOL what year is it???

Looks better than the PS2 version where he just looked like a generic anime character.

It definitely is more funny then its broody asian original. doesn't look as good as ps2/ps3

Heh i knew they'd butcher the eaesthetics
Thank god for the hd collection

the new vandalism

Ueda is not involved. Sony are fucking insane to be shitting on his masterpiece. Plus it's way too soon for a remake.


>Looking like a wide eyed retard better than generic face

No thanks mate, if I play the new version I'll be giggling to much watching this little mong dribbling on these massive monsters to take it seriously.

All these shitposters that are going to be buying the remake day 1 anyway.


What's so wrong with it? You're never going to be looking at his face while you're playing anyway.



Imagine a cel-shaded shadow of the colossus, like BOTW.

It would be so amazing. I actually just got a little depressed at how that will never happen.

Just make shadow of the colossus with BOTW's graphics SONY!!! Idiots

I own the ICO/SotC collection. Literally zero reason to play this new one, let alone buy it

>it’s okay when DSIII does it on PC


>Duuuurh ima gunna kil u big furry ting gib me my sistr bak :^)))))))

Seems in-line with the first game's terrible faces.

I really like Ueda's character designs. even when they're cartoony

Dark souls is not about the graphics though.

SOTC is about graphics and atmosphere.

It certainly can't stand up on the gameplay.

I... i really tried...

Thank you for making this decision for us all user. Last i checked games like bloodborne have amazing atmosphere

It's pathetic how much effort you put into a shit meme


it looks like the bad CGI from Ico's cover art

Some people are just really good at making faces in video games.

You and I are not gifted in that regard. I spent like 6 hours on this and it never looked right.

Oh, I didn't realise graphics=atmosphere

Wow, thanks for informing me! :D

That actually looks better though, though the eyes could be a little bit smaller

I tried on bloodborne too...

I constantly see shitters going on about dark souls atmosphere you goalpost moving fuckhead


I'll take a realistic looking face over anime shit anyday.

Thing is I went down one size and they were too small.

The thing about face editors like Demon's Souls is it's not always just the bar you're moving that's important, sometimes it's moving the things around what you're moving which place it in a new position that allow you to manipulate it int he way you want. So you can't just adjust the eye size down, sometimes you've got to change nose ridge length and brow ridge height to get your desired effect and then those sliders have other dependent sliders you'd need to adjust to keep them looking right. Shit gets very complicated when you're really trying to make a face look good.

This would be the best thing ever :D


> A is not about X
> B is about X and Y
>WTF how is A not about Y
I hope this make it easier for a retard like you to understand.

holy shit you're not even wrong

That looks better
This one reminds me of Fiona from Haunting Ground

>Remake one of the prettiest PS2 games that still looks pretty good today.
>No new content.
>Graphics aren't even that much better.
>Sometimes the new artstyle makes it look worse.

Why can't we just invest in making new games instead?

Demon's Souls character creator is awful for creating good faces. It can be done but let's be honest it is and always has been a monster mash creator.

>Why can't we just invest in making new games instead?
They probably did this because of how poorly Last Guardian sold

Because even most of those are just grabbing the same mechanics from the same pile, arranging them in slightly different ways and saying
>look, we're totally new and innovative

FUck you ps4 is the best go back to idiotland switchhead

>ps4 is the best
I can't tell if you're falseflagging, underaged, or both.