At the time of this post, there are 16 hours left until Paladins becomes pay2win forever

At the time of this post, there are 16 hours left until Paladins becomes pay2win forever.

Any parting words?

>Any parting words
Yes, I indeed have something to say:

I only ever paid $13 for all the champions month ago, I got my money's worth.

As long as we get more Ling porn, I don't care.


You are ded
Not big surprise

>no more skye ass to stare at
I'll miss it bros

>Hi-rez killing yet another game of theirs

Why do they always fucking do this?

Catch me up on this, are they removing the ability to buy heroes with ingame currency?

They will do it?
Despite all the negative feedback?

Oh well...

I guess i should give League of Legends another chance them.

Fun while it lasted.

What did they do? Havent played in months

I might redownload it now.

My main issue with overwatch was lack of progression. There is litterally nothing to do and motivationg to continue playing after while.

With Paladins, at least i can grind with unrealistic hope to someday get super dack to dominate newbies in non competitive play.

Give me a quick rundown

I'm pretty sure the get bored of working on the same game, so they sabotage it on purpose to start something new.

Was bound to happen, looking back at Tribes:A

no, now cards have 5 different levels to upgrade, from level 1 to 5. you can only upgrade cards by purchasing lootboxes

it takes over $2,000 to be competitive, or literal years of grinding

Cool. Gonns downlosd it and play

>5 levels
>he doesnt know

>being competitive
>on casual mode

What other games have waifus except overwatch

have fun testing characters without an unranked mode



>people thinking ranked is still fine because it's a level playing field
The current card system is NOT balanced around having 5 level 3 cards. It's going to absolutely destroy the game, and they'll never be able to fix it because now ranked and casual are two completely different game modes that they'll have to choose which to balance cards around.

The game is fucking dead, nothing can it when they go through with this.

Fuck, can someone recommend me games with Damba-like charaters. I mean gameplay wise

Fuck you Lo-rez, I was almost feeling vindicated in my Founders purchase thanks to Terminus, but now this shit?

>thanks to Terminus
>useless melee tank in a game where everybody has a ranged weapon
Nigga you dumb

HEY. He was a FUN useless melee character, unlike Vivian the Cunting and her stupid LMG

They make the game more profitable for the chinese market. Buy lootchests and upgrade your loadout cards. To prevent chinese players from invading the Hi-Rez version of Paladins, they have to run the same business model like Tencent does in china.

I only played the game for 12 hours, only when RL friends are online. What are the changes? I don't intend on dumping cash into the game, it's just one of the few games I can actually play with my friends as our tastes don't overlap too much, so do I need to find a new game now or something?

A lot of people seem to be jumping ship and trying Battlerite, totally different game but healers tend to all be on the more offensive side there as well. Heals are targeted like Mal's, most healers have an escape button like him, a lot have a CC option or two like his stun... Still, just not the same. RIP snakeomancer

If you don't cash up you will get fucking annihilated by whales in casuals. New card system heavily affects stats (giving characters like Jenos, a fucking support, 2-3k DPS) and cards are obtained by cashed loot chests.

I will miss snakeman

Make sure to thank your frontline and supports



>Any parting words?
Told you.

I love you Ying!

Overwatch is unironically better that this shit now.

why is it pay to win now as opposed to before

>people actually trusted hi-rez

they deserve it

Haha I love how no one wants Chinese invading their game. Like they are temites or something hahaha

>To prevent chinese players from invading the Hi-Rez version of Paladins they killed the game
Fucking geniuses.

Literally. LITERALLY. No pity for you. We WARNED you.

t. Every Tribes Ascendfag

>Going from bad to worse