Thanks for beta testing consolefags. I will surely enjoy my 4k 120fps experience when the game comes out for PC
Thanks for beta testing consolefags. I will surely enjoy my 4k 120fps experience when the game comes out for PC
pc numbers will be deader than dead compared to ps4
>Thanks for beta testing meme
>To an actual beta test
Is this the hidden power of neo Sup Forums? Has the civilization came this far?
you're probably right, but I don't care. Monster hunter always was and always will be a single player game for me. I actually enjoyed the original PS2 version.
>4k 120fps
And sure Mr. Goldstein will be thanking you as well
>tfw double dipping on PS4 and PC
Have fun playing MHW in January 2019, PC bro
>I have no friends
You are getting 10% of the fun of the game
Why the fuck can you heal and run at the same time? Why would they do that?
Shut up. White ppl are the master race and not Xbox. Kill your self.
What? Are you off your meds? What the fuck are you talking about?
Not him, but I have other games to play with my friends. Solo MonHun feels just right.
See you on December 2020
>PS4 Slim
>g4560 + 1050ti
Am I fucked anyway?
No. because at least on PC you can turn down settings to achieve a playable frame rate where as on PS4, you're limited to what they set.
>99% of the Monster Hunter players will be on PS4
>All my friends are going to play on PC
I do hope there's going to be enough PC players. But I'm just happy to finally get my friends to play with me since they refuse to play it on 3DS and didn't care to emulate the PSP games.
>He doesn't own a pc and ps4
For a few different reasons.
1. Because there are no loading screens separating zones, the distance that you have to run in order to chase the monster down when it goes to a different area is much greater. Being able to move while healing/buffing allows you to do all of that shit while you chase the monster down. If you had to sit still to do all of that shit like in the days of old the pace of the fights would be shit.
2. Monsters are much more aggressive and their movements much less robotic and predictable. Comparing the old Rathalos and the one in World is night and day.
3. Shitters can't zone out and heal anymore.
Does the ps4 slim run worse than the regular ps4?
how come the monsters dont have dicks?
Honest question: Why didn't Capcom just turn down the settings for the og PS4, until the games runs at stable 30 or 60 fps?
Runs the same, just quieter than fat PS4.
Why are poor faggots still allowed to post on Sup Forums? Should be perma banned on the spot.
Because the game is already running on low settings on PS4? Water reflections barely exist, there's constant pop-up on environment geometry not even 5 feet away from you, dynamic resolution is in place and rarely holds 1080p, and enemies animate at 10fps in the distance.
Nevermind the blurry shadows.
Makes you wonder how bad it will be for OG Xbone
because the game would look like complete garbage. For non Pro PS4 to achieve a stable 45+ FPS, you'd be playing on the equivalent of all low settings. And most console players would rather better graphics over higher FPS.
Pretty damn good question actually. I hope the beta is some old poorly optimized build and we'll get at least stable 30 on release. I don't mind 30 in Monhun but those dips in beta too damn annoying.
Because lower fidelity games just don't sell. Casuals outnumber people who care about games by a large margin, especially since they're the kind of people who fall for flashy trailers in the first place.
The game already has three modes available for PS4 Pro. Just make said modes available but tuned for OG PS4. I'll take a resolution hit to 720p plus other shit downgraded if it means hitting 50-60fps.
Oh cool
I really hope the monsters don't run away this much in the full game. I don't remember them doing it this much in 3rd.
lol the game already looks pretty awful as is. if you look at anything more than 50 feet of your character its moving at 8 fps
>He doesn't own all current gen consoles and a PC
You're never safe.
Sup Forums posters thought it would be easy.
Turned out monsters hate healing more than ever.
Rathalos is a fucking cunt and won't stop flying. Get down mother fucker don't make me flash bomb you. I'm sick of your fucking shit.
Should have known they were going to upgrade the Rathalos World Tour for Monster Hunter World.
Because the better game is PC only!
honestly RIP dauntless never stood a chance [spoiler/]
I mean you can say the same for God Eater and Toukiden even if they play differently
>Friend only played those games
>Tired out the demo
>"Why is everything so slow and why can't I run around with my weapon out?!"
I really wonder how many people are going to look at Monster Hunter as a poor God Eater and Toukiden.
Yeah have fun with that resolution, frame-rate, and dead community after a week.
Except the game will be capped at 60 fps
Honestly one of the worst timings ever. They probably thought even if a console Monster Hunter comes back it wouldn't be on PC.
I highly doubt that.
1050ti should be able to run at PS4-quality settings at 1080p/60fps no problem.
I'm more worried about cpu.
> tfw not poor
> buying ps4pro just so i dont have to wait 3-9 months for pc release
> PCmustard race mad i buy a console for just 2 games
feels good man, cant wait to play
Namco and Koei was smart to release their Monster Hunter clones so early to capitalize of the lack of a real monster hunter on PC. But really watching video of it I wouldn't play it even if Monster Hunter World wasn't on PC.