How do we save VR?

How do we save VR?

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By making the controls not suck to the point that it's a glorified monitor. Hint: just let it die

Someone post the standing blowjob pic. I lost it due to hard drive failure

Develop smart sextoys that when someone touches my dick in VR my real dick feels it too

>tfw almost bought a $300 Vive just to play VRchat and pet cuties
i might still do it

beats fucking a hooker any day of the week

Does anyone here actually play VRchat? Is it good?
It looks so interesting

post more, goddamn it

Yeah honestly the VR shit that's come out so far is nothing but waggle shit no different from the shovelware you could find on the Wii. Even Bethesda's VR ports are just you waggling around. Just give a control scheme that's like kb+m with fewer and easier to differentiate keys and we can get down to some real VR shit. Look at Ace Combat 7, it's got VR support but the only thing it's doing with it is letting you look around the cockpit freely without the right stick, that's how it should be done.

VR controls make more sense for some games but not others.
Like motion controls make complete sense for Superhot but what the fuck would motion controls in Ace Combat do?
I'd expect a high-level flight sim like DCS to actually let you fuck around with in-cockpit controls and use the control stick by hand, but AC is an arcade-style shooter and always has been.

The problem is not vr but the dinosaurs holding onto old technology myself included. Either make a tool that makes all games i already posses easily implementable in vr or produce enough content for me being interested. Right now vr is just an overly expensive gaming console instead of being just a tool to enhance my already favorite library which is difficult to replace

>it's a horror episode
>she chews your dick

There's plenty of games with regular controls on PSVR and oculus rift, since their tracking can't really handle room scale. Those games are a bit shit though, just feels 3D glasses tier when you're sitting there and not room scale.

Here ya go

I see nothing wrong with that


lol god dammit fupoo

Have you ever seen something so pure?

I got to play the one heist PSVR game at a friends for like 2 hours. I've always been against motion controls before, and didn't think VR would be good since I have motion sickness. I actually really fucking enjoyed that game/tech demo and honestly would be interested in buying one if VR could prove itself in a genre that's not on-the-rails FPS.
Literally the best thing to happen for on the rails FPS though since light guns.

need more games like H3 and VTOL

I swear this is some sort of social experiment

can't help but to smile

the brick tossing, the waifu marrying, or the stg 44 in attendance?

Port old classics. It's so simple. You don't have to gamble with new releases, and you can lift up the concept.
Also, you don't need expensive hardware to run those games.

System Shock 2 VR
Deus Ex VR
Doom (the old one) VR

VR needs fucking GAMES.


ITT: To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand VR.

>glorified monitor
So you never used it? Stereoscopy creates a depth effect that monitors can't achieve.

There's also a lot to be said for head tracking and head positioning in the game world. For example, since you have to physically look up to see the ceiling, or down to see the ground, or turn around to see what's behind you, etc., you start to relate to and navigate in the game map in a more realistic sense. That room you visited 20 minutes ago is now in the back of your mind in a position within context to yours in a way that you would realistically relate it to, like when you're driving and you know where it is you're going. Very different from measuring distance and geography via a 2D map or monitor, and better, unless you have a bad sense of direction in general.

more cute anime girls

>ywn lurk at kissing anime twins

It's already been saved.

By making it actual Virtual Reality and not just taping a computer monitor to your head

It needs a must have game, and it just doesn't at the moment. Also, why get it now when presumably, v2 is not too far off?


How the fuck do you make good skeleton rigs for that game outside importing MMD models?

I feel bad that this anime waifu bullshit is the first time I've ever really wanted to own VR

Make a torture/snuff simulation already

fucking same

It's not virtual reality, faggot.
Virtual reality implies perfect immersion and a disconnection of the perception of the real world.
Waggling a little joystick around like some motion capture Wii game where you can't even fucking walk around without pressing a button to teleport does not constitute as virtual reality.
Quit being so fucking retarded and quit defending this shitty gimmick.

You haven't played vr

You can just play Second Life in VR for that

Semantics. Yeah, they aren't "true VR." Doesn't really mater, because the HMDs still add to immersion, just like stereo headphones do. Or do you avoid using those too?

Give it another generation cycle to improve the hardware and you'll have something as usable and desirable as stereo headphones.

Second Life runs like shit unless you're in a well-optimized sim which is like rare.

>those two fuckers with anime models that sit in a corner and cuddle/kiss eachother for over an hour straight

I don't understand how they can keep it up for so long

You can play Skyrim with a controller in vr.



you people that are mad an hmd isn't a fucking star treck holodeck, sword art online system are fucking retarded.

We don't have the technology for VR yet. Just let it fucking die and try again in 20-30 years.

Where did you find a vive for $300?

What we have is good in its own way, and working with it now will be important to understanding how to make it work in the future. Do you think that designing pong was a mistake because it didn't actually get across the feeling of playing tennis? Technological progress is a gradual thing.

yes, because then we will have affordable machines that literally jack into your fucking brain and take you to the matrix. fuck off m8, what your asking for won't be commercially available for literally at least 100 years

Make some actual fucking games.

Where does he post his stuff now?

That's not VR, dumbass. That's SR.
Try again.

They have. Sorry you're ignorant.

we don't, it only leads to worse video games with even shittier level design and combat and so on

exceptions exist of course, like all things where you sit in a cockpit

I don't know if the guy streaming made the whole fucking himself but it would have been funny if the turning to white made him wake up in his bed ingame

Whoa, you really showed me. BRB gonna go drop six hundred dollars because of a shitpost.

You're right, as console wars have proven, it's much cleverer to go around shouting NO GAEMS

His lewd twitter.

Iris is my girlfriend and she is pure!

>download MvC3 Ryu model
>ported him through blender to unity
>upload to vrchat
>message shows up
>"avatar is too tall"
>fuck it... don't care I just want my Ryu already
>logged in as 100cm Ryu

No matter where I go people keep pointing me out as "Tiny Ryu"

>play this game in VR
>some dude with Kylo Ren avatar thinking he's hot shit showing off his light saber to everyone
>two anthro my little ponies kissing each other in the corner without even saying anything, can hear faint grunting on the mic
>everyone is just standing there in silence around them watching while making weird hand gestures with their motion controllers
>exit game and go play RecRoom

That shit was like a fucking fever dream. God damn VR is so trippy.

That's fucking adorable

Lol nice. It really does look like she's giving head.

I've defended VR countless times, but let's be honest, the library looks pretty lackluster to anyone who has been playing games for over 10 years (and many on here have been playing for over 20-25) and it damn well should. The games are mostly tech demos, or just old ports. There's really not much out there yet, and the best game isn't even on PC yet.

I think the tech is there, and the real problem is the software.

Why does Sup Forums love VRChat so much? Isn't it literally just Gaia Online, but more faggotry?

>being a manlet in-game

>Virtual reality implies perfect immersion and a disconnection of the perception of the real world.
k so what you want is what exactly? you want a device that will perfectly emulate surrounding terrain, feeling of actual forces applied including g force, and visuals that are so realistic you can't tell the difference from reality. do you understand what you're asking for?

If I had vr and did that shit my avatar would be the toothpaste tube from sven coop

I imagine that's the experience, weirdos doing weird shit and most people are too awkward to do something gun even in VR, maybe someday you'll be able to do more than just be in a room with retards, but until then it doesn't look really good.

>mfw SL goes VR

Not that user, just saying we obviously don't have the tech to make VR more than a glorified motion capture tool yet, so why bother pushing it so hard like it's the greatest thing ever.


>we don't have the tech to make a car more than a glorified horse and buggy so why bother
who is pushing it like it's the greatest thing ever?

>Give this a whirl because of all the webms shilled here
>Room is just a bunch of neckbeards with little girl avatars head patting each other
>Few other guys are AFK or just standing around awkwardly

Weebs man, not even once.

More cute anime girls. There needs to basically be a dating sim eroge with good sex. Custom characters or not could go either way.

Make it financially viable for more people to experience. Develop the first fully functioning MMO world instead of gimmick mini games and chat rooms. More hand/glove based movement controls.

Cars don't get tired and can travel faster than 30 mph.
Meanwhile VR is just a meme and will never take off.

>>Room is just a bunch of neckbeards with little girl avatars head patting each other
How did you log into this without already knowing this would be the case. That's the fucking selling point

VR is dying and this thread is proof due to all the samey webms and samefagging every 4 hours. Poor guy even goes to /vg/ to shill

until there is some solution for traveling the world besides that retarded teleportation there will never be a decent vr game. right now they are amazing for cockpit type games.

Tons of MMOs have experimented with travel which most are VR friendly. Carriages, airships or regular ships, and maybe river boat travel to name a few. The biggest issue holding back VR now is that its hard to have a high mobility game because you cant have people walking around their room/house while connected to a wire blindly.

>ability to walk using a thumbstick
>60fps minimum

you're deliberately missing my point for your terrible shitposting. i haven't even tried vr except for 5 minutes playing some awful mobile game on my brothers phone. i don't know what vr did to you to make you so mad about it.

>My waifu doesn't have a good 3D model
The world fucking sucks.

If she's really your waifu, you'll make it yourself

Is there an American Mcgee's Alice model for this game?

It's not about what it did to me, it's what it didn't do.



I was hoping there was more substance.


>travel which most are VR friendly. Carriages, airships or regular ships, and maybe river boat travel to name a few.
yeah but you still need to walk around. only conceivable thing i can think of is a vr mech game where there are small spaces to walk around outside of your mech while the majority of the game is spent inside. maybe some kind of marker you actually put on your chair in the middle of a lightroom where in game your chair looks like your mech seat when you're outside of it so you can get back in. still this is asking a lot since you need a dedicated vr room and you still have a cable attatched to your head, plus you would ideally be switching something like using joysticks on the mech to then picking up the motion tracked controllers whenever exiting.

am I witnessing something wholesome or illegal?

Develop real VR with a direct-brain interface.

I can literally be my waifu. What is there to save?

>wanting to be your waifu
what purpose for?

Bully loli simulators

So you can finally love yourself.

She's perfect! Why would I not want to be her?