How do we save VR?
How do we save VR?
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By making the controls not suck to the point that it's a glorified monitor. Hint: just let it die
Someone post the standing blowjob pic. I lost it due to hard drive failure
Develop smart sextoys that when someone touches my dick in VR my real dick feels it too
>tfw almost bought a $300 Vive just to play VRchat and pet cuties
i might still do it
beats fucking a hooker any day of the week
Does anyone here actually play VRchat? Is it good?
It looks so interesting
post more, goddamn it
Yeah honestly the VR shit that's come out so far is nothing but waggle shit no different from the shovelware you could find on the Wii. Even Bethesda's VR ports are just you waggling around. Just give a control scheme that's like kb+m with fewer and easier to differentiate keys and we can get down to some real VR shit. Look at Ace Combat 7, it's got VR support but the only thing it's doing with it is letting you look around the cockpit freely without the right stick, that's how it should be done.
VR controls make more sense for some games but not others.
Like motion controls make complete sense for Superhot but what the fuck would motion controls in Ace Combat do?
I'd expect a high-level flight sim like DCS to actually let you fuck around with in-cockpit controls and use the control stick by hand, but AC is an arcade-style shooter and always has been.