Tomonobu Itagaki to create a brand new studio in Italy

During the latest edition of GameRome, the Italian event dedicated to video games, renowned Japanese developer Tomonobu Itagaki - creator of the Dead or Alive series and revivor of the Ninja Gaiden franchise - announced the birth of a brand-new development outfit in Italy, headquartered in Rome.

As a guest of the event, Itagaki said that he's interested in setting up a high-budget production studio in Italy that can compete with the whole world, making great games for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, as well as mobile games of course. At the moment no further details are known, but it's really interesting that some international figures seem interested in investing more and more in the European gaming market, and in particular in the growing Italian gaming industry.

What do you expect from Itagaki's new Italian studio?

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>new ninja gaiden releases

So he’s outright left Valhalla after standing aside in favour of that Mickey Mouse “advisor” role a few months back?

more t&a

I wish him luck.
I expect him to make something unabashedly edgy, as he's always done. Let's just hope it's fun to play this time.

he fled Japan amidst sexual assault allegations

Nothing. Devils Third made me realize he's a hack

is he going to hire african migrants that took over the local hotels?

Let's hope he figures out what the fuck he's doing this time.

He was cleared over the sexual harassment allegations, but it lead to him being fired and his wife leaving him. His defence was that it was a consensual affair, but Tecmo at the time had a zero tolerance policy amongst office relationships.


>in Rome
why couldn't he open a studio in a civilized city?

DT may be shit but there's something about the character designs I find really appealing. Maybe it's just my inner twelve year old loving all the edge.


has he made one good game since NGB?

The doa games he made were also solid in presentation. They just never took off much competitively because of its heavy guessing nature. Ninja Gaiden 2 suffered from him being on his way out.

Also, a big reason he and several others left was a promised pay bonus from completion of doa4 not being respected. Itagaki felt swindled.

I bet he took the inspiration from the Tripple X movies

Will he have the Pope playtest his wholesome games?

It seems Metalmark faggot man is involved, anything with that guy is never a good idea, he's a scammer to his heart


This guy is the worst kind of westaboo

the pope only plays undertale

I thought Oatmeal man was dead

He had putet Kamiya into his place, I love this guy xD


>linking to shitkaku xD

Cookie man was always shit at designing bossfights (or designing anything at all)

Ninja Gaiden DS because his daughter wanted to play something for the DS

>That music
Fuck off, retard.

>Says shit, but shows something that is absolutely cool as fuck
I loved it

i kind of miss devil's third multiplayer. the siege stuff was pretty cool. i sucked at making a base though.

I expect him to launch a kikestarter and pocket all the funds like the others

I honestly don't get it, why the faggots that stealing at kickstarter, aren't in the jail?


>has an extramarital affair with a coworker
I would expect nothing less from the man responsible for DoA
I hope it's not going to change so dramatically like Devil's Third did...

Why is it not OK to have a sex with your co-worker?
In armenia all girls are having sex with their co-workers.

Some companies don't like it because it can complicate things. Like what if someone's only dating a coworker to get a promotion. What if she dumps him and he's her boss and he acts petty and vindictive against her. Stuff like that. Too much potential hassle, so they forbid it.
The other problem is that he was doing that while also being married

I'm glad he's making games again.

>Inb4 neapolitans show up

>Making a new development team in Italy
>not chosing Milan

good luck with that Itagaki...

Content-wise it's just fucking tasteless. Funny thing, the concept of taste is even explicitly raised by all those collections of souvenirs you find along the way (like, it's obviously supposed to elicit "Dude, what a classic", "So cool", etc.). But taken together it's such a brainless mishmash. It's like trying to eat, I dunno, chocolate and tuna together.

>he's interested in setting up a high-budget production studio in Italy
Yup, he's full of shit. DIdn't the last game he dev was flopped so hard it literally sommersaulted?

not a single good game ever came out from Italy


There's nothing wrong with extramarital sex as long as it's not rape. It's a humans right first and foremost. Only backwards countries prohibit it.

What the fuck is in italy even?
You got a bunch of lazy, corrupt, mafia imbeciles and that's it.
Worse than fucking greece.
Got pizza but pizza is literally done better by americans ffs

It went into development hell because THQ went bankrupt before the meat of the content was developed. Then it was picked up by Nintendo years later and rushed out the door.

Probably wouldn't have been that great of a game regardless, but it's obvious development on that game wasn't smooth.

This guy looks dumb and obnoxious.

i feel really bad for those acne scars

we have a fucking spaghetti expert on the scene here

Nah, i'm a bong that had the misfortune of spending some time there to teach them english.
Had i known first i'd have taken Poland as my choice

American pizza is an offense to God, stick to your burgers goblin

>British Cuisine
Thank god you’re getting blacked, kebab taste way better then anything that comes from your shitty rainy dress pressing excuse of a country

At least they work unlike you mamabois

>pizza is done better by american

whatever you say, pineapple boy

>Got pizza but pizza is literally done better by americans

The anglo menace is real

>What do you expect from Itagaki's new Italian studio?
Two sequels for Devil's 3rd, as it was promised by Itagaki-san.

DT was hella fun:

Littorio spinoff game?

>Got pizza but pizza is literally done better by americans ffs

That was created by a leaf, don't blame us for that abomination

Best MGS since Peace Walker.

>i feel really bad for those acne scars

assetto corsa, just dance 4, mario rabbids,
sbk 2001, Screamer, splinter cell n-gage

How do you think he feels about DOA VR?

I think he jerks on to it while crying, à la Shinji

Devils Third.

Just give me a port on Switch with the online back and no microtransaction currency.

>game has the best shooting and melee mechanics of last gen that are actually fluid
> the single player levels are not designed to showcase the parkour
>multiplayer is offline so new players will never understand why it was so good

fuck you first alma IS the BEST boss battle of that generation

Tommy Wiseau?

Awesome, a new game from the genious that gave us Devil's turd and that its absolutely nothing without team ninja
I cant want for his new game

Don't pay much attention on critics, they're all corrupted and fake.
Have your own opinion about games.