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How casual are you?

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I beat Pyre.
Without any titan stars

I save scum on xcom 2 on the easiest difficulty

The only platinum trophy I have is for Infamous Second Son.


I use godmode and cheats to build settlements in Fallout 4 because I hate the grind of gathering random garbage for ten hours.

I exclusively play pubg fortnite destiny 2 and halo 5 on xbone

Played dota for 4 years and still stuck at 4k

I play neo nintendo games
Make memes about super smash brothers and
I do not complain about the flaws in the neo nintendo games

I haven't played games in 4 years and the last one was Pokemon X
I've never owned a console since the Wii
I have a Gamecube and got Metroid Prime with it but I never beated it
I got Kid Icarus Uprising for my 3DS and never beat it, I never raised the difficulty meter past its base state
When I'm bored I play flash games

xbox 360 was my first console

Kirby is my favorite series.
I'm absolute garbage at Mega Man.

I've never played the first two Witchers but I make fun of people who only played 3.

I never got through Ornstein and Smough on dark souls because they're hard

I have more games on Steam library that I haven't touched at all
Than games I've played in my entire life.

I don't always play pyro, but when I do you better believe I w+m1 the payload cart for 5 easy kills.

not casual enough to use the nu- prefix


My only Platinum is from a VN. And every other VN I haven't even bothered to plat.

How casual am I? I go to bed on time.

i get really angry at games that humiliate you. Not outright kill you but do slowly in a way where you can't fight back like stacking poison debuffs, stuck locks or huge enemy and bad camera angles.

I beat Yunalesca in FFX.
Using all my Aeon Overdrives.

Patrician taste

I play easy mode on super mario run

Souls games are my favorite games.

i only play new multiplayer games

I can't beat a jrpg (except Pokemon) without following a guide. I'm paranoid of missing something (thanks to ff12) and knowing what's about to happen a little bit before it happens keeps me interested in the game. Otherwise I'd get bored of it and will drop it


See pic
As someone who quit playing DotA2 like 5-6 years ago, what does that translate to in HoN MMR? 1500?

Nothing wrong with that. MM is a boring series and only thing it does right are its girls.

I am not.

I summoned for Ludwig.

I got a PC only to emulate old games, shit post on Sup Forums and play competitive Overwatch.
PC Master Race.

>emulate old games
Not casual, casuals want graphics and detest every game produced before sixth gen because they aren't cinematic enough.

I don't play games, I watch people on Twitch play them.

He did say he plays Overwatch though.
Please fucking be bait and not true.

I dont know what this means

I never beat O&S without summoning or even cheating. The only time I beat them alone was by cheesing them by running away and shooting with a crossbow

thanks doc

>One game makes you casual
Then probably nobody here is not casual by that standard if they as much played something like a pop cap game.

I enjoy Battlefield 1 Operations

thanks doc
I'm a newfag starting a couple of months ago, but no one calls me out for it since I use my fucking brain instead of saying newfag shit

Thanks doc

Thanks Doc

You just admited that you are new, that doesn't say that you are very bright.

I buy games on Steam and don’t even play them

I luuv vivian james :) FUCK SJWS

I had to beat Furiae in Drakengard 1 by slowing the game down to 25% and my HP was below 50% by the end of it

I still like AVGN videos.

I like games that require small time investments every single day in order to make progress.

I spend three times as much time talking about games and watching analysis of games than I do actually playing them.

The only platinum trophy I have is for Tekken 7. Get on my level.

I play league of legends with irl friends daily

I once beat the Bloodbornwe DLC at level 20 with the threaded cane just so I could get the Rakuyo and troll the early game

I bought Nufront II

I never finished any Sonic game. I only played the first one for like 10 min before I got bored.

I have 10000+ matches in Clash Royale and still stuck on Hog Mountain.

I don't bother playing games anymore. I just watch let's plays and then pretend I've played it too.

I’m subscribed to several E-Celebs on YouTube and Twitch and watch them every chance I can

I played Persona 5 on safe difficulty

I do that too, but only with games like TWD, LiS, or shit like that. One of the best experience I had was watching Until Dawn in my bed on Halloween. Comfy as fuck.

Persona 5 difficulty is a fucking mess, so I don't blame you.

I've already finished Plants vs Zombies like.... 5 times

Yeah, I mean I only switched because I died twice in a row and only got to attack with like one of my characters both times. Just figured it wasn't worth it, and I didn't have time to grind because I wanted to see all the Social Links more than anything else.

I unironically prefer Bethesda since they're making the games I enjoy the most.

I will buy just about anything with the name Halo attached to it
I have never owned a PC capable of running anything more demanding than TF2 on medium graphic settings at sub-30fps, and I'm okay with that
Breath of the Wild is my favorite Zelda game because It's literally the first one I've ever actually beaten

This. I just want to build a cool settlement, and do the garbage scavanging thing for crafting.

I wish the next game would kinda just leave the "settlement" building as just player home building and have most of the crafting go into Armor/Power Armor/Weapons.


I love tower defense games.

cooperative tower defense games were the shit back in the Warcraft 3 days though