You can trick enemies into attacking each other

>you can trick enemies into attacking each other

Other urls found in this thread: user_oc only_alcohol_beer_bottle_dialogue_feels bad man_female_filly_pony_retarded_s.jpeg

I feel like I was the only one who did this in bloodborne with the shaman bone blades

>you can pin everyone against eachother and then kick them all while they're down like an asshole

>using berserk darts on enemies in AssCreed: Black Fag
feels good man

I should replay doom 2

>you don't have to trick them at all

>you can manipulate enemies into thinking you're one of them before murdering them

> you only get rare drops by making enemies kill each other

I loved doing that in Mark of the Ninja. The use of fear in that game made it so much fun. Hiding in the vent while watching the dominoes fall was better than sex.

Is infighting the most casual mechanics to ever come out of doom (besides autoaim)? It doesn't make any sense for enemies to turn on each other because of a little friendly fire when their lives are immediately threatened by a more dangerous foe

is getting mad at other people for being different the most casual ideology to ever come out of humanity (besides autism)? It doesn't make sense for anyone to turn on each other just for being a different skin color when their lives are immediately being threatened by a lack of purpose

Uh, no
A lack of purpose doesn't make you instantly drop dead, idiot

a man who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous man indeed.


mimics op as fuck

>enemies from warring sides fight each other if you give them space

Their kick attack is one of the most powerful attacks in the game iirc

>enemies don't even need to be tricked into fighting each other, some enemies just fight whenever they see each other.
even doom could do this but you never see it these days

You alright there Lee?

fuck off

>different factions fight against each other
>they ally together when they see you to kill you


Why are you so mad?

Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me user_oc only_alcohol_beer_bottle_dialogue_feels bad man_female_filly_pony_retarded_s.jpeg

fuck off

You didn't answer my question.

stop being such an angry jack

Has monster infighting been done before doom?

fuck off

Same. Tricks and Traps is a classic level.

I like to poison a powerful enemy and then stand in a safe spot and watch him slowly die to the poison damage.

>"have you heard of the high elves?"

>alchemist boss
>throws poisons at you
>isnt just a stat drain, actually does cool shit

Cool shit like neon colors and disorted screen



They should make that a monocle.

Also, first thing that comes to mind with OP is Cho Ren Sha 68K.

That still the best freeware shmup these days?

>borderlands 2
>fucking with goliaths

I like how in the case of Doom it's sort of justified because all the enemies are hellish creatures of hate and rage that are just looking to kill shit without using any genuine strategy, so they would need little excuse to just start laying into each other.

What is this guy from?