Seriously, what were they thinking?

Seriously, what were they thinking?

padding. i liked it, but it was only padding.


Fun? The randomized dungeons were actually better than any level design DaS2 had to offer.

they wanted to make some cool co op dungeon crawling
i dont know why the cooperator leaves after every boss fight though, just kind of defeats the purpose

are you talking about all chalices or just the defiled chalice? Because I kind of agree with you about defiled chalice; it's bosses were way too hard compared to the other depth 4 dungeons. It was a difficulty spike

>defiled amygdala

literally the easiest boss in the game.

I was disappointed that they didn't build off of these and offer an improved version in DaS3.

Defiled Chalice
Fuck the Hotdog

>defiled hotdog
Someone once told me that thing had a shitty hitbox and I'm inclined to believe it due to how many times I got oneshot when I felt like I should have been in the clear. I think it might just be johns

just keep hitting him in the nose when he recoils after an attack, eventually it will break and every hit to his nose thereafter will do like 3x normal damage (until he explodes and heals it). You're expected to do this with his limbs, it's why he has so much HP

One thing I liked about the chalice dungeon were some of the dumber npc summons like Queen Killer

>starts the charge attack
>okay this is easy to dodge
>frame rates drops to 5fps
>miss dodge

I think it was more the 1-hit-kill charge attack that made people rage at hotdog.

Fuck off, randomly generated content is a big fucking meme. Having just one more standard sized hand-crafted area would have been worth trading the entirety of the chalice dungeons.

>queen killer



>killer queen
Is this a fucking Dark Souls reference?

I probably died 20 times like that.

that's so easy to dodge though; he even does a little dance to let you know every time he's about to do it. Ludwig's charge is much harder to avoid

Yeah having that hand-crafted smoldering lake (totally not a chalice dungeon) area was much better.

frame drops.

It might be easier to dodge i the framerate didn't suddenly take a shit when he uses that attack.

No, it's an Ogre Battle reference.

NG+ material.

I wish they had better randomized bosses.

it is easiest but the third stage is BS. The "easy" method to beat it was patched. Even after watching all the vids you could see that it was just all luck. Even the people making the vids have bloodstain because they just died to it. Had to use buffed canon to finish it off. Then they nerfed the canon right after.

>tfw got reamed by hotdog for days
>tfw never had a problem with Ludwig or Laurence.

nah you can still hit the legs, then don't move at all when it jumps

I still do the jump cheese on a regular basis to help random people coop defiled Amy. I did it yesterday, it hasn't been patched.

That charge causes serious frame drops is why.

I had a lot of fun with the chalice dungeons. They provided a nice challenge and expanded the lore. Plus, there were many unique bosses and enemies that were not in the main game making the dungeons more interesting.

no thanks, fuck off

Have they found Guidance III yet?

Will we ever see his face?

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

the idea of puting a shit ton of remixed bosses with a ton different modifiers was fantastic.
the fact you have to suffer through a bunch of same looking coridors for an hour to get to them was a masterstoke of retarded game design though.

>Dark Souls 1 and 3 have boss rush mods
>the game that needs a boss rush mod the most can never ever have one

That's how someone carried me through it. Decided to stream BB on my PS4 one day going through all the chalices for my last trophy and one my whopping 5 viewers came and stomped the boss out with the cannon for me

I've been replaying BB again recently sort of dividing my time between the main game and the chalice dungeons mostly as a way to grind for materials and blood echoes, but I'm actually having a good time. I never really got too far into them, but I'm planning on at least attempting to finish them even though I know how much of a pain in the ass that becomes later on.

I like the idea of good old fashioned dungeon crawling in soulsborne games, I really hope they bring it back in whatever future souls-ish game they make.


Difficulty spikes are all over the place in Bloodborne. It feels kind of pointless to complain about them when there's so many.

What? There's still stuff undiscovered in the game? Surely with the recent unused content discoveries, someone would've found out how to get it.

You can find out what's leftover, but that doesn't necessarily tell you how to get it.

the magic of console gaming

It really is magical. I only wish I had played Bloodborne on release. I know there were a lot of rumors about a beast transformation and some other stuff.

litteraly confirmed nobody have finished the game

you can hack it into your save game but you cannot find it normally

I wish runes could be gifted.

just beat that today. Stayed on its back and kept jumping towards my charged attacks.




>changing some values in the save file is hacking
You're like a little child.