
> mfw can't do shit with with exotics because only one of your characters can use it.

build when soloing. I play around when doing bounties and group events.

>user folder name
>playing an asura
>playing gw2

did i cover everything?


> ready to smash on my college laptop
> ain't got no time fo' dat
> being criticized by a salad people cunt
> Someone mad a game did what FFXIV should have done better

Soudns about right.

trying to get back into this and i just feel so damn behind.

also the game still runs as bad as it did on launch

Try lowing your res and turn off effects. Also, without expansions you can still do a lot of map completion, but if you do by the expansions, buy/play Heart of Thorns first because if you do the Mounts in Path of Fire before you do the Gliding from HoT, the glider will just feel pointless, not to mention the HoT maps are good for farming shit and making money. Also, world bosses are fun to do if you just have the base game, a lot of challenge and good loot.

Christmas mount skins soon

Is that all this fucking Christmas event is that everyone's been hyping?

What do you use besides axe/pistol?

why inspiration if you already have mirage for condi cleanse?

Staff, also swap the pistol with a conch for group stuff to give my squid buffs

It's just what makes the most sense for me with the skills and buffs i use the most.

Mesmers can't use warhorns.

try chaos or illusions, you will deal alot more damage

I'm pretty sure it's the Mirage that lets me.

You don't need Elusive Mind AND Null Field AND Inspiration. Honestly, for open world stuff, Jaunt is enough condi cleanse.

That's not correct. Mirage grants the use of mainhand axes.

Well in able to use my conch offhand somehow, it grants a wall that can buff allies and pull enemies.

Ill try it out, I just know some people didn't rec to do a power build for mesmer here before but I figure everyone has their feel

You are talking about focus

My bad, it looks like a conch. . .

You are playing power mirage with staff and axe? Axe actually does a decent amount of damage on a power build, but sword is so useful

I do axe and focus with my 2 hand staff on the side for ranged and large area damage. I spent the majority of my time on this character with a 2 hand staff so it's what I like, but I do really enjoy the axe with either pistol or focus, swords are cool on other classes, but I like the axe with mirage.

hard to believe we are playing the same game toasterbro

you should make viper or even carrion weapons and armor

Soulbound is wall to wall bullshit whose only purpose is to make you spend more gold. Of course you can always apply yourself and start using ascended gear.

im tired of xiv because yoshi continues to be a clueless hack dishing out the same content for 4 years now should i play this

what do you like about ffxiv?

I'm pretty sure you're retarded.

How hard is it to become okay at the pvp in this game? Is the daredevil expansion that important for a thief?

was there any reaction whatsoever from devs after the mount skin lootbox debacle?



Yes, the current head of the team made a post basically saying "sorry you feel this way, it's going to stay but maybe in the future we'll use lube before fucking you". Which means nothing will change at all, in typical anet fashion.

oh boy whos ready for another re-hashed wintersday

As a thief Id say conquest is 90% about rotation, knowing where to go and where you are needed, map knowlegde and know to pick your fights and 10% actually fighting.
Daredevil is better than Deadeye, yes. You will stomp bad players easier with deadeye but daredevil has better mobility and +1 potential.

I'm ready to make some mad dosh from all the gullible casuals and gambling addicts.


Nice try.

The build I was trying was the Dagger+Pistol and Shortbow build because I didn't have the expansion. I enjoyed the stealth backstab combinations but felt that I wasn't very consistent with it, especially in hectic team fights. Is that something that just comes with practice?

Is pvp still the same "spam all the skills, all of them" shit?

I dont play thief on ranked but I dont think you should be teamfighting at all, even more with at least 1 scourge sitting on mid every match. You just jump on people low on health and get out, you can sync your stealth backstab with steal to pretty much 1shot any class with half hp, abuse this to help team mates across the map and get the fuck out to another point

you don't teamfight with thief. Its all about ganking stragglers, if you don't down them in a couple seconds you back out with stealth/infiltrators arrow and try again.

>playing an asura
There's nothing wrong with playing the best looking race
Have fun playing awkwardly animated human clones completely rotating their wrist and impossibly flinging their arms forward every time they swing a sword

>he doesn't realize the sword handle is flipped over the back of the hand
asura players are cunts. all of them.
heres a quick list of players to 100% avoid:
asura players
female charr players
anyone who plays mesmer

I just play for the dressup and to casually stroll around maps doing heart shit but I'm a bit bored with elementalist

Do Guardians still have that combo where they can take all the debuffs from nearby allies and then turn them into buffs?

That shit was fun to do in PvP

Okay. that sounds like good advice. Just look for people travelling alone from point to point and cap undefended points then?

Let's talk about running animations with 2h weapons out

pretty much.

Im not sure what build you are talking about but Im sure firebrand is better, you can literally hold a point against 3 people and if you have anyone near dealing damage for you you can wipe an entire team.

What happened to /gw2g/ on /vg/? Did it fall apart?

Dont spend to much time trying to 1v1 people you are not sure you can kill though, theres always a point to decap and a teammate in need of +1

Some faggot spammed it femcharr, in retaliation another faggot spammed it with a bot that fetches random posts from other threads, and as always, mods are the biggest faggots.

someone got kicked from all the /vg/ guilds and got so mad they made a bot that spams posts from other generals with new IP's and images

>female charr players

Switch that to all Charr players. I felt fucking dirty doing Ascalon zones for map completion, like I would be legitimitely embarrassed to be seen interacting with a Charr player.

bot made the thread 90% spam for months so eventually people just gave up and let it die

damn shame, I miss the banter

How is Guild Wars 2 still alive?

it became a Second Life chatroom with optional gameplay
just take a peek at the main cities, especially DR, crowded with dull as fuck female humans wearing skirts and whatever shitty fashionable "modern" clothes they have


>Run fractals like one week dailies max (no challanging endgame content anyway besides that and even low lecvels fracs are piss easy)
>buy ascended accessoires and rings>infuse them
>run t2-t3 for a week
>gett 1-2 consisted asc armor drops
you can now run t3 for the rest of your equip or just ignore the rest of equip since exotics are cheap anyway (full equip is like 1 day of doing any activity)

it's a shame the community set itself such a high barrier to entry for raids (muh LI ect) because the raids are really fucking good
the fractal team has been delivering pretty good content too
if you try and ask joko a question he kills you on the spot

Try a mantra healer, youll be buffing shit, doing small amounts of damage and doing decent heal. Nothing to write a home about but since base mesmer is kinda weak anyway, why nt just supporting your mates with some small buffs