*ding ding ding ding*

*ding ding ding ding*
*scout death yell*

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw mainly play scout and engineer on koth
>mini sentry is both the worst thing and the best thing about my life

>*blocks your crit*
>*blocks all of your damage*


I can hit shit with my shotgun just fine but when I try to use the scout that extra movement speed fucks my aim up.

It's all about that low sensitivity

Want me to shitpost for you?

Overwatch is good for aim training as compared to TF2

Because when you play Overwatch, you get used to such a massive degree of basically random shitty movement and tinyass hitboxes that when you go back to TF2 everything will feel like a stationary dump truck in comparison

The best way to practice aim on PC are custom maps for aim training with bots on CSGO, there is a lot of good shit available there.

I fucking love minis. They cause so much salt. Plus you know it's all baddies that complain about it now because it's super easy to destroy them.

Sentry go-go down and up and DAMMIT gotta move that gear

>try to get my friends into tf2
>they all cry because they can't kill every class in a millisecond with hitscan weapons like their favorite game CS:GO

it doesnt block crits anymore

Post your Yee Haws!

That's my problem with getting friends to play any game I like

stop posting this stupid faggot

every twelve seconds a nubian princess dies to this fucker and all anyone ever does is fucking neglect it


That's cool

Even when I tried to get them into Titanfall were you can paste people with hitscan rifles, they all moaned about how the movement wasn't fun.

I'm convinced that in 20 years the top selling fps is gonna be about spawning stationary in a field and the first person to look at the other wins.



I love my engie anons.

>tfw there goes the widowmaker + gunslinger engi
>tfw that engi is me

>TFW Valve won't make cool 2feet vinyl statues of the Sentries


>the engineer finally took over the show

Yes it does, you just have to have the bubble up, it doesn't have the bug of natively blocking crits.

It even says it in the description

So are any of the alternate mediguns still worth it? I used to fucking love the quick fix for being able to keep my whole team topped off without trying and being able to rocket jump with my solly buddies. Maximum team health meant I had maximum chance to unload with my syringe guns and contribute to damage.

Kritzkrieg is amazing on defense on certain maps

Quick-Fix is good if you don't need the uber as much and just trying to keep a lot of people healed

Vaccinator excels as a pocket medigun and if both you and your pocket know how to use it well it can be arguably OP as fuck.

>I never asked for this

Also syringe guns are pretty much outclassed by the crossbow, more reliable long range damage and great utility.

Be good, or I'll shoot you dead

cp_well is too damn big

Some others I got

>playing cp

>ambush a soldier whos engaged with a heavy from behind and airblast him while hes spamming rockets
>he just fucking explodes and I get a reflect kill
I sure am glad valve buffed reflects.

I like cp_well. The water paths are super fun.

I miss arena_well

It is a pretty decent sized map, a lot larger than most maps that I can think of, but I like maps that aren't super cramped and have more space. That being said it's been quite awhile since I've played on either cp_well or granary.



I'm movin' this


hey Sup Forums

>all these engineers

This plus Frontier Justice is the only fun way to play engi


It can be cold when you're sitting around for them sonofabitches, partner


No no no, that's NOT the sound it makes.


>tfw idiot scouts got mini's nerfed into the ground
feels bad and good at the same time
Engie main tip you fucking idiots, shoot the engie

>from the fires of sappers and dispensers, a man was born
>his name...

I don't know why people complain that mini sentries got nerfed
you can still clean house with that and frontier justice

>average campout for me in Wisconsin
>still wears shorts and a light hoodie up in Alaska

Can't explain this, other than it feels gud.

>Only one engineer on the team
>He goes mini sentry

Might as well not even be playing at that point

>scout mains

someone post that webm, you know, that one

>They try and be smart and shoot me instead of the mini
>whip out my angerey stick

Nothing personnel pardner

why not the whole video?

I do this when there are already at least two other engineers or if I want to have fun


hey at least it's not

>read file name

It's not that bad if there's already another engineer with regular sentry, but if you're the only one and with a mini sentry it's not going to do anything but be destroyed immediately, it won't put pressure on the enemy team and it's not really going to help you defend your other buildings.