Type "pubg" on google

>type "pubg" on google
>third suggestion is "pubg ps4"

Other urls found in this thread:


you ile

*blocks your path*

>most powerful console of all time
>silky smooth 15fps in the plane
bravo bluehole

I know, that guy was complaining about people "infringing" on his IP, hurting his bottom line, but won't release his game on one of the most popular gaming consoles in the world.

Wish i had a neck hand.....

> Muh Scrapio

Phil set the bar pretty high for what a console should constitute. Other companies should take notes.

The xbogs one egss
15 fps

>Worst Korea gets the optimised code from the chinks
>Doesn't end up incorporating it into the Xbonex release
>Game is going to run better on phones than xbonex and have additional content.
Feels good.


Here's how it looks on the Pro

Wrong pic

Wrong pic

Xbots suck at shitposts too

>shooters on console
boy im laughing

Wrong pic

enjoy your hackers and chinks I guess

I love how the console war is literally just Sony vs Nintendo now and Xbox is literally forgotten.

One X is 40th on Amazon's best seller list.

pretty good actually. i've seen worse games than this on the xbox running at worse fps at like 720p. not forgetting it's early access 0.51 patch or whatever too.
this is getting a scorpio patch right? are they going to release a pubg bundle because i really want this. i have a good amount of amazon vouchers i can contribute to this too.

They're probably too busy playing games while others are on here, merely talking about games.

> Making exclusivity argument for Xbox

fucking kek

Yeah, all 15 million players.

>tfw selling/trading my ps4 so i can play pubg

best decision i'll probably make. there's no way in hell am i missing out on the biggest game this gen

>people who care abput pubg are stupid

Literally seething

Nigger just buy a mediocre PC

Not only will you be able to play PUBG and save hundreds of dollars, but you're also going to get the best looking multiplatform games going forward. Also the best controller(s) on the market and the best online community. Backwards compatibility is also big since every game looks better now and lots of 360 games are in 4K/60fps for free.

I'm jealous of 13fps?

>type pubg on twitch
>literally no one playing it on xbox except for a few who just laughing at how terrible the game runs

Too bad it has no games


you do know it's a timed exclusive for xbox. They literally said ps4 version is coming next year.

ALthough I didn't know this myself I know tonnes of people who have

>type in pubg in psn store
>no results

Are Xbox fanboys not only bragging about CONSOLE exclusivity of a shit game, but a shit game running at half the framerate of the absolute bottom industry standard?

>the biggest game on console (minecraft) last gen was pc scraps
>the biggest game on console this gen is pc scraps

Seemingly so, I agree it's pretty sad

Nice try cuck

Shit PC scraps that barely function, this time too.

>They literally said ps4 version is coming next year.

no they didn't. i've been following this the whole time and the most they've said is that they're open to other platforms and there was a prediction from a lot of people that the ps4 version would come next year because they said they have 3 versions in the works with 2 being pc and xbox and the 3rd ended up being the shitty mobile port which will release next year. also there's a fuckload of reports saying MS are trying to work with the devs to make this exclusive indefinitely or something along those lines

I knew this game would cause a massive amount of ass pain on here. Now it's about identifying who is a mustard and who is a Sony shill.

enjoy missing out on the biggest game of the gen :)

You're really understating it desu. Even though it's a console exclusive it's either going to be the biggest game since minecraft or the biggest game in history

It's really obvious why people will shitpost about it

With draw-distance worse than low settings...

Good, I have no interest playing this game at 12fps.

so basically a timed exclusive then.

Holy shit, I knew they were pathetic but I had no idea they were THIS pathetic

I have a mediocre PC so I'm covered, I might have to play on low settings but at least it will be above 14 FPS

>12 FPS dips
I know its mostly due the game being terribly optimized, but what the actual fuck.

timed exclusive when it came to mobile getting it. ps4 version will probably never come out.

>mediocre pc
>playing pubg above 13fps
Lol, you spent more than an xbone for worse performance. Great job

I can only imagine how bad this game would run on the Pro. I'm sure that Monster Hunter on the X will run a whole lot better than it does now.

lmao xbox wojak is cute

At least the PC has games


Maybe if a PS4 version comes out by then the console version will be optimized to run at a rock solid 20 FPS.


Wrong pic


yeah just like ark amirite

>timed exclusive
>entire exclusivity period will still be poorly optimized and run at sub 20 FPS
There are people bragging about this

Do u have the social interaction one saved

Let's the Xboners have it. It's their first exclusive since the 360.

Is there a point or are you copy pasting memes trying to stave off a mental breakdown?
Also it ain't just Sony fags making fun of you, everyone is laughing at your joke of a brand.

>he hasn't played the most original and enjoyable game of the gen

>playing a shooter
>with sticks
Come fucking on.

It's also the biggest by an absolutely ridiculous margin.

why does this game make sony fans seeth so hard? it's literally only sony fanchildren who are the ones claiming that xbox is losing for having this game and sony is "winning" for not having this game. bloodborne runs at like 22 fps half the time yet i don't see them saying that's a bad game but when this game averages the same fps it's suddenly the worst game of all time. double standards everywhere

>most original
>literally ripped all the mechanics from rac/resistance and made it open world without the sci fi

Bloodborne is good, pubg isn't.

pubg is good, bloodbore isn't.

neither are good

Nobody is seething or claiming sony won or xbox lost except when it comes to the npd. This is just funny to see after the constant shill threads that actually thought the xbonex was gonna run this at 60fps.

Yeh and that still gets laughed at. Now its time to laugh at pubg on xbone.

You sound like a faggot who watches games instead of playing them

>he types this as he plays bloodbore at cinematic 22 fps

keep crying. bloodbore is shit.
t. ps4 owner