Okami HD to PC

>Okami HD to PC
>Megaman 11 coming soon
>Devil may cry 5
>Devil may cry collection
>Street fighter collection
it seems capcom is going all out next near
but from all this it'd be nice to bring back Onimusha collection and Powerstone collection
what do you guys think?

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Onimusha will never happen because of actor likeness.

They're definitely taking the right steps. Playing Not A Hero right now and its pretty good, RE7 is definitiely a great game now after the DLC.

Hopefully they get MvCI in shape too.

>PC keeps crashng
>memtest86 doesn't give me anything
>only happens when i post here
>suicide seems logical

Devil may cry 5 can not exist.
Dantes story is over.

Where the fuck are you getting those lies?

Sengoku Basara collection


>Dantes story is over.
your life's story is over chump

i always wanted to try that game would be nice to bundle it up in once nice collection

Are you using Firefox? A recent update has completely fucked stability and it's been crashing people's PCs.

And the associated media (particularly the anime) was nice too


I don't know but I'm getting a Sup Forums pass tomorrow to work this out proper.

aside from wanting onimusha as a collection they should include part 4 and the one not many have played is blade warriors

>no effort port
>another non-innovative 2D Megaman
>DMCV ever happening
>going all out
Call me when Capcom is back to how it was during the sixth generation.

Imagine if they released a modernized versions of resident evil 1 2 and 3 along with remake of resident evil 2 lol oh boy

>DMCV ever happening
That one leaker literally confirmed everything and especially DMC5 which will be announced at E3

if there was a game from capcom that you'd like ported as a collection which one would it be?

almost forgot whatever happened to Bionic commando Rearmed 2
it's almost like no one talks about it it feels dead

>not mentioning Breath of Fire

phew.. failed thread lad

it's weird how the 30th anniversary of street fighter doesn't have this game da fuq

I failed you senpai i was trying to think of every capcom game in my head it seems i forgot breah of fire oh shit

>leaker ever confirming anything before the thing is actually announced
Maybe DMCV happens this time, maybe not. But people have been guessing everything under the sun for years and falling for it. Unless the confirming leaker is someone with real long term clout, there's no reason to get excited. And even those who've actually had connections fuck it up sometimes because that's just how these things work. Not everything "leaked" is clear, not everything they hear comes to fruition. Kickstarters reveal just how tumultuous the development process really is that we rarely see otherwise. And that's when they haven't just made a mistake and didn't properly vet their contact.

I'm sorry but isn't this just extremely lazy guys? Did MvC:Infinite flop so badly they are resorting to porting all Le Retro Roms for nostalgiafags to eat up? Is this a sign that they're dying?

Or alpha 3 max

>EA known for micro transactions
>Capcom known for RE RE RE RE RELEASing or PORT PORT PORT PORT

I just want a mvccollecfion with X-men cotaand msh

that mixed with Capcom vs Snk 1 and 2 with online support fuck yeah i don't understand why 3rd strike gets the hd online treatment when they didn't even bother to do the same for CVS 2

i feel old knowing i have the 15th anniversary

Viewtiful Joe would be nice on PC


Damn i actually forgot about that that's another that needs a damn collection for sure

with capcom releasing the street fighter collection i could only wish they brought out street fighter EX collection too

if they made a Capcom vs SNK 2 with HD online Support along with 3 i'd fucking Jizz in my pants

Jesus fucking shit the absolute state of this fucking shithole

Mega Max X games coming too
would be awesome if there was a Megaman Legends 3

thank god, remix sucked, so did 3s online edition. glad these are just the arcade versions.

hope i can boot in to each game directly without going through some "30th anniversary collection" launcher, hate those.

does all of them contain online? or some of them?

>Nero coming back

I'd pay 70€ for an onimusha collection (minus the gba one).

just realized no one talked about Rival Schools oh my gurd

oooh the Onimusha Tactics lol that game was ooookay but yeah i agree best to just emulate that one

But you have multiple versions of SF2 and SF3 to play instead, it's better

Or not.

id pay 70bucks for the onimusha Smash alone

ooh onimusha Blade Warriors

would be Funny if capcom decides to throw in Megaman Soccer in their collection LOL

This turd and the megaman arcade fighter can stay in the trash

Oh brother

with the street fighter collection that just came out imagine if this was also included LMFAO

>forgetting about Monster Hunter, the only franchise that still actually makes them money

i totally forgot about that

i never got to try Saturday night slammers

speaking of Capcom Games Bionic commando Rearmed games were awesome but that 3d one was okay but man they could have been better off making a part 3 instead

Switch has it and it's the best version. HD has shitty music and you can't change the graphics to arcade sprites.

>Retards think new characters and new V-Triggers/Skills are going to fix SFV's core problems
>a cheap Megaman game
>literally nothing confirmed for Devil May Cry 5

What was the point of this thread.

>MHW is actually GOAT
>RE is survival horror again
>AA6 was one of the best games in the series
>REmake 2
>SFV and MvCI are both getting major improvments

Capcom is back.